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 Read all questions carefully.
 Learn time management.
 Solve all mock papers on A-4 sized ruled sheets.
 Date of submission of Holiday’s homework:-
English,Hindi,IIIrd Lang. :15 Jan 2019
Science, S.Sc., Maths, Computer:17 Jan 2019

General instructions:
(i) All the questions are compulsory. Attempt all the sections.
(ii) You may attempt any section at a time.
(iii) All the questions of a particular section should be attempted in the correct order.
(iv) This paper contains 3 sections:
SECTION A - Reading 20 MARKS
SECTION B- Writing Skills + Grammar 30 MARKS
SECTION C- Literature + Long Reading Text 30 MARKS


Q1. Read the passage carefully – (10)

Food can maintain and save life. It can destroy life as well. Proper food serves as
medicines. Improper food works as poison. A little care about the quality and quantity of food
will keep us healthy and happy. If we go about eating all sorts of things, we shall become sick.
We take pride in calling ourselves civilized. Being sensible means to know the difference
between good and bad, right and wrong. It will not do to become slaves to our tongue or taste.
Even cattle, birds and beasts eat only what is best for their body. We mostly eat processed food
and refined sugar. We pay heavily for junk food, for Chinese dishes or deep fried snacks. As a
result we catch diseases. We have drifted away from mother nature. We laugh at the rules of
hygiene, healthy diet and the advice of our elders. This has given rise to diabetes. We offer
chocolates, cakes and ice-creams too often to our children. We also attend parties or dine out
every day. This way we invite obesity and diabetes.
On the basis of the reading of the passage complete the following sentences:(5*2=10)

a. The functions of food is to

b. ‘Improper food’ means

c. ‘Civilized life’ implies that

d. “We have drifted away from nature” means
e. Modern life style and food habits invite

Q2. Read the poem carefully and answer the following questions given below: (10)
When storm‐clouds rumble in the sky and
June showers come down
The moist east wind comes marching over the heath
to blow its bagpipes amongst the bamboos
The crowds of flowers come out of a sudden
from nobody knows where,
and dance upon the grass in wild glee.
Mother, I really think the flowers go to school underground
They do their lessons with doors shut,
and if they want to come out to play before it is time,
their master makes them stand in a corner.
When the rains come they have their holidays.
Branches clash together in the forest
and the leaves rustle in the wild wind,
the thunder‐clouds clap their giant hands and
the flower children rush out in dresses of
pink, yellow and white.
Do you know, mother, their home is in the sky,
Where the stars are.
Haven’t you seen how eager they are to get there ?
Don’t you know why they
are in such a hurry ?
Of course, I can guess to whom they raise their arms
they have their mother
as I have my own .
‐Rabindranath Tagore
Given below is the summary of the poem. Fill in the blanks with one suitable word to
complete the summary. (10 Marks)
After the first shower of June, when the (a) _________ wind
approaches blowing its (b) __________ to herald the advance
of (c) __________ season, the (d) __________ bloom and
(e)__________ upon the grass in (f) __________ happiness. The
poet thinks that before the arrival of spring, the flowers go to an
(g) __________ school and learn their lesson. They have their
holidays only when it rains and they come out rushing in colourful
dresses. The sky is their home towards which they raise their (h)
__________ because their (i) __________ lives there and they
are always in a (j) __________ to go home.

Q.3 Write a letter to your friend to invite him/her to attend “Kala Mahautsav” being held in
your city. Write details like date, time and venue. (5)
You are Amith/ Amitha , School Captain, D.P.S, Gurgaon. Write a notice in about
50 words for your school notice board about a ‘Fancy Dress Competition’ for the
Middle Department. Give all the details like date, time, venue etc., from your side.
Q4. Social Media sites are very popular among teenagers. They spend majority of their free
time on these sites, socialising with their friends. Prepare a speech to be delivered in the
morning assembly on the topic- ‘Social Media-Good or Bad for children?’ (5)

Today you visited a zoo which made you sad about the plight of the caged animals. So you
decided to write a diary entry about your feelings. Write the entry in about 100-120 words
about your feelings.

