4 Reading Material
4 Reading Material
4 Reading Material
Problems of
New Reader
of Holy Quran
Problems of new Reader
• Holy Quran is a unique book quite different from other books one
• Quran does not contain information, ideas and arguments about
themes arranged in some order. It has no chapters and sections or
sub-sections like a book.
• Instead Quran:
• Deals with beliefs
• Gives moral instructions
• Lays down laws
• Invites people to Islam
…Problems of new Reader
• Warns disbelievers and wrong doers
• Draws lessons from historical events
• Gives good news for future
• In Quran, the same subject is repeated in different ways
• One topic follows the other without any apparent connection
• Sometimes a new topic crops up suddenly in the middle of a topic
• The speaker and the addressees; and the direction of the address change
without notice
• Historical events are presented but not as in history book
…Problems of new Reader
• Problems of Philosophy and Metaphysics are treated in a manner different from our
• Man and Universe are mentioned in a language different from that of the Natural
• Quran follows its own method of solving cultural, political social and economic
problems, which is quite different from the method of our sociologists
• It deals with the principles and commands of law in a manner quite different from
our lawyers and jurists
• Morality is taught in a way which has no parallel in the whole literature
…Problems of new Reader
• That is why a new Reader of Quran is totally puzzled. He starts
feeling that:
• All these things are contrary to his pre-conceived concept of a book
• This is a book without an order or interconnection
• It deals with miscellaneous topics in illogical way
• It has been given form of a continuous book though it was not a book
• These objections are also raised by Enemies of Islam
Understanding Quran
In order to understand Quran thoroughly, it is essential to know:
•the Nature of this Book, its style, its terminology, its methodology (of
explaining things), and background & circumstances of every passage
•its Central Theme, and
•its Aim and Object
Nature of Quran
Quran, which is a Divine Guidance revealed on Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.)
claims that:
• Almighty Allah who is the Lord of the Universe, its Creator, Master and
Sovereign created Man
• He gave him power of learning, speaking, understanding and distinguishing
right from wrong and good from evil
• He granted him freedom of choice, freedom of will and freedom of action
خ ف
• He appointed him as His Vicegerent ( ) ل ي ہon Earth and instructed him to live in
accordance with His Guidance
…Nature of Quran
He also made it clear to Man that:
• He should worship and obey Him and none else
• He is being sent to Earth for a fixed period for test
• After that he will have to return to Him. Then He will judge the deeds he did in the world.
• If he works according to His guidance, then he will have peace in this world and will win the home
of eternal bliss and joy (in the Hereafter).
• And if he follows any other course, he will have His disfavor in this world and eternal sorrow in the
• After this warning, He sent Adam and Eve to Earth.
Brief History of Humanity
• After sending Adam and Eve to Earth, Allah gave them Guidance (Islam) according
to which they and their descendants (children) were to live. For some time they
obeyed Allah’s commands
• But after some centuries, by and by, people left this straight path of Islam. They lost
the Guidance and adopted crooked ways to make their own laws which suited their
prejudices and lusts. Thus they filled Allah’s Earth with evils.
• Then Allah sent a series of Prophets for their Guidance in different periods and in
various parts of the world. This process continued for quite some time.
…Brief History of Humanity
• Finally Allah sent His last Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) to fulfill the same
mission. Like previous Prophets, he also invited the people to follow the right path
(Islam). He organized the people in a community which followed Divine Guidance
and subsequently reformed the whole world which had gone astray
The Holy Quran which was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) contains this
Invitation and Divine Guidance
Subject and Central Theme of Quran
• The subject Quran deals with is HUMAN BEING.
• The Central Theme of Quran, which runs throughout this Book is:
– Exposition of Reality, and
– Invitation to the Right Path based on Reality
Central Theme of Quran
• According to Quran:
All theories contradictory to this
Reality, invented by people about
Allah, Universe, Man, and his relation
with Allah and the rest of His creation are
Aim and Object of Quran
The aim and object of Quran is to
invite MAN to that Right Path and
to present clearly the Guidance
which he has lost because of his
negligence and wickedness
Quran – a complete and perfect Book
If we keep this aim and object of Quran in mind, we
find that:
•It is a complete and perfect Book, with no gap in
the continuity of its subject.
