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Ex-Wife Story

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Salem alikoum

I want to explain you my trip, 7 years with Mawlana, an PNM

I am pregnant and very tired
i got pregnant in pakistan
mawlana refused to take me with him to trinidad despite my pregnancy.
I tell little stories because there are so many things to say, and so I can't list them.

Mawlana the manipulative narcissistic pervert who stripped me of my whole being for 7
years to throw me

In the meantime he wants to divorce me while I'm pregnant, I tell him it's forbidden by

He says he is going to ask his friends to be the witnesses of the divorce, bad luck I studied
the laws of Islam unlike him and he cannot divorce me without valid excuses and even less
while being pregnant

I have the right to a fair divorce which I ask him why he didn't divorce when I asked him for a
divorce in front of all those students in Peshawar.
Why he doesn't divorce me in my presence so I can defend myself.

I gave birth to a daughter Amnah Nadia (in tribute to his 2 wives who helped and supported
me in Pakistan) and he has not to date asked for a photo or news of her despite that I am say
she was born of heart trouble.

He doesn't support me financially, instead he's extorting one of his students.

Ahmed must be on a leash financially so little by little he will strip him.

I did not receive my aid for the month of May, despite mawlana swearing to god that he will
maintain his daughter and telling the whole world that a woman must raise her children and
breastfeed them.
Concerning me in addition to abandoning his daughter, he wants to put me down and he
asked his student not to help me anymore.
I wrote to them both to ask them if we were doing things for the love of GOD or others?

This is my story 7 years of suffering

live with a psychopath who watches porn every day, a man who pushed me into sodomy
and who plays around with Zakats, your donations to fuel online prostitution.
I send you photos in evidence and videos and consider yourself happy that I do not put
online the video of your sheikh in full sodomy because I do not want you to have a heart

When I meet him he was alone in Malaysia and he said to me that his wife left him and he
told her that he will married again.
During Years Aisha said to everyone that I took his husband from her but it was false.
She left him because of his deseasness with women.
Then she came back when she learn about ma.
This is the true

We married in the beautifull maqam of Imam Reza, the grand son of Nabi Mohamed Salla
ALLAH aleyhi wa salem.
But it like it was not important for Mawlana because he betrayed our pack.
No respect of ALLAH who answer his douas and bring me, (he always said that I was his
dream come true).
He don’t said to himself that I was a gift from ALLAH at his old age that an young pretty
intelligent woman accept him and fall in love with him.
He lie to his family and said that I will be his assistant.
I never accept it for me ALLAH or nothing

I never married him like a sholar of islam, but as an old man that I fall in love and he need

But at the begening I saw his lie his hypocrisie and the non CONFORMITE with islam

When I saw all the donations nearly 200 000 dollards since many years.
I asked him where was the money and why the institute was not builted as yet in Malaysia.
What his stupid team said
I was a spy because I said the true, and I ask Mawlana to wrote to all his student who send
donation to ask forgiveness or return the donation if they request it.
At the end they buy a land in the middle of the jungle, no road to access to it, even with a
jeep it was difficult
This land cost maximum 3000 $, and 20000 was deturned by one of his student YAHIA, and
one less Rulan
Yahia is the man who present himself like a business man, Mawlana never meet his family or
his house, Yahia used to took him in an mysterious office, where there is only a desk and 2
chair and he never see anyone else there.
Rulan took less money and at the end when Mawlana ask to return the money he told him to
1st load him money to make an other busines and built house, then after he can return
This is how Mawlana is playing with your donation
When I try to let Mawlana understand his mistake, his team made a meeting and said that I
was a spy

He was addict of that the first years I married him I understood it, I try my best to extracted
him for that and forced him to work and he wrote 12 books with me living with him.
I am a professor I know how to put a person to work

He love nad can dead for money he love that and every way to racket someone he did it.

A big liar , a professional liar

extraordinary manipulator

But