3 has no truth value until a value is given to x, at which point it becomes a proposition. It then defines predicates as statements with a variable subject, like "x is less than 10", and explains how assigning values to variables turns predicate statements into propositions. The document also introduces universal and existential quantifiers, using symbols like ∀ and ∃ to express whether a predicate is true for all or some values in a domain. It provides examples of evaluating quantified statements and propositional functions."> 3 has no truth value until a value is given to x, at which point it becomes a proposition. It then defines predicates as statements with a variable subject, like "x is less than 10", and explains how assigning values to variables turns predicate statements into propositions. The document also introduces universal and existential quantifiers, using symbols like ∀ and ∃ to express whether a predicate is true for all or some values in a domain. It provides examples of evaluating quantified statements and propositional functions.">
Predicates and Quantifiers
Predicates and Quantifiers
Predicates and Quantifiers
Consider P(x) = x > 3
P(x) has no truth values (x is not given a value)
P(11) is true
The proposition 11>3 is true
P(1) is false
The proposition 1>3 is false
The area of logic that deals with predicates and quantifiers is called the predicate calculus
The universal quantification of P(x) for a particular domain is the proposition that
asserts that P(x) is true for all values of x in this domain
Represented by an upside-down A:
It means “for all”
Let P(x) = x+1 > x
With existential quantification, we form a proposition that is true if and only if P(x) is true for
at least one value of x in the domain.
Represented by an bacward E:
It means “there exists”
Let P(x) = x+1 > x