Q5. Write a story in about 150-200 words with the following beginning and give a suitable title
to it. (5)
It had been over two hours waiting for the train. Ruhi was getting restless. Suddenly
Design a poster warning the people of Delhi against the danger of pollution and appealing them
to keep their surroundings clean. You may use slogans. Don’t exceed 50 words.

Q6. Make questions of the following sentences, as instructed: (2)

a)You should meet them. ( Yes/No Ques.)
b) They are leaving tonight. ( Wh. Ques.)
Q7. Add question tags: (2)
a)Don’t shut the window,_______?
b)Maria behaved nicely, ________?
Q8. Add ‘So/Neither + auxiliary + subject’: (2)
a)Gig woke up early. _____________________
b)Stuart hasn’t brought his car. ________________________
Q9.Fill in the appropriate modals: (2)
a)You _______ come tomorrow.
b)I _______ to go to the doctor’s clinic as I was sick.
c)Nobody is answering phone. They ________ me out.
d)We ________ help the blind.
Q10. Punctuate the following sentences: (2)
a)derek where have you been last week
b)the building needs to be renovated suggested the architect yes I agree said the manager
Q11. Write the synonym : (1)
Q12. Fill in the correct word: (1)
a)This is the longest ______ to my new factory.( root/route)
b)Who will you _________ for? ( canvas/ canvass)

Q13.Change the voice, as instructed: (2)

a)Baird invented television. ( passive voice)
b)The work must be finished today. ( active voice)
Q14. Correct the spellings: (1)

Q15. Read the following stanza and answer the questions: 4*2=8
Break, break, break
On thy cold gray stones, O sea!

And I would that my tongue could utter

The thoughts that arise in me.
a)Name the poem and its poet. (1)
b) What is being addressed in the first line? (1)
c)What does the speaker wish? (1)
d) Write the rhyming scheme. (1)
Q16. Read the lines given below and answer the following questions:
Today, he came in crying out, “The Everest has been conquered. They have reached the top.”
a)Name the chapter and its writer. (1)
b)Who brought the news? (1)
c)Who had climbed up the Mt. Everest ? (1)
d)What was the reaction of people? (1)
Q17. Answer these questions: (4*2=8 MARKS)
a)Why did the seagull’s parents scold and threaten him?
b)”I know just how to deal with the situation”. What kind of a situation is the narrator talking
about in ‘My Unknown Friend’ and how is he going to deal with it ?
c) What was Bobby’s own space rocket like?
d)In what words does the snail decline the invitation? Are those words formal or informal?
Q18. Why does everyone flee when Bottom returns from the hawthrone brake? (4)
Q19. Long reading text questions: (5*2=10 Marks)
a)What did Kiran Bedi tell about women-improvement?
b) Describe the character of Alfred Nobel.

samaya ¹3 GaNTo
AiQaktma AMk ¹80
saamaanya inado-Sa ¹1´p`Sna p~ QyaanapUva-k pZo, ,.
2´[sa p`Sna p~ ko caar KND hO .caara oKND k¸K¸ga¸Ga krnao Ainavaaya- hO.
3´yaqaasaMBava saBaI p`SnaaoM ko ]<ar k`maanausaar ilaiKe .
4´spYT AaOr Sauw laoKna ka Qyaana riKe .
KND ¹k³Apizt baaoQa ´
P`aSna ¹1´inamnailaiKt gad\yaaMSa kao pZ,kr pUCo gae p`SnaaoM ko ]<ar ilaiKe. ³8´

