Basics of Robotics
Basics of Robotics
Basics of Robotics
By Utkarsh Mishra
Class : 9th A
Subject: AI
What is robotics?
Robotics is the combination of engineering,
science and technology that produces a machine
called robot.
Robotics is a domain where people work with the
development and use of robots.
It is mostly used as an alternative of human beings
in various works.
Robotics mainly deals with the design construction
and operation of a robot and the computer systems for
their control, feedback and information processing.
It is a machine that is programmed to perform the
given tasks and gather information from its
It works from a central microprocessor that helps to
control the movements and they have sensors to sense
the environment.
Why robotics ?
The main purpose of robotics is to automate
operations that humans do and replace them with
machines that can do the work with better
As we know robotics is fully automated, it can
process the dangerous and mundane jobs from
humans with high productivity.
While a human be able to do a piece of work at
some speed we can definitely design a robot to do
the same piece of work better, faster, economical
and environmentally friendly.
Because of its long run it can free humans from
dangerous, repetitive and annoying jobs.
Laws of robotics:
Asimov proposed three laws of robotics, they are:
Law 1: A robot may not injure a human being or
through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm
Law 2: A robot must obey orders given to it by human
beings, except where such orders would conflict with
the first law
Law 3: A robot must protect its own existence as long
as such protection does not conflict with the first law.
Types of robots ?
1. Industrial Robots
2. Mobile Robots
3. Educational Robots
4. Domestic Robots
Industrial Robots
Various works such as Welding, material Handling,
Improving Productivity, Inspection are carried out by
There are various types of industrial robots as below:
Mobile Robots
Robots that move around legs, tracks or wheels.
There are types of robots that can even handle
radio active material.
Types of mobile robots are
Land based wheeled, tracked, legged robots
Air based robots –plane, Helicopter
Water based – Submarines
Combinational robots
Educational Robots
Robots that are used in education. They are abled
to bring schools to students who cannot be able to
present Physically.
Types of educational robots are:
Dash and dot
Ozobot bit
Domestic Robots
There are two types one is to perform household
tasks and the other one is modern toy that
performs tasks like talking, walking etc.
Advantages of Robotics:
No human intervention.
Faster, precise and accurate.
They can work 24*7 , so productivity increases.
They can perform multitasking. So manpower gets
They work in dangerous tasks, the risk of human
health and safety is reduced.
There is minimal risk if any failure occurs.
Disadvantages of Robotics:
There are replacing human beings in many places
which leads to widespread unemployment.
They are costly to built.
There is lack of emotions and conscience.
They don’t have on the spot decision making
capability, they act only as they programmed.
When an unexpected situation arises it would be
difficult for a robot to go through it.
Future prospects of robotics:
Many industries have started using robotic technology
such as automotive, defence, pharmaceuticals , textiles,
atomic energy etc. experts says that a moment may
come when robots becomes smarter than humans.
At present robots can rotate base of arm, bend elbow,
rotate wrist etc. In future it may look, feel and act like
Realistic looking skins and hair can be fitted which
allows the robot to react naturally in the environment.
Thank you !!