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Chapter 2: The 21 Century Skill Categories: Rechelyn G. Salem-Magbanua, Maed-Math

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Course Instructor
At the end of this chapter, you must have:
1. Identified the 21st Century skills
2. Applied the 21st Century skills in preparing, planning
and delivering a lesson
3. Cited ways on how to enhance the 21st Century
skills of learners
4. Explained how 21st Century skills be integrated in
the teaching-learning process
21st Century Skills. These refer to a broad set of
knowledge, skills, work habits, and character traits that
are deemed necessary in coping with today’s world and
future careers and workplaces.
21st Century Skills may include the following: (1) critical
thinking, problem-solving, reasoning, analysis,
interpretation, synthesizing information; (2) research skills
and practices, interrogative questioning; (3)
perseverance, self-direction, planning, self-discipline,
adaptability, initiative; (5) oral and written communication,
public speaking and presenting, listening; (6) leadership,
teamwork, collaboration, cooperation, facility in using
virtual workspaces; (7) information and communication
technology (ICT) literacy, media and Internet literacy, data
interpretation and analysis, computer programming;
21st Century Skills may include (8) civic, ethical, and social
justice literacy; (9) economic and financial literacy,
intrepreneuralism; (10) global awareness, multicultural
literacy; (11) scientific literacy and reasoning, the
scientific method; (12) environmental and conservation
literacy, ecosystem understanding; and (13) health and
wellness literacy, including nutrition, diet, exercise, and
public health and safety.
The Seven Survival Skills (Wagner, 2010)
1. Critical thinking and problem-solving
2. Collaboration across networks and leading by influence
3. Agility and adaptability
4. Initiative and entrepreneurialism
5. Effective oral and written communication
6. Assessing and analyzing information
7. Curiosity and imagination
Learning and Innovation Skills
A. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving. These may
include effectively analyzing and evaluating evidence,
arguments, claims and beliefs; and solving different
kinds of nob-familiar problems both conventional and
innovative ways.
Learning and Innovation Skills
A. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving.
Skills Sub-skills
1. Work Establish clear definitions and agreements on the
together roles of partners in the collaborative process
effectivel Keep communication open within teams to carry out
y in team tasks
Carefully identify obstacles and address problems
Learning and Innovation Skills
A. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving.
Skills Sub-skills
2. Reason Use various types of reasoning (inductive,
effectively deductive, etc.) as appropriate to the situation
Use systems thinking
Analyze how parts of a whole interact with each
other to produce overall outcomes in complex
Learning and Innovation Skills
A. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving.
Skills Sub-skills
3. Make Effectively analyze and evaluate evidence, arguments,
judgments claims and beliefs
and Analyze and evaluate major alternative points of view.
Synthesize and make connections between information
and arguments
Interpret information and draw conclusions based on the
best analysis
Reflect critically on learning experiences and processes
(Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2008)
Learning and Innovation Skills
A. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving.
Skills Sub-skills
4. Solve Solve different kinds of non-familiar problems in
problems both conventional and innovative ways
Identify and ask significant questions that clarify
various points of view and lead to better solutions
(Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2008)
Learning and Innovation Skills
B. Communication. This pertains to articulating thoughts
and ideas effectively using oral and written
communication skills in a variety of forms and contexts.
Learning and Innovation Skills
B. Communication
Skills Sub-skills
1. Communicate Articulate thoughts and ideas effectively using
clearly oral, written, and non-verbal communication
skills in a variety of forms and contexts
Listen effectively to decipher meaning,
including knowledge, values, attitudes and
Use communication for a range of purposes
(Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2008)
Learning and Innovation Skills
B. Communication
Skills Sub-skills
1. Communicate Utilize multiple media and technologies, and
clearly judge their effectiveness a priori, as well as
assess their impact
Communicate effectively in diverse
Use technology as a tool to research,
organize, evaluate and communicate
(Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2008)
Learning and Innovation Skills
B. Communication
Skills Sub-skills
1. Communicate Use digital technologies,
clearly communication/networking tools and social
network appropriately to access
Exercise flexibility and willingness in making
necessary compromises to accomplish a
common goal
Assume shared responsibilities for
collaborative work, and value the individual
contributions made by each team member
(Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2008)
Learning and Innovation Skills

C. Collaboration. It entails demonstrating ability to work

effectively and respectfully with diverse teams.
Learning and Innovation Skills
C. Collaboration
Skills Sub-skills
1. Work together Establish clear definitions and agreements on
effectively in the roles of partners in the collaborative
team process
Keep communication open within teams to
carry out tasks
Carefully identify obstacles and address
problems cooperatively
Learning and Innovation Skills

