20Me605L - Mini Project - I: Fabrication of Wankel Engine by Using Additive Manufacturing
20Me605L - Mini Project - I: Fabrication of Wankel Engine by Using Additive Manufacturing
20Me605L - Mini Project - I: Fabrication of Wankel Engine by Using Additive Manufacturing
Presented by
1. MAKILAN.C (621320114058) Under the Guidance of
2. MOHAN RAJ. G ( 621320114062) Mr.S.Chandrakumar M.E.,(Ph.D)
3. NITHISHKUMAR.M (621320114070) Assistant Professor
Mechanical Engg Department
The Wankel engine is a type of internal combustion engine that uses a rotary design
to convert fuel into mechanical energy. This project aims to use 3D printing
technology to develop a prototype of a Wankel engine. The project involves
designing the engine using computer-aided design software and manufacturing it
using 3D printing techniques. The design includes various mechanical components,
such as rotors, housings, and bearings, which are printed and assembled to create
a functional engine. The Wankel engine's unique rotary design offers
several advantages over traditional piston engines, including higher power-to-
weight ratios and smoother operation. The use of 3D printing technology
allows for rapid prototyping and testing, enabling faster iteration and design
optimization. The project's objective is to develop a working Wankel engine
prototype using 3D printing, which can serve as a platform for future research
and development in the field of engine design.
Here are some references for literature surveys on the Wankel engine:
Red =combustion
Blue = Intake
Yellow = Exhaust
⮚ The Wankel engine is considerably lighter , simpler .
⮚ There are no connecting rods
⮚ There is no crankshaft .
⮚ The simplicity of design and smaller size allows for
saving construction costs
⮚ High torque