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Asclepius and The Travellers

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Feedback from your first assessment

Please look at the work you IGCSE MARK

completed last lesson: Leaflet for GRADE
teachers. C 9
D 7
It has been marked and needs your
response. Remember to only write in E 6
F 4
When you have done your feedback, G 3
I will explain what your mark means. U 0-2
Term 1
This term we will be focusing on the different
questions and skills needed to pass this exam.
Exam quiz
1. Are you taking the core of extended paper?
2. What is the first thing you do when you get your exam?
3. How many questions are there?
4. How long is the exam?
5. What do you have to do for question 1?
6. What do you have to do for question 2?
7. What do you have to do for question 3?
8. What % of your GCSE is it?
In order to get a C in the core paper you need to get 30 marks.

This is what we are aiming to do.

Using the assessment sheet in the back of your books- we will

keep a close eye on your progress.

We will start by focusing on

QUESTION 1 of the paper: reading comprehension. [20 marks]
Grade boundaries for paper one (Core)
Mark Grade
C 30 Obviously question one
D 26 is only worth 20 marks-
E 22 so you cannot get a full
F 18 C on this one question
G 14 alone!
U 18
Learning objective: I will show my understanding of the
vocabulary and meaning of words in a passage

I will be able select an

retrieve information

I will be able to explain ideas

in my own words

I will be able explain the

effect of the language in the
Question 1
This question asks you to read a
passage and answer several
questions on it. They will ask you to
select and retrieve information,
explain ideas in your own words and
explain the effect of the language.

Today we will read the passage

about ‘Asclepius And The Two
Travellers’ on page 3 of your text
What do these mean?
• Rocky and rough Group A: Write a
• Rugged
• Midday/ 12:00 paragraph where you
• Noon include all of these words.
• When the sunrises
• Dawn • To form cup shape with hands
• Cup •
Group B: use each word in
A place in Greece
• Piraeus a sentence.
• The capital of Greece
• Athens • Awful or terrible
Group C: Write out the
• Dreadful • A sound (thunder)
word and definition of
• Sour taste
• Rumble each one
• Sharp
Answering the 7 (a-g) questions
(a) Using your own words, explain what is
Helpful tips for these similar or different about the two
types of questions: travellers [2]
Think of synonyms for
words when they say ‘in (b) State the things that Asclepius did
your own words’. when he reached the water. [1]
When you have to state

information- still use a •
full sentence
Answering the 7 (a-g) questions
(c) (i) What did the first traveller say about
Helpful tips for these Athens? [1]
types of questions:

Try to extract the correct (ii) Using your own words, give two reasons
information by reading that the first traveller disliked Piraeus [2]

Again, think of synonyms •

for words and don’t •
repeat yourself!
Answering the 7 (a-g) questions
(d) What two things did Asclepius
Helpful tips for these notice about the water? [2]
types of questions:

Consider how many (e) Using your own words, explain what
marks a questions is. the writer means by: ‘charming place’.
This give you a hint as [2]
to how much to write.

(f) Why did the first traveller shake his

head after talking to Asclepius? [1]
Answering the 7 (a-g) questions
Helpful tips for these
types of questions: (g) (i) Re-read the first paragraph. Explain using your
own words, what the writer means by the words in
i,Think carefully about italics of the following phrases:
the meanings of the
words. If you are (a) ‘walking in the dry, rugged countryside’ [1]
unsure, think about (b) ‘heard a most welcome sound’ [1]
what they mean in the (c) ‘sat down thankfully’ [1]
(ii) The passage starts with a description of
ii, Think about the Asclepius travelling alone. Explain how the words
effect the words have and language in each of the phrases help to suggest
and make sure you give his long and tiring journey. [6]
Learning objective: I will understand how to improve my
marks in order to get a C