p`Sna ¹2´inamnailaiKt kavyaaMSa kao pZ,kr pUCo gae p`Snaa oMko ]%tr ilaiKe . ³7´
caah nahI maOM saurbaalaa ko gahnaaoM maoM gaUÐqaa jaa}Ð.
caah nahI p`omaI maalaa maoM ibaMQa PyaarI kao lalacaa}Ð..
caah nahI sam`aaTaoM ko Sava pr ko hir Dalaa jaa}Ð.
caah nahI dovaaoM ko isar pr caZUÐ Baagya pr [zlaa}Ð..
mauJao taoD laonaa vanamaalaI ]sa pqa pr donaa tuma ÔoMk.
maatRBaUima pr SaISa caZanao ijasa pqa jaaeÐ vaIr Anaok..
k´ puYp vanamaalaI sao @yaa inavaodna krtaa hOÆ
K´ puYp kao ikna caIjaaoM kI caah nahIM hOÆ
ga´ puYp kI [cCa @yaa hOÆ
Ga´ ‘rasta’ ka samaanaaqaI- ilaiKe.

KND ¹K ³vyaavahairk vyaakrNa ´

p` 3 k´ saMiQa k-aijae ¹Á Baanau + ]dya ‚ hir + [-Sa ³2´
K´ kala ka Baod ilaKao¹ gaaiyaka Bajana gaa rh-a hO. ³1´
ga´ ik`yaa ivaSaoYaNa roKaMikt krko Baod ilaiKe ³1´
baahr ek Aadma-a baOza hO.
Ga´ vat-naI SaudQa kIijae ¹ 1´caUha ibala mao Gausa gayaI. ³2´
2´ hma hmaara kama kroMgao.
D´ laaokaoi> ka Aqa- ilaKa¹o CaoTa mauÐh baD-a baat ³1´
P`a 4 k´ ‘ poD sao pta igara ’ kark ka Baod ilaiKe . ³1´
K´ ‘ gamalao maoM dao fUla iKlao hOM.’ vaa@ya maoM ivaSaoYaNa roKaMikt kro. ³1´
ga´ ‘ AvagauNa’ Sabd sao ]psaga- Alaga krko ilaiKe. ³1´
Ga´ ‘saozana-a’ Sabd sao p`%yaya Alaga kro. ³1´
D´ ‘maala-a paOQao lagaa rha qaa’ vaa@ya maoM ik`yaa ka Baod ilaiKe. ³1´

P`a 5 k´ ‘vaayau maoM calanao vaalaa ¸vaa@yaaMSa ko ilae ek Sabd ilaiKe . ³1´
K´ ‘ saonaa ka pit’ sao samast pd banaa[e. ³1´
ga´ ‘ klaojaa zMDa haonaa’ mauhavaro ka Aqa- ilaiKe ³1´
Ga´ ‘Kcaa-’¸ ‘Aaya’ Sabd ka ivalaaoma ilaiKe . ³2´

P`a 6 k´ ‘pva-t’ va ‘sauMdr’ Sabd ko 2¹2 pyaa-yavaacaI Sabd ilaiKe. ³2´

K´ inamna ekaqa-k SabdaoM ko Aqa- ilaiKe¹ Ap-Na ‚ p`dana. ³2´
KND ¹ga ³paz\yapustkoM´
p`Sna ¹7´inamnailaiKt p`SnaaoM ko ]%tr ilaiKe. ³12´
k´ Kanapana ko maamalao maoM sqaana-ayata ka @yaa Aqa- hO Æ
K´ maaor maaorna-a ko naama iksa AaQaar pr rKo gaeÆ
ga´ ha^k-a kao Baart ka raYT/-aya Kola @yaaoM maanaa jaata hOÆ
Ga´ gaaMQa-aja-a nao AaEama k-a sqaapnaa kba k-a qa-aÆ
D´ AaÐK maoM itnaka pDnao ko baad GamaMDI kI @yaa dSaa hu[-Æ
ca´ kivata ivaPlava gaayana ka maUla Baava spYT kIijae.

