MOdule 2 - Given
MOdule 2 - Given
MOdule 2 - Given
Presented by:
Mr. Sreenivasulu K N
Assistant Professor
Dept. of ECE
Module 2
Smart Objects
• Even the mobiles or smart phones which we daily use will
have some sensors like hall sensor, proximity sensor,
accelerometer, touch screen, microphone etc.
• A sensor is a device that “listens” to the physical environment and tells you what
happens . Each sensor is able to listen to a specific input, that can be light, heat, motion,
moisture, pressure, or any one of a great variety of other environmental phenomena.
• The sensor can be defined as a device which can be used to sense/detect the
physical quantity like force, pressure, strain, light etc and then convert it into
desired output like the electrical signal to measure the applied physical quantity.
Simple classification of sensors:
• first classification of the sensors, they are divided in to Active and Passive.
Active Sensors are those which require an external excitation signal or a power
Passive Sensors on the other hand, do not require any external power signal and
• The other type of classification is based on the means of detection used in the sensor.
Some of the means of detection are Electric, Biological, Chemical, Radioactive etc.
• The next classification is based on conversion phenomenon i.e., the input and
• The final classification of the sensors are Analog and Digital Sensors.
(usually voltage but sometimes other quantities like Resistance etc.) with respect
data. The data in digital sensors, which is used for conversion and transmission,
is digital in nature.
Types of Sensors
Characteristics of IoT sensors :
• Data Filtering
• Minimum power consumption
• Compact
• Smart detection
• High Sensitivity
• Linear
• Dynamic Range
• Accuracy
• Limited Noise
• Wide Bandwidth
• High Resolution
• Minimum Interruption
• Higher Reliability
• Ease of Use
Data Filtering:
A sensor’s core function is the ability to collect and send data to IoT gateway or other
appropriate systems. Sensors are not expected to perform deep analytical functions.
However, simple filtering techniques may be required. Onboard data (or signal) processing
microcontroller makes a smart sensor smarter.
The microcontroller filters the data/signals before transmission to the IoT gateway or
control network. It basically removes duplicate or unwanted data or noise before
transferring the data.
Several factors are driving the requirements for low power consumptions in IoT. Sensors for multiple IoT
verticals (e.g., smart grid, railways, and roadsides) will be installed in locations that are difficult to reach
to replace batteries.
Space will also be limited for most IoT verticals. As such, sensors need to fit in small spaces.
Smart Detection:
An important sensing category for the IoT is remote sensing, which consists of acquiring
information about an object without making physical contact with it; the object can be nearby
or several hundred meters away. Multiple technology options are available for remote sensing,
and they can be divided into three broad functions:
• Sensitivity is generally the ratio of a small change in electrical output signal to a small change
in physical signal. It may be expressed as the derivative of the transfer function (the
functional relationship between input signal and output signal) with respect to physical signal.
• Sensitivity indicates how much the output of the device changes with unit change in input
(quantity to be measured).
• For example, if the voltage of a temperature sensor changes by 1 mV for every 1 °C change in
Linearity: Linearity is the measure of the extent to which the output is linearly proportional to
the input. Nonlinearity is the maximum deviation from a linear transfer function over the specified
dynamic range.
Dynamic Range: The range of input signals which may be converted to electrical signals
by the sensor. Outside of this range, signals cause unsatisfactory accuracy.
Accuracy: The maximum expected error between measured (actual) and ideal output
signals. Manufacturers often provide the accuracy in the datasheet;
e.g., high-quality thermometers may list accuracy to within 0.01 % of full-scale output.
Hysteresis: A sensor does not return the same output value when the input stimulus is
driven up or down. The width of the expected error in terms of the measured quantity is
defined as the hysteresis.
Limited Noise:
All sensors produce some level of noise with their output signals. Sensor noise is only an issue if it
impacts the performance of the IoT system. Smart sensors must filter out unwanted noise and be
programmed to produce alerts on their own when critical limits are reached.
