Lesson 1 Finals April 29
Lesson 1 Finals April 29
Lesson 1 Finals April 29
1. Sole-Proprietorship
Also known as individual entrepreneurship, sole trader, or simply proprietorship, this type of
business ownership involves a person owning and operating the business. It is the simplest
form of business entity commonly found in small businesses and startups.
• The owner has complete control over all aspects of the business, including decision-
making, building strategies, creating objectives, and handling operations.
• The owner is personally liable for all business debts and obligations.
• Setting up a sole proprietorship is relatively easy as it involves minimal paperwork and
legal formalities.
• There is no need to share profits, as anything the business makes belongs exclusively
to the owner.
• Regarding tax benefits, sole proprietorships can report business profits and losses on
their tax returns. The business itself is not taxed separately.
• This form of business may not be able to access capital funding from other
organizations easily.
Disadvantages of Sole-Proprietorship
From unlimited liability to struggling to raise funds, such as:
• Sole-proprietorship owners build their businesses by putting at stake their assets, such
as savings, property, and investments. They are personally liable for any debts and
obligations, which could make this form of business a high-risk investment.
• This factor and the outlook of sole proprietorships make it challenging for the owners
to secure financing and investment capital. The business could discontinue when
resources are depleted for personal or impersonal reasons.
• They work in small teams, so they may lack access to specialized skills, expertise, and
resources that any large company can afford.
2. Partnership
Partnership businesses operate on the merit of legal partnership. A partnership business is
formed when two or more individuals collaborate to operate and manage the business, outlining
each partner’s rights, responsibilities, and profit-sharing arrangements.
Decision Decisions made solely Decisions shared among Decisions made by the
Making by the owner partners board of directors
Legal Few legal formalities are Partnership agreement More legal formalities
Formalities required recommended and regulations
4. Cooperative – is a group of enterprise. It is made up of a number of producers, traders
and consumers who want to produce or trade as a group so that they may avail
themselves of economies of scale which individually they will not be able to obtain.
Advantages of Cooperative
Disadvantages of cooperative