thuyết trình t.anh
thuyết trình t.anh
thuyết trình t.anh
H e llo E e nt a t i on
e t o ou r p r e s
Introduce group
members 4
Trà My Minh
Vinh Khuê
Hiển Nhật
Khánh Chi
Table of contents
01 Origin of family 03 Family day
day activities
i e t n a m e s e fa m i l y
h o n o rs t h e V
• Th i s h o l i d ay p ro s p e r i t y,
re v a l u e s s
u c h a s
an d its c o
s a n d h a p p i n e s s .
eq u a l i t y , p ro g re s
Typical Activities
Activities Volunteer
On this day, some cities in Vietnam
There are also campaigns to
organize festivals and many different
give gifts to orphans and
cultural and sports activities for every
children in difficult
The ultimate purpose of
family day
Yes!!! the answer is CANADA
Unique feature
Family Day is one of the very particular holidays in
Canada, first organized in the province of Alberta in 1990
with the main purpose of dividing the time between New
Year and Easter. Celebrating this holiday also encourages
families to spend more time together. To date, most
Canadian provinces celebrate Family Day as a way to
celebrate the importance and value of family and the
bonds within their communities.
To easily commemorate this holiday, M T W TH F SA SU
Despite living in Viet Nam or others contries,the value of
Family day is vital and necessary.Not only for children, but
also for the world
we want to ask you
some simple questions
What day is the family's day in Vietnam?
A. june 28 B.march 8
C. september 29 D. november 20
IS “A .JUNE 28”
What day is the family's day in Canada?