p`Sna ¹8´ inamnailaiKt kavyaaMSa pZ,kr pUCo gae p`SnaaoM ko ]<ar ilaiKe . ³4´
jaagaao baMsa-avaaro lalanaaÑ
jaagaao maaoro PyaaroÑ
rjana-a ba-at-a¸ Baaor Bayaao hO¸ Gar Gar Kulao ikvaaro.
k´kivata va kvaiya~-a ka naama ilaiKe ,.
K´ iksa samaya ka vaNa-na hOÆ
ga´ maaÐ yaSaaoda iksao jagaa rh-a hOÆ

p`Sna ¹9´ icantnaprk p`Sna ³4´

kuÐvar isaMh nao gaMgaa kao Apnaa haqa kaTkr @yaaoM Aip-t kr idyaaÆ

p`Sna ¹10´ pUrk puistka p`Sna ³10´

k´ ir@t sqaana Barao
i ´ AiBamanyau ka palana paoYaNa ÖÖÖÖ maoM huAa.
` ` `ii ´ ÖÖÖ nao vana gamana k-a [cCa p`kT k-a.
iii´ ÖÖÖ ATzavana idnaaoM tk Sar SaOyaa pr pDo rho.
iv´ yaudQa ÖÖÖ maoM huAa qaa.
v´ kRYNa nao ÖÖÖ kao ja-aivat ikyaa.
KND ¹Ga³laoKna kaOSala ´
p`Sna ¹11´ AnaucCod ilaiKe . ³5´
(saMkot ibaMdu ¹ BaUimaka¸ Aqa-¸ p`Baava¸ mah%va¸ ]psaMhar´
p`Sna ¹12´ p~ ilaiKe ³5´
Apna-a manapsaMd pustk Kr-adnao ko ilae iptaja-a kao p~ ilaKkr pOsao Baojanao ka AnauraoQa
p`Sna ¹13´ ica`~ vaNa-na k-aijae. ³5´

Time: 3 hour M.M-80

SECTION A carry 1 mark questions
SECTION B carry 2 marks questions
SECTION C carry 3 marks questions
SECTION D carry 4 marks questions
Q.1 Find the multiplicative inverse of .
Q.2 Solve:

Q.3 Find the number whose 6% is 24.

Q.4 Express in decimal: 0.9%
Q.5 Which one is not a case of congruency?
1. SSS 2. AAA 3. RHS 4. SAS
Q.6 Name a triangle with both line and rotational symmetries of order more then 1.
Q.7 Select the figure which have rotational symmetry of order 3.

Q.8 What is the circumference of the circle if 7 cm is the radius?

Q.9 Solve the following equation:-
3(X-4)= 4(3x+1)
Q.10 Fill in the blanks to make correct sentence:-
(a) In the ratio 4:15, 4 is called the first term or_________ whereas 15 is called the second term
b) If two ratios are equivalent, then the four quantities are said to be in _____________.
Q.11Selling price of a toy is Rs 540.If the profit made by the shopkeeper is 20%, what is the
cost price of this toy?
Q.12 In the given figure, AB=AC and AD is the bisector of .Prove that


Q.13 (a) Give an example of a geometrical figure which has neither a line of symmetry nor
rotational symmetry.
(b) Write the number of line of symmetry in an isosceles triangle.
Q.14 Multiply the sum of -3/11 and 6/22 by the product of 4/7 and -14/9.
Q.15 construct a right angled ABC in which angle B=90o , AB=4cm, and AC=5cm.
Q.16 Find the simple interest on Rs 1500 at 6% per annum for 3 years .Also find the amount.
Q.17 The length of a rectangle is 3 units more than breadth and the perimeter is 22 units. Find
the length and breadth of the rectangle.
Q.18 Construct a ABC in which AB=5.5cm, BC=5.2cm and AC=4.3cm. Also write down the
steps of construction.
Q.19 If the price of a watch is increased by 15% , the increase in the price is Rs 90. What was
the price of watch earlier?
Q.20 Draw lines of symmetry in each of the following figure:

Q.21 Draw the net pattern of cuboid , cylinder & tetrahedron.

