Articles 1 7 1
Articles 1 7 1
Articles 1 7 1
a. Attempted
b. Frusrated
c. Consummated
a. Formal felonies — those which are always consumated
because the offender cannot perform all the acts necessary for
their execution without consummating the offense.
a. Composite
b. Compound
c. Complex
d. Continued
e. Continuing
5. As to nature
a. Mala in se
b. Mala prohibita
Intentional Felonies
1. Freedom
1. Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea — A crime is not
committed if the mind of the person performing to act
complained be innocent.
Presumed to exist from the mere doing of a Existence of the intent is not presumed
wrongful act. because it is an ingredient or element of a
The burden of proving the absence of intent The burden of proving the existence of the
is upon the accused intent is upon the prosecution, as such,
intent is an element of the crime.
The purpose to use a particular means to The reason or movinig power which impels
effect such result. one to commit an act for a definite result.
1. Freedom
2. IntIlligence
3. Negligence, imprudence, lack of foresight, or lack of skill
The degree of accomplishment of the crime is The act gives rise to a crime only when it is
taken into account in punishing the offender. consummated.
Rules on mitigating and aggravating Rules on mitigating and aggravating
circumstances apply. circumstances do not apply, unless provided for
by the special law itself.
When there is more than one offender, the degree Degree of participation is generally not taken into
of participation of each in the commission of the account. All who participated in the act are
crime is taken into account. punished to the same extent.
Penalty is computed on the basis of whether the The penalty imposed on the offendersare the
offender is a principal,accomplice, or accessory. same whether they are merely accomplices or
Penalties may be divided into degrees and periods. There is no such division of penalties.
Modifying circumstances are taken into account in Not considered because the law intends to
imposing the penalty because the offender's moral discourage the commission of the act especially
trait is the basis of the crime. prohibited.
Hence, greater perversity deserves a higher penalty,
while lesser depravity deserves mitigation.
Crimes mala in se generally involve moral turpitude. Generally, not involved in crimes mala prohibita.
1. Complex Crimes under Art. 48
A. Compound Crimes
The combination is not specified but it is expressed The combination of the offenses is fixed by law.
in general terms, that is, grave and/or less grave; or
one offense being the necessary means to commit
the other
The penalty is for the most serious offense in the The penalty for the specified combination of crimes
maximum period. is specified.
If there is more than one count of the component There is just one composite crime,to be charged
crime forming part of the complex crime, the first even if there is more than one count of the
shall be complexed while the other counts may be component crime.
treated as separate crime
If a light felony accompanies the commission of the If a light elony accompanied the commission of the
complex crime, the light felony may be subject to composite offense, such light felony is absorbed
separate information.