Wide Bandwidth:
Sensors have finite response times to instantaneous changes in physical signal. Also, many sensors
have decay times, which represent the time after a step change in input signal for the sensor output
to decay to its original value.
High Resolution:
The resolution of a sensor is defined as the smallest detectable signal fluctuation. It is the smallest
change in the input that the device can detect.
Minimum Interruption:
Sensors must operate normally at all time with zero or near-zero interruption and be
programmed to produce instant alerts on their own when their normal operation is
Higher reliability:
Higher reliability sensor provides the assurance to rely on the accuracy of the output
Ease of use:
Ease of use is considered the top requirement for any electronic system nowadays. Clear
examples we have all experienced are Apple’s iPhone versus competitor devices with the same
functionality. Users are willing to pay more for easy to use devices, and sensors are no
Actuators are devices used to produce action or motion.
It is operated by a source of energy (mainly electrical signal, air ,fluids) and
converts that energy into motion.
Amplifier converts the (low power) control signal into a high power signal .
Transducer converts the energy of the amplified control signal into work
Amplifier ---->>
Main Attributes Of Actuators
The size of operating forces and torques.
The operating environment.
Linear or rotational movement.
The energy source.
Speed of response and motion.
The amount of movement needed.
The degree of precision needed.
The method of control and monitoring.
Actuators can be classified
It is placed at input port of the system. It is placed at output port of the system.
Example: Photo-voltaic cell which converts Example: Stepper motor where electrical
light energy into electrical energy. energy drives the motor.
IR(Infrared) Sensors :
• principle
The type of of
IR sensor. can be direct incidence or indirect incidence.
Type IR Sensor.
• In this, the transmitter and the detector
They are affected by temperature and humidity
Difficulties in designing.
Capacitive proximity sensors are not as accurate compare
to inductive sensors.
Ultrasonic Sensor Applications :
Robotic sensing
Stacking height control
Loop control
Liquid level control
Full detection
Counting people/people detection
Presence detection
Detecting breaks in threads or wires
Box sorting
Contouring or profiling
Irregular parts detection
Tank level detection
Many applications on the production line
Distance measurement - regardless of an object'sshape, colour or
surface texture
Ultrasonic Sensor Are Some type used In place Of Optical
Sensors . Instead Of using an Light Beam , a High Frequency
Sound Wave is used.
This Sound Wave Is above Normal Hearing Frequencies And Are
Called Ultrasonic Frequencies around 40 KHz Are Common.
The Ultrasonic Sensor Can Measure Distances In Centimeters
And Inches. It Provides Good Readings In Sensing Large-sized
Objects With Hard Surfaces.
The ultrasonic sensor sends out sound and receives it back using the receiver. Together,
the ultrasonic sensor's sender and receiver look like a pair of eyes, but it is not a sight
sensor. Instead, those "eyes" are really more like a speaker and a microphone (a sound
The Emitter And Detector Are 2 Separate Units. The Emitter Emits
The Light Which Is Detected By The Detector. A Target Is Detected
When It Passes In- between The Emitter And Detector.
Ultrasonic proximity sensors are not affected by
atmospheric dust, snow, rain..etc
Can work in adverse conditions
Sensing distance is more compared to inductive or
capacitive proximity sensors
Ultrasonic sensors Has More Difficulties Reading
Reflections From Soft, Curved, Thin Or Small Objects.
• Bluetooth is a short-range and low power wireless technology
originally developed for exchanging data over short distances
from fixed and mobile devices, creating personal area networks
• Short-range radio frequency technology that operates at 2.4 GHz
on an unlicensed Industrial Scientific Medical (ISM) band.
• Effective range of Bluetooth devices is 10 meters.
• It was originally conceived as a wireless alternative to data cables.
Value proposition of Bluetooth
Internet access
Cable replacement Internet access
Cable replacement
Ad hoc
Bluetooth uses a radio technology called frequency-hopping spread
A piconet is a network of devices connected using
Bluetooth technology.
Master Device
Slave Device
Point to Point
Point to Multi Point 5
Collection of Piconets is called Scatternet.