Q.22 A rectangular park is 45 m long and 30 m wide. A path 2.5 m wide is constructed outside
the park. Find the area of the path.
Q.23 Find the mean, median and mode of the given data. 28,33,33,40,41,43,47,48,50.
Q.24 Simplify the given equation and check whether they are equal or not?
(2/3 4/15) 1/-3 and2/3 (4/15 1/-3)
Q.25 Two present ages of A and B are in the ratio 5:6. Three years
Q.26 Four containers can hold 101litre of milk.
(a) How much milk will 7 containers hold?
(b) How many containers will hold 252.5 litre of milk?
Q.27 Find the area of the shaded region:

Q.28 a) A die is tossed once. Find the probability of getting

i) number 4
ii) a number greater than 4
b) Identify the front and side view of the given figure:

29 The area of a parallelogram ABCD with AB=40cm and the corresponding altitude
DE=18cm is equal to that of another parallelogram PQRS with side QR=36cm. Find the
altitude of this parallelogram to the side QR.
Q.30 Given alongside is the data of school going students (boys and girls):
Draw a double bar graph to represent the given data and hence answer the following questions:
i) Which mode of transport is used by more students?
ii) Which mode of transport is used by more number of girls than the number of boys?
Mode of School bus walking bicycle Other vehicles
boys 75 120 240 150
girls 135 60 180 90


Section –A ( 2*1=2 )
Q1) How to trees reduces noise pollution?
Q2) Name a device which prevents loss /gain of heat by any mode of heat transfer?
Section –B (9*2=18)
Q3) An electrician is carrying out some repairs in your house . He wants to replace a fuse by a
piece of wire,Would you agree? Give reason for your response.
Q4) A car moves with a speed of 40 km/h for 15 min and then with a speed of 16km/h for next
15 minutes . Find the total distance covered by the car.
Q5) Explain the difference between self pollination and cross pollination.
Q6) Why is blood needed by all parts of a body?
Q7)Why does an athlete breathe faster & deeper than usual after finishing the race ?
Q8) Give one use of concave and convex mirror each
Q9) Blue litmus paper is dipped in a solution it remains blue. What is the nature of
Q10) Why do woollen clothes keep us warm when it is cold outside ?
Q11) Why is conservation of water more relevant today than about ten decades back?
Section –C ( 10*3=30)
Q12) Discuss the different ways of seed dispersal in plants by giving examples.
Q13) Draw distance time graph for –
a)A body moving with constant speed
b)A car parked at road side
c) An object moving with increasing speed
Q14) Differentiate between aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
Q15) Why forests are considered as “Green Lungs” ?
Q16) Explain any three factors which are responsible for depletion of water table .
Q17) a) Why do short circuit occurs in our homes?
b) Can an electro magnet be used for separating plastic bags from a garbage heap?Explain.
Q18) Explain the image formation in concave and convex lens with diagram
Q19) What are decomposers? Name any two decomposers .Write their role in forest .
Q20) Explain any three examples to show neutralisation in daily life.
Q21) Why is heat transfer by convection possible only in liquids & gases?
SECTION-D (6*5=30)
22) Explain the working of electric bell,with diagram & principle involved in it.
23)a. Explain the structure of human heart with diagram.
b. How blood circulation takes place in our body?
24) How does fertilisation takes place in plants?Draw diagram also.
25)Explain the formation of rainbow.
b.What type of mirror is used in following;
1.search light 2.shaving mirror 3.side view mirror
Give reasons.
26)a. A girl takes 15 min from her house to reach to school on her cycle. If speed of cycle is
2m/s,Calculate the distance between her house & school.
b. A simple pendulum takes 32 sec to complete 20 oscillations what is the time period of
27. Explain the causes and consequences of deforestation.


Time 3 hrs. Max. Marks 80.

