Chapter 3 Forms of Ownership
Chapter 3 Forms of Ownership
Chapter 3 Forms of Ownership
Choosing a form of ownership
Sole proprietorship
Companies: public company
private company
Corporate corporation
Characteristics of sole
One individual.
Simple to start and end.
Owner is liable for all the
debts of the business.
Capital provided by sole
Business managed by owner.
Sole Proprietorship
Advantages Disadvantages
No restrictions limits to No legal personality
Feeling of isolation
Quick decision making
Unlimited liabilities
few legal requirements
Lack of continuity
All profits belong to
Characteristics of Partnership
Advantages Disadvantages
Combination of new skills Not a separate legal entity
and ideas into a business. Liable for the actions of the
shared responsibilities for other partners
decision making Discussion between partners
share profits and are can slow down decision
therefore motivated to making.
work hard. Problems can arise if one or
Few legal requirements more partners are lazy,
inefficient or even dishonest
The Partnership Agreement
• Articles of partnership
– An agreement listing and explaining the terms of the partnership
– Agreement should state
• Who will make final decisions
• What each partner’s duties will be
• How much each partner will invest
• How much profit or loss each partner receives or is responsible for
• How the partnership can be dissolved
Characteristics of companies
A company is a legal person which has capacity and powers to
act on its own (i.e. the law sees a company in the same light as
a natural person)
Advantages Disadvantages
Separate legal entity Complicated and
Operated by only one expensive to establish
shareholder and 3 Shareholder may be
directors allowed little or no
Easier to input
attract capital Expensive procedures to
investment comply with reporting
Types of corporations
• C-corporation: The most common form of
corporation. It protects the entrepreneur from
being personally sued for the actions and
debts of the corporation.
• Subchapter S corporation: A corporation
that is taxed like a sole proprietorship or
• Nonprofit corporation: Legal entities that
make money for reasons other than the
owner’s profit.
• Limited Liability Company (LLC): A new
form of business ownership that provides
limited liability and tax advantages.
Corporate Corporations
Advantages Disadvantages
– Limited liability – Difficulty and expense of
• Each owner’s financial formation
liability is limited to the – Government regulation
amount of money that he and increased paperwork
or she has paid for the
corporation’s stock
– Double taxation Double
taxation is a term used to describe the
– Ease of raising capital way taxes are imposed on corporate
shareholders and on corporations. The
– Ease of transfer of corporation is taxed on its earnings
(profits), and the shareholders are taxed
ownership again on the dividends they receive from
– Perpetual life those earnings