D. Creativity and Innovation. It denotes use of wide range

of idea creation techniques to create new and worthwhile
Learning and Innovation Skills
D. Creativity and Innovation
Skills Sub-skills
1. Think Use a wide range of idea creation techniques,
creatively such as brainstorming
Create new and worthwhile ideas
Elaborate, refine, analyze and evaluate their
own ideas in order to improve and maximize
creative efforts
(Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2008)
Learning and Innovation Skills
D. Creativity and Innovation
Skills Sub-skills
2. Work creatively Develop, implement and communicate new ideas to
with others others effectively
Be open and responsive to new and diverse
perspectives; incorporate group input and feedback
into work
Demonstrate originality and inventiveness in work and
understand the real world limits to adopting new ideas
View failure as opportunity to learn; understand that
creativity and innovation is a long-term, cyclical
process of small successes and frequent mistakes
(Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2008)
Learning and Innovation Skills
D. Creativity and Innovation
Skills Sub-skills
3. Implement Act on creative ideas to make a tangible
innovations and useful contribution to the field in
which the innovation will occur
(Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2008)
Information, Media and Technology Skills

A. Information Literacy. It refers to accessing and

evaluating information critically and competently and
managing the flow of information from a wide variety of
Information, Media and Technology Skills
A. Information Literacy
Skills Sub-skills
1. Access and Access information efficiently (time) and effectively
evaluate (sources)
information Evaluate information critically and competently
(Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2008)
Information, Media and Technology Skills
A. Information Literacy
Skills Sub-skills
2. Use and Use information accurately and creatively for the issue
manage or problem at hand
information Manage the flow of information from a wide variety of
Apply a fundamental understanding of the ethical/legal
issues surrounding the access and use of information
(Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2008)
Information, Media and Technology Skills

B. Media Literacy. It underscores understanding both how

and why media messages are constructed; creating
media products by understanding and utilizing the most
appropriate media creation tools, characteristics and
Information, Media and Technology Skills
B. Media Literacy
Skills Sub-skills
1. Analyze media Understand both how and why media messages are
constructed, and for what purposes
Examine how individuals interpret messages
differently, how values and points of view are included
or excluded, and how media can influence beliefs and
Apply a fundamental understanding of the ethical/legal
issues surrounding the access and use of media.
(Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2008)
Information, Media and Technology Skills
B. Media Literacy
Skills Sub-skills
2. Create media Understand and utilize the most appropriate media
products creation tools, characteristics and conventions
Understand and effectively utilize the most appropriate
expressions and interpretations in diverse, multi-
cultural environments
(Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2008)
Information, Media and Technology Skills