 Attempt all parts of sample paper.
 Sample paper consist three parts A , B and C. History , Social and political life and
Geography respectively.
Note: Q 1to Q5 carry 1 mark each.
Q1. Aurangzeb ruled for about................ years.
Q2.Vasco da Gama was a .............. sailor.
Q3.Akbar nama was authored by ?
Q4.Where was Ahoms inhabited?
Q5. The sufis stresses on selfless love and ....................... .
Note: Q 6 to Q 10 carry 3 marks each.
Q6 Describe briefly Todarmal’s ‘ bandobast’.
Q7. Describe the significance of port town.
Q8.Name three bhakti saints and explain their philosophy or beliefs.
Q9. Describe the main features of classical dances of India.
Q10. What were the combined forces of the sikh army called?
Note : Q 11 and Q12 carry 5 marks each.
Q11. In what ways were the Alvars different from the Nayanars?
Q12. Explain beliefs and practices of Kabir.


Note : Q 1to Q3 carry 1mark each.
Q1. What is brand?
Q2. Define media.
Q3. Define grocery shop.
Note : Q4 to Q7 carry 3 marks each.
Q4. Explain benefits of neighbourhood shop .
Q5. How are the exporter and the importer able to make a big profit?
Q6. Why it is necessary to advertise a product ?write three points.
Q7. Why does the press need to be honest?

Note : Q8 and Q9 carry 5 marks each.

Q8. Explore the relationship between advertising and democracy.
Q9. Describe the functions of wholesaler.

Q1. Define natural vegetation . (1 mark)
Note : Q2 to Q4 carry 3 marks each .
Q2. Why transport is important for trading?
Q3. Write a note on the climate of Ganga Brahamputra Basin.
Q4. What is an Oasis? How is it formed?
Note: Q5 to Q7 carry 5 marks each.
Q5. Distinguished between rural and urban settlement.
Q6. Give the broad comparison between Ladakh and Sahara.
Q7. On an outline map of India mark and label the following:
b. Karakoram Range
c. Zanskar Range
d. Leh
e. Khardungla



Q1. REPONDEZ - (2x5=10)

A) Qui a écrit cette carte?



B) Ce document est

Un message amical

Un message formel

Un message professionnel

C) Pourquoi la personne a écrit cette carte?

Pour inviter son amie

Pour fixer un rendez-vous

Pour faire de la publicité

D) L’anniversaire a lieu à moment de l’année?



E) Quelle est la date ?
 19 mars
 19 juin
 19 julliet
Q3. Écrivez le contraire. (5)
A) après ≠ b) loin de≠
C) sous≠ d) derrière≠
E) sur≠
Q4. Complétez avec les articles au, a'la,a'l', aux, à (5)

1. Je vais ____ plage

2. Je vais ___ école
3. Je vais ___ étage
4. Je vais ____ ’hotel
5. Les garcons parlent_____élèves.

Q5) Complètez avec les articles du,dela,des,de,del',d'. (5)

A) c'est la table _________ professeur.
B) voici la maison _________ étudiant.
C) c'est l'ami __________ petite fille,
D) qui a le stylo _________ élèves.
E) où est la soeur _________ Manuel.

Q6) Complètez les phrases en utilisant l'article partitif ou l'article défini. (6)
A) Je prends __________ beurre et __________ confiture.
B) Pierre ne boit pas ________ thé , Il n'aime pas _________ thé.
C) Vous n'aimez pas ________ viande ? Non, Jepréfère ______ poulet.
D) Il veut ________ jus de fruits mais Il ne veut pas _________ eau,
E) Il y a _________- pommes?
F) Elle prépare ________ gateau pour le dîner.

Q7) Trouvez la question. (6)

