National Integration
National Integration
National Integration
Concept of National Integration
Culture is described as "a way of life, especially the beliefs and customs of
specific group of people at a particular time”.
National integration in multi-cultural societies has been an attempt to forge
“unity in diversity”, pursuing to minimize socio-cultural differences and
implementing uniformity despite cultural diversity of even a complex nature.
The underlying issue in Pakistan has been delegation of religious interpretation to madrassa
trained clergy, which provided them the exclusivity and monopoly over religious issues.
Matters worsened in post Afghan Jihad scenario, when due to indulgence of external
players the religiously divisive forces thrived.
Over a period of time, sectarianism has evolved as the most intricate challenge to
Pakistan’s security and stability.
Seeds of conflict were sown when various religious denominations gave divergent
interpretations of Islam and insisted on the sole validity of their respective understanding
of faith.
Instead of serving as a unifying force such myopic religious discourse has acted as a
constituent of division and disharmony in Pakistani
Subsequent developments resulted in promoting extremism, militancy, terrorism and
hatred within Pakistan further complicating the integration process.
Economic Disparity