21st CENTURY Skills Categories
21st CENTURY Skills Categories
21st CENTURY Skills Categories
• refer to a broad set of knowledge, skills, work
habits, and character traits that are deemed
necessary in coping today’s world and future
careers and workplaces.
According to a partnership
of 21st century skills , this
concept encompasses a
wide array of a body of
knowledge and skills that
have to be categorized
Learning and Innovation Skills
These are the primarily skills orchestrated in the 21st century.
They are attributes that differentiate students who are
prepared for a complex life and work environment from those
who are not.
A. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
These may, include effectively analyzing and evaluating
evidence, arguments, claims and beliefs; and solving different
kinds of non-familiar problems in both conventional and
innovative ways.
Skill Sub-skills
Skill Sub-skills
1. Work Establish clear definition and agreement on the roles
together of the partners in the collaborative process
effectively in
team Keep communication open with teams to carry out
Skill Sub-skills
1.Think creatively Use a wide range idea creation techniques , such
as brainstorming
Create a new and worthwhile ideas (both
incremental and radical concepts)
Elaborate , refine, analyze and evaluate their own
ideas in order to improve and maximize creative
Skill Sub-skills
2. Work Develop, implement and communicate neew ideas to
creatively with others effectively
others Be open and responsive to new and diverse
perspectives, incorporate group input and feedback
into the work
Demonstrate originality and inventiveness in work and
understand the real word limits to adopting new ideas
View failure as an opportunity to learn, understand
that creativity and innovation is a long-term cyclical
process of small successes and frequent mistakes
Skill Sub-skills
3. Implement innovation Act on creative ideas to make a tangible and useful
contribution to the field in which the innovation
will occur
- People in the 21st century live in a technology and media saturated
environment marked by the following: (1) access to an abundance of
information: (2) rapid changes in technology tools: and (3) the ability
to collaborate and make individual contributions on a unprecedented
Therefore, to be effective in the 21st century , everyone must be able to
exhibit a range of functional and critical thinking skills related to
information, media and technology (AACTE, 2010).
A. Information Literacy: it refers to accessing and evaluating
information critically and competently and managing the flow of
information from a wide variety of sources.
Skill Sub-skills
Skill Sub-skills
1. Interact Know when it is appropriate to listen and when to
effectively with speak
others Conduct one’s self in a respectable, professional
Skill Sub-skills
2. Works Respect cultural differences and work effectively with people from a range of social
and cultural backgrounds
effectively in
diverse team Respond open- mindedly to different ideas and values
Leverages social and cultural differences to create new
ideas and increase both innovation and quality of work
Skill Sub-skills
2. Manage projects Set and meet goals, even in the
face of obstacle and competing