A) Ce sont des stylos.
B) Il y a cinq crayons pour étudiants.
C) Il habite à Delhi.
D) Mon livre est dans le sac.
E) Ma cuisine est professeur.
F) Il fait chaudà Delhi.
Q8) Accordez les adjectifs: (4)
A) La salade est _________ (délicieux)
B) Jaques est une très _______ (joli) fille.
C) Il déteste les gens _________(blond).
D) Jeanne est très _________ (heureux).
Q9) Conjuguez les verbes. (12)
A) Tu _______ les livres à Pierre. (rendre)
B) Vous ________ la verité (dire)
C) Les élèves ne ________ pas (mentir).
D) Nous _______ ta voix (entendre).
E) Elle _______ à l'écoletous les jours (venir).
F) Nous _______ l'anglais (comprendre).
G) Je _______ le bus pour l'école (prendre).
H) Mon frère ______ avec moi (battre).
I) Marie et Jaques _______ unelettre(écrire).
J) Tu ________ aurez-de-chaussée(déscendre).
K) Te ____pas pour voyages del'école.
L) Nous______du jus de fruit.(vouloir)
Q10 ) ) Complétez avec l'adjectif possessif convenable (10)
1. Nous avons oublié _____ parapluie.
2. 2. C'était _____ question.
3. Ils ont acheté _____ maison il y a deux ans.
4. Henri aime beaucoup _____ femme.
5. Nicolas, _____ soeur est très intelligente.
6. Sarah, cherche _____ frère.
7. Voici _____ stylos.
8. _____ parents détestent conduire.
9. Où sont _____ livres?
10. Jean et Sylvie aiment _____ voiture.


Q11. List of the names of the countries with the help of flags given : (3)

a. B. C.
Q12. Name two famous monuments of france (2)

q.13 name two famous French celebrities (2)

TIME: 3Hrs
Ü1: was past zusammen? (8)
1.Wem gehört die schere? A. Nein, mein spitzer ist blau.
2.Wem gehrt das Buch? B. Es gehört Gina.
3. Wem gehören die Filztifte? C. Nein, es gehört jorg.
4. Gehört der Spitzer dir? D.Nein, das sind nicht meine.
5. Gehört das Lineal Daniel? E. ja, es gehört mir.
6. Ist das dein Mappchen? F. Sie gehören Lukas.
7. Sind das deine Schulsachen? G. ja,er gehört mir.
8. Ist das dein Textmarker , Mia? H. Sie gehört mir.

Ü2. Ich und du : mein/ meine…. Deine/ deine? Schreib sätze (6)
Ich du
1. Handy ___________________________________________________________.
2. Uhr ____________________________________________________________.
3. kappe _____________________________________________________________.
4. Pulli ______________________________________________________________.
5. Rock _______________________________________________________________.
6. Uhr _______________________________________________________________.

Ü3. Bilde Satze. (6)

1. Wir. Goa. Im. Nach. Juli. Fahren
2. Heute. Wetter. Ist. Das. Wie.?
3. Du. Fahrst. Urlaub. Wohin. In .?
4. Winter. Im. Schneit. Es
5. Deutsch lernen. Will. Und. Ich. Deutschland. Nach. Fahre
6. Sommer. Ich.im . ans. Fahre. Meer
Ü4. Stell fragen: (10)
1. ________________________________? - Im Sommer
2. ________________________________? - Im Juni fahre ich ans Meer
3. ________________________________? - Dort ist es heiss.
4. ________________________________?- Ich will baden und surfen
5. _______________________________? - Es ist sehr heiss.
6. _______________________________?- Hannah hat doch deinen Pullover!
7. _______________________________ ? - Hier ist er !
8. _______________________________? - Tanzen und lernen.
9. _______________________________? - Ich brauche das Fahhrad.
10. ______________________________ ? - Nein, aber ich will es lernen.
Ü5. Ergänze: Akkusativ (8)
1. Ich finde m_____ Pullover nicht.
2. Mario hat s_____ USB- Stick.
3. Wir suchen U____ Faharrad.
4. Tina hat i_____ Tennisschlager vergessen.
5. Stefan sucht s_____ USB-Stick.
6. Frau weigel, ich finde I______ Schuhe sehr elegant.
7. Was suchst du? D_______ jeans?
8. Evelyn braucht i_______ Strumpfe.
Ü6. Was past zusammen ? (7)
1. Ich werde nachste woche 11. A. Iss einen Hamburger!
2. Ich gebe eine Party. B. Sei pünktlich!
3. Ich komme gern. C. Bring deine CDs mit!
4. Ich habe Hunger. D. Gib eine Party!
5. Ich habe Durst. E. Lad auch Markus ein!
6. Ich gehe einkaufen. F. Trink eine cola?
7. Ich komme zur party. G. Kauf Brot und Milch!
Ü7. Ergänze: wer oder wen? (5)
1. ___________ soll ich kaufen?
2. ___________ kommt zur party?
3. ___________ siehst du in der schule?
4. ___________ bringt etwas zum Essen mit?
Ü8. Schreib die jahre? (5)
1. 1994 ________________________________________.
2. 2008 ________________________________________.
3. 1989_________________________________________.
4. 1833 ________________________________________.
5. 1875 ________________________________________.
Ü9. Schreiben sie die Possessiv Artikel : Akkusativ (5)
Subjekt m f n plural



