Pelton Turbine
Pelton Turbine
Pelton Turbine
Generally, the construction of turbines is the same. A row of blades is fitted to some
rotating shaft or plate. Water is then passed through the turbine over the blades,
causing the inner shaft to rotate. This rotational motion is then transferred to a
generator where electricity is generated. There are a variety of different types of
turbines that are best used in different situations. Each type of turbine is created to
provide maximum output for the situation it is used in.
Impulse Turbine
In impulse turbines, the pressure of the liquid doesn't change in the turbine itself.
Instead, pressure changes occur only in the nozzles that direct water flow to the
turbine, while the turbine itself operates at atmospheric pressure. These turbines
are composed of a jet nozzle or series of nozzles that direct water to the blades of
a turbine. Multiple nozzles are usually used where a large wheel isn't feasible.
When the water strikes the blades (designed specially to reduce drag), It changes
velocity. This leads to a change in momentum, exerting a force on the turbine
blades. These turbines rely on the ability to take all kinetic energy from the water to
have high efficiencies. Unlike reaction turbines, impulse turbines do not need to be
submerged. Types of impulse turbines include Pelton turbines, Turgo turbines, and
Crossflow turbines
Reaction Turbine
In reaction turbines, the pressure of the water changes as it moves through the blades of
the turbine. Unlike in an impulse turbine, the reaction turbine directly uses water
pressure to move blades instead of relying on a conversion of water pressure to kinetic
energy. This means that reaction turbines need to be submersed in water. Additionally,
components of these turbines must be able to handle high pressure levels inside the
turbine. Here, the fluid velocity and reduction in water pressure causes a reaction on the
turbine blades, moving them. Types of reaction turbines include Kaplan turbines and
Francis turbines. able to handle high pressure levels inside the turbine. Here, the fluid
velocity and reduction in water pressure causes a reaction on the turbine blades, moving
them. Types of reaction turbines include Kaplan turbines and Francis turbines.
A Pelton turbine or Pelton wheel is a type of hydro turbine (specifically
an impulse turbine) used frequently in hydroelectric plants. These
turbines are generally used for sites with heads greater than 300
meters. This type of turbine was created during the gold rush in 1880 by
Lester Pelton. The water in a Pelton turbine is moving quickly (high
velocity head, figure 2) and the turbine extracts energy from the water
by slowing the water down, which makes this an impulse turbine.
Casing :
The Pelton wheel casing prevents the splashing of water and it will provide a discharge of water from the nozzle
to the tailrace.
The casing surrounding the wheel has no hydraulic function to perform, unlike the reaction turbine where the
casing plays an important hydraulic function.
Needle Spear will control the water flow and it moves insides the nozzle and provides smooth flow so there can
be very less energy loss.
When the nozzle is completely closed by moving the spear in the forward direction the amount of water striking
the runner is reduced is zero but the runner due to inertia continues revolving for a long time.
Break Nozzle:
To stop the runner to rest in a short time a breaking jet is provided which directs the water on the bucket. this is
called breaking jet.
Runner or Rotor:
A Pelton wheel has a runner that rotates and has kinetic energy, at the periphery of the runner equally spaced
hemispherical or double ellipsoidal buckets.
All the potential energy is converted into kinetic energy before it strikes jet hits the rotor blades
These are the channels or pipelines from high head source water is transferred to the actual power station
Pelton Wheel Turbine Advantages:
• The Pelton Turbine simple in design and also the construction is not
• The water which is clean cannot cause very rapid wear in high heads.
• The overhaul and inspection are much easier than another turbine.
• The overall efficiency is quite high as compared to reaction turbines.
• There is no requirement for the draft tube here.
• It can work on relatively less Q(discharge) of flow rate.
• In the Hydraulic Turbine, it is the most efficient turbine.
Pelton Wheel Turbine Disadvantages:
The formula implies that the Pelton turbine is geared most suitably for applications
with relatively high hydraulic head H, due to the 5/4 exponent being greater than
unity, and given the characteristically low specific speed of the Pelton.
This turbine consist a casing with the large circular
window (transparent) kept at the front for visual inspection
of the impact of jet on buckets .
A bearing pedestral, a rotor assembly of shaft runner and
brake drum are mounted on a sturdy cast iron base plate.
Belt over the drum is provided to load the turbine. The
input to the turbine can be controlled by adjusting the
spare position by means of hand wheel fitted with
indicator arrangement.
Size of the buckets:
The length, width and depth of buckets in terms of diameter of jet 'd' is shown in
• Radial length of bucket L-2 to 3d
• Axial width of bucket B=3to5d
• Depth of bucket D=0.8 to 1.2d
Number of buckets(z):
The number of buckets is usually obtained from the following empirical
formula given by Taygun.
m is the jet ratio.
It consist of a pelton wheel to wheel to a which a brake drum
is coupled. A belt is wound round the brake drum with its ends
tightened by means of screws. The spring balances provided at
both ends. A tachometer is connected to the shaft to measure
the speed of the wheel. A sluice valve is provided near the
outlet end of the supply pipe to feed the water to the nozzle.
A centrifugal pump supplies the water under sufficient head to
the turbine. A pressure gauge is fitted near the sluice valve to
read supply head. The discharge is measured by means of a
notch fitted in the discharging channel.
The experiment of the thesis was carried out with an acceptable level of accuracy. It was generally
a success as the results obtained were useful for the analysis of the properties of the machine.
From the experimental results, it became possible for the real picture of the operational basis of
the machine to be displayed in such a way that the characteristics of the turbine were visible in
the graphical analysis used. The experiment was not fully accurate due to several errors that
resulted from several misdoings. The greatest being that it became really difficult to acquire
readings from the spring balance since the setup was vibrating as result of the operation of the
machine. There is a huge field of research in this sector for further improvement. The further
recommendations are as follows:
- A DC Motor can be coupled with the shaft to generate electricity. But this power will be very
- Bucket material may be changed. Different materials, such as stainless steel, carbon steel,
composites or melamine can be used which may improve the efficiency of the pelton turbine.
-The disposal water can be recycled.
I. Yassi, Y. (1999) An experimental study of improvement of a micro hydro turbine
performance. University of Glasgow.
2. Thermo fluid Lab manual, University TenagaNasional.
3. wheel
8. PM en us. WIKA
9. main.html?parent=1
10. http://fetweb.ju.cdujo/staff/me/jvamin/Turbomachine%20Textbook/dke672_ch3.pdf