Basic Concepts
TFTs Basic Concepts
TFT-LCD Basic Concepts
What is TFT LCD?
LCD Lighting Theory
Liquid Crystal Operation
TFT Pixel Element
Driving Methods of LCD
Passive Matrix LCD Problems
TFT-based Active Matrix LCDs (AMLCD)
AMLCDs: Operation
Advantages of the active matrix (AM) approach.
Color Filters (RGB)
Display Mode
TFT Resolutions
Basic Concepts
What is TFT LCD?
TFT LCD (Thin Film Transistor Liquid Crystal Display) has a
sandwich-like structure with liquid crystal filled between two
glass plates.
Basic Concepts
What is TFT LCD?
Basic Concepts
What is TFT LCD?
Liquid crystals move according to the difference in voltage between the Color Filter Glass and the TFT Glass.
The amount of light supplied by Back Light is determined by the amount of movement of the liquid crystals in
such a way as to generate color.
Basic Concepts
LCD Lighting Theory
Liquid crystal will rotates into different angles according to the
charges applied to each pixel.
Why we need to control the LC's standing angle lies within millions
of pixels?
Light from the back light module travels from the TFT panel
through ITO electrode, turned by Liquid Crystal and reaches the
LCD panel on the top.
Basic Concepts
LCD Lighting Theory
Basic Concepts
Liquid Crystal Operation
Simple matrix type was used in the first stage of LCDs. In this method, the transparent electrodes
are set on X and Y axis.
There is not switching device.
Schematic representation
simple matrix LCDs
Basic Concepts
Passive Matrix LCD Problems:
Display Size is limited because the more rows, the shorter time the
on-voltage can be applied, resulting in poor contrast ratio, narrow
viewing angle, and fewer gray levels.
Higher sizes
Higher contrast
Higher gray scale
Higher resolution
Higher viewing angle
Faster response. Eliminates “ghosting”
Better control of the color
Basic Concepts
Color Filters (RGB)
Conventional color displays use a pixel arrangement
called RGB. In this arrangement, red, green and blue
pixels are arranged in equal proportion.
at high pixel densities, RGB arrangement is
when the number of pixels is limited, the image
may appear fuzzy. To compensate for this, a
GRGB arrangement can be used
Basic Concepts
Display Mode
Transmissive type TFT LCD: the light travels from the backlight
through color filter and LC then appears on the panel. (high
brightness but more power consumption).
Reflective type TFT LCD contains a reflective mirror, utilizing
the external light for image display. power saving, and light-
weight (without backlight). Ideal for viewing with external light
Basic Concepts
Display Mode
Power saving
Sun light readability
Indoor readability
Basic Concepts
Backlights: CCFL
Advantages Disadvantages
Simple Design Narrow Drive Temperature
Long Life
Direct Type
Advantages Disadvantages
Very Long Life Low Uniformity
High Brightness
Direct Type