er, es, sie



Sie/ sie

Ü10.Liesdentext (5)
Heute ist der erste Schultag. Lena steht mit ihrer Schultüte vor der Schule. Sandra, Susanne
und Paul sind auch da. Die Kinder kennen sich aus dem Kindergarten. Jetzt gehen sie in die
gleiche Klasse. Sie freuen sich schon auf den Unterricht. Lena freut sich besonders auf das
Rechnen. Sandra und Susanne aufs Schreiben. Und Paul? Paul sagt, er freut sich besonders auf
die Pausen.

In der Klasse lernen sie ihren Lehrer, Herrn Mayer, kennen. Herr Mayer ist noch sehr jung und
lustig. In der ersten Stunde lernen die Kinder das ABC-Lied. Alle singen begeistert mit.

Danach schreibt der Lehrer die ersten Buchstaben an die Tafel: A wie Affe, B wie Banane.
Herr Mayer zeichnet einen Affen dazu, der einen Banane frisst. Die Kinder lachen laut. Dann
läutet auch schon die Schulglocke.

Der erste Tag in der Schule ist vorbei. Vor der Schule warten die Eltern auf die Kinder. Die
Kinder erzählen vom ersten Tag. Sie freuen sich schon auf morgen.

1 ) In welche Klasse geht Lena?

a) In die erste Klasse b) In die zweite Klasse c) c) In die dritte Klasse d) In die vierte
2) Wie heißen Lenas Freunde?
a) Herr Mayer b) Sandra, Susanne und Paul
c) Lena hat noch keine Freunde in der Schule. d) Karl, Esra und Maya
3) Wie heißt ihr Lehrer?
a)Herr Muller b)Frau Schuster c)Herr Mayer d)Frau Meier
4) Was machen die Kinder in ihrer ersten Stunde?
a)Sie lessen ein Buch b)Sie rechnen c)Sie machen sport d)Sie singen ein Lied
5)Was zeichnet der Lehrer an die Tafel?
a) Ein Auto und einen Hubschrauber b) Einen Löwen und einen Elefanten
c) Einen Luftballon und einen Clown. d) Einen Affen und eine Banane
Ü11. Welche Verben passen? (Fahren, gehen, lernen, bleiben, wohnen, baden,
schwimmen,machen) (6)
1. in Urlaub _________________________________.
2. im Meer __________________________________.
3. zu Hause __________________________________.
4. Deutsch ___________________________________.
5. im Hotel __________________________________.
6. Ski _______________________________________.
Ü12. Ergänze werden , konnen, mussen, wollen? (6)

Ü13. Wann haben deine Verwandten Geburtstag? (3)

1. Wann hat dein Vater Geburtstag?
2. Wann hat deine Mutter Geburtstag?
3. Wann hat dein/deine Geburtstag?
A) Create an flash animation using two layers. Create a sea scene in one layer and fish on
another layer. Animate the fish from one another .Take print outs.
B) Create a presentation on any one topic given below. Add pictures, watermarks, bullets
to make the slides attractive. Make at lease 10 slides in it with slides transitions and

TOPIC- 1-Uses of water

2-Water cycle
3-Sources of water
4-Water pollution
5-Save water

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