C. Technology Literacy. It pertains to the use of technology

as a tool to research, organize, evaluate and
communicate information.
Information, Media and Technology Skills
C. Technology Literacy
Skills Sub-skills
1. Apply Use technology as a tool to research, organize,
technology evaluate and communicate information
effectively Use digital technologies, communication/networking
tools and social networks appropriately to access,
manage, integrate, evaluate and creation information
to successfully function in a knowledge economy
Apply a fundamental understanding of the ethical/legal
issues surrounding the access and use of information
(Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2008)
Information, Media and Technology Skills
D. Life and Career Skills. Today’s life and work
environments both require more than thinking skills and
content knowledge. Cultivating the ability to navigate the
complex life requires students to develop the following life
and career skills: (1) flexibility and adaptability; (2)
initiative and self-direction; (3) social and cross-cultural
skills; (4) productivity and accountability; and (5)
leadership and responsibility (AACTA, 2010)
Life and Career Skills
Flexibility and Adaptability
Skills Sub-skills
1. Adapt to change Adapt to varied roles, job responsibilities, schedules
and contexts
Work effectively in a climate of ambiguity and
changing priorities
(Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2008)
Life and Career Skills
Flexibility and Adaptability
Skills Sub-skills
2. Be flexible Incorporate feedback effectively
Deal positively with praise, setbacks and criticism
Understand, negotiate and balance diverse views and
beliefs to reach workable solutions, particularly in
multi-cultural environments
(Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2008)
Life and Career Skills
Initiative and Self-direction
Skills Sub-skills
1. Manage goals Set goals with tangible and intangible success criteria
and time Balance tactical (short-term) and strategic (long-term)
Utilize time and manage workload efficiently
(Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2008)
Life and Career Skills
Initiative and Self-direction
Skills Sub-skills
2. Work Monitor, define, prioritize and complete tasks without
independently direct oversight
(Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2008)
Life and Career Skills
Initiative and Self-direction
Skills Sub-skills
3. Be self-directed Go beyond basic mastery of skills and/or curriculum to
learner explore and expand one’s own learning and
opportunities to gain expertise
Demonstrate initiative to advance skill levels towards
a professional level
Demonstrate commitment to learning as a lifelong
Demonstrate integrity and ethical behavior in using
influence and power
(Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2008)
Life and Career Skills
Initiative and Self-direction
Skills Sub-skills
4. Be responsible Act responsibly with the interests of the larger
to others community in mind
Consider others’ ideas and view points
Look for others’ welfare and safely in all
Assist others in times of their downfalls and setbacks
(Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2008)
Life and Career Skills
Social and Cross-cultural skills
Skills Sub-skills
1. Interact Know when it is appropriate to listen and when to
effectively with speak
others Conduct one’s self in a respectable, professional
(Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2008)
Life and Career Skills
Social and Cross-cultural skills
Skills Sub-skills
2. Work effectively Respect cultural differences and work effectively with
in diverse teams people from a range of social and cultural
Respond open-mindedly to different ideas and values
Leverage social and cultural differences to create new
ideas and increase both innovation and quality of work
(Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2008)
Life and Career Skills
Productivity and Accountability
Skills Sub-skills
1. Manage Set and meet goals, even in the face of obstacles and
projects compering pressures
Prioritize, plan and manage work to achieve the
intended result
(Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2008)
Life and Career Skills
Productivity and Accountability
Skills Sub-skills
2. Produce results Demonstrate additional attributes associated with
producing high quality products, including the abilities
- Work positively and ethically
- Manage time and projects effectively
- Multi-task
- Participate actively, as well as be reliable and punctual
- Present oneself professionally and with proper etiquette
- Collaborate and cooperate effectively with teams
- Respect and appreciate team diversity
- Be accountable for results
(Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2008)
Life and Career Skills
Leadership and Responsibility
Skills Sub-skills
1. Guide and lead Use interpersonal and problem-solving skills to
others influence and guide others toward a goal
Leverage strengths of others to accomplish a common
Inspire others to reach their very best via example and
Demonstrate integrity and ethical behavior in using
influence and power
(Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2008)
Life and Career Skills
Leadership and Responsibility
Skills Sub-skills
2. Be responsible Act responsibly with the interests of the larger
to others community in mind
(Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2008)
Integrating 21st Century Skills in Teaching-Learning
The 21st Century support systems. The following
elements are critical systems necessary to ensure
student mastery of 21st Century skills: (1) 21st Century
standards; (2) assessments; (3) curriculum and
instructions; (4) professional development; and (5)
learning environments.
1. The 21st Century Standards.
1.1 Focus on 21st Century skills, content knowledge and
1.2 Build understanding across and among core subjects,
as well as 21st Century interdisciplinary themes
1.3 Emphasize deep understanding rather than shallow
1.4 Engage students with the real-world data, tools and
experts they will encounter in college, on the job, and in life;
students learn best when actively engaged in solving meaningful
1.5 Allow for multiple measures of mastery
2. Assessment of 21st Century Skills
2.1 Supports a balance of assessments, including high quality
standardized testing along with effectively formative and summative
classroom assessments
2.2 Emphasize useful feedback on student performance that is
embedded into everyday learning
2.3 Requires a balance of technology-enhanced, formative and
summative assessments that measure student mastery of 21st Century skills
2.4 Enables development of portfolios of student work that
demonstrate mastery of 21st Century skills to educators and prospective
2.5 Enables a balance portfolio of measures to assess the
educational system’s effectiveness in reaching high levels of student
competency in 21st Century skills (AACTE, 2010)
3. 21st Century Curriculum and Instruction
3.1 Teaches 21st Century skills discretely in the context of
core subjects and 21st Century interdisciplinary themes
3.2 Focuses on providing opportunities for applying 21st
Century skills across content areas and for a competency-based
approach to learning
3.3 Enables innovative learning methods that integrate
the use of supportive technologies, inquiry-and problem-based
approaches and higher-order thinking skills
2.4 Encourages the integration of community resources
beyond school walls, (AACTE, 2010)
Instructional models
Instructional models are an important component of any
teacher preparation program. AACTE (2010) pointed out that the
integration of innovative and research-proven teaching strategies,
modern learning technologies and real-world resources and
contexts are all imperative in:
1. Integrating “teach for understanding” principles
2. Creating rich practice teaching experiences
3. Creating dynamic learning communities and peer mentoring
4. Examining the role of content, pedagogy and technologies in
developing higher-order thinking skills
Learning environments
The learning environment within the teacher preparation
program is a key component of any systemic reform initiative.
1. Establish a 21st Century vision for learning environments in the
program and the university
2. Ensure that the physical infrastructure supports 21st Century
knowledge and skills
3. Practice flexibility in time for project-based work and
competency-based assessment
4. Ensure technical infrastructure that sufficiently supports learning
5. Strengthen networking engagement in the learning environment
Partnerships are extraordinarily important in the work of
transforming 21st Century teacher preparation programs.

Continuous improvement
It represents willingness to commit to revisiting the
process over time.

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