•It is not irrelevant anywhere with regard to its
subject, central theme and aim.
•The aim of Quran is to guide Man; and not to
teach Nature Study, History or Philosophy.
Therefore, it does not concern itself with these
Quran – a complete and perfect Book
The only thing with which it is concerned is:
•To explain Reality
•To remove all misunderstandings and misconceptions
about Reality
•To impress the Truth upon minds
•To warn the people of the consequences of wrong
attitudes, and
•To invite humanity to Right Path.
That is why it leaves out unnecessary and irrelevant
details and turns over and over to its central theme.
How Quran was revealed on
Muhammad (S.A.W)
• Quran was not revealed as a complete book at the
same time.
• It was revealed in pieces, in the form of speeches, to
suit the guidance of the Islamic Movement that was
started by Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.).
• In early phase of Movement, Makki Surahs were
revealed. They give basic knowledge of Reality and
Morality; and provide answer to common
misunderstandings. These Surahs are small in size
with short sentences having very fluent and effective
language with convincing arguments.
…How Quran was revealed on
Muhammad (S.A.W)
• After 13 years, Islamic Movement entered into
a new phase when it found a new center in
Madinah Munawwarah. Prophet Muhammad
(S.A.W.) along with his fellows migrated to
Madinah where he was able to establish an
Islamic Welfare State.
• In these totally changed conditions, Madani
Surahs were revealed. Some of them are
warnings to enemies of Islam, while some
contain strict laws to be followed by Muslims.
…How Quran was revealed on
Muhammad (S.A.W)
• Main subjects covered by Madani Surahs are:
– Principles and methods of organizing a community,
building up a state and constructing a good civilization.
– Dealing with hypocrites, unbelievers and people of the
book تاب
( )اہلك.
– Obligations (duties) of Muslims as vicegerent of Allah.
– Warning the Muslims of their weaknesses and preparing
them to sacrifice their lives in the way of Allah.
– Teaching them moral lessons which they needed in
• defeat and victory,
• prosperity and adversity, and
• War and peace
…How Quran was revealed on
Muhammad (S.A.W)
• The revelation of Quran started with the beginning of the
Islamic Movement and continued for 23 years.
• Different portions of Quran were revealed according to the
requirements of the various phases of the Movement.
• Hence a book like this cannot have the kind of uniformity of
style which is followed in formal books on Religion.
• That is why the same things are repeated over and over
again as long as the Movement remains in the same phase.
• It is, therefore, wrong to seek the style of a formal book or
that of college lectures in Quran.
Sequence of Quran
• The present order and sequence of Surahs and
verses was arranged by Holy Prophet himself under
the guidance of Allah.
• Whenever a Surah or a part of Surah was revealed,
Holy Prophet called one of his Writers and dictated
the same word by word and asked him to place it in
such and such Surah after such and such verse.
• Thus the sequence of Quran was completed as soon
as the last verse of Quran was revealed on Holy
• This is wrong to say that this sequence was arranged
by Prophet’s successors.
Compilation of Quran
• During the life of the Prophet, many of his Companions
memorized Holy Quran.
• After Prophet left this world, many Huffaz were
martyred in wars. Hence Hazrat Abu Bakr and Hazrat
Umar (RA) decided to compile Quran in form of a book.
• This work was assigned to Hazrat Zaid bin Sabit, one of
the senior and most trustworthy Writer of the Holy
Prophet. He performed his duty with extra effort and
care. Hazrat Abu Bakr and Hazrat Umar both closely
supervised him.
• In this way Quran was given the form of a book in the
same sequence as finalized by Holy Prophet himself.
…Compilation of Quran
• Later, Hazrat Usman (RA) sent copies of this
script (in standard Quraish dialect) to various
• There is no doubt about the fact that the Quran
which is now in use all over the world today is
the exact copy of the same Quran which was
compiled by Hazrat Abu Bakr and Hazrat Umar
(RA); and which was circulated by Hazrat Usman
(RA) to various libraries of Islamic Centers in
different countries of the World.
Why different Interpretations of Quran?
•English: http://www.quranwebsite.com/read/001%20Introduction.pdf