I will know what each

question is asking me to do

I will understand why/ why

not I got the __ grade for Q1

I will be able explain how to

improve my marks next time
Answering the 7 (a-g) questions
Helpful tips for these (a) Using your own words, explain what is similar or
types of questions:
different about the two travellers [2]
Think of synonyms The two travellers had a different outlook on life; one was
for words when they positive and one was negative. One had enjoyed Piraeus and
say ‘in your own the other had found it charming. They are both travelling to
words’. Athens. They both enquired about Athens.
(b) State the things that Asclepius did when he
When you have to reached the water. [1]
state information-
Asclepius rinsed his hands and took a drink.
still use a full
Answering the 7 (a-g) questions
Helpful tips for these
(c) (i) What did the first traveller say about
types of questions: Athens? [1]
The first traveller said ‘oh dear’ when he heard about
Try to extract the correct Athens.
information by reading (ii) Using your own words, give two reasons that
the first traveller disliked Piraeus [2]
Again, think of synonyms The traveller found Piraeus to be unhygienic and too
for words and don’t busy.
repeat yourself!
Answering the 7 (a-g) questions
(d) What two things did Asclepius notice about the water? [2]
Helpful tips for Asclepius noticed it was cold and steaming.
these types of
questions: (e) Using your own words, explain what the writer means by:
‘charming place’. [2]
Consider how ‘Charming place’ suggests that the traveller thought it was a
many marks a beautiful place that was very appealing. It is suggested that he
questions is. would like to return.
This give you a
hint as to how
(f) Why did the first traveller shake his head after talking to
much to write.
Asclepius? [1]
The first traveller shook his head after talking to Asclepius because
he was disappointed that Athens would be as horrid as Piraeus.
Helpful tips for
these types of
questions: Answering the 7 (a-g) questions
(g) (i) Re-read the first paragraph. Explain using your own
i,Think carefully
words, what the writer means by the words in italics of
about the
meanings of the the following phrases:
words. If you are (a) ‘walking in the dry, rugged countryside’ [1]
unsure, think
(b) ‘heard a most welcome sound’ [1]
about what they
(c) ‘sat down thankfully’ [1]
mean in the
sentence. • (a) ‘walking in the dry, rugged countryside’ Rugged means the
landscape is rough and wild.
ii, Think about the • (b) ‘heard a most welcome sound’ Welcome means that he was happy
effect the words to hear it.
have and make • (c) ‘sat down thankfully’ Thankfully means that he was happy to sit and
grateful for the opportunity.
sure you give 2
Helpful tips for
these types of
Answering the 7 (a-g) questions
(ii) The passage starts with a description of Asclepius
i,Think carefully travelling alone. Explain how the words and language in
about the each of the phrases help to suggest his long and tiring
meanings of the journey. [6]
words. If you are
• (a) ‘walking in the dry, rugged countryside’ Rugged
unsure, think
about what they suggests the ground was uneven making it hard to walk on
mean in the and therefore making the journey more difficult. .
sentence. • (b) ‘heard a most welcome sound’ Welcome suggests that
he was getting desperately in need of a drink. It also
ii, Think about the suggest that the river itself is making him feel comfortable.
effect the words • (c) ‘sat down thankfully’ By being highly appreciative of
have and make this opportunity for a rest, it show that Asclepius has come
sure you give 2 a long way and is fatigued.
What grade to you achieve?

Mark Grade

12 C
10 D
9 E
8 F
7 G
Question 2: Responding to the text
Imagine that you are Asclepius, the main character in Passage A. When you return home that
evening you write your journal entry for the day.
In your journal entry you should:
• discuss your journey
• give your impressions of the two travellers
• explain your reasons for what you said to both travellers

Base your journal entry on what you have read in Passage A, but do not copy from it.
Be careful to use your own words. Address each of the three bullets.

Begin your journal entry: ‘’I was out walking…’.

Write about 200 to 300 words.
Up to 10 marks are available for the content of your answer, and up to 5 marks for the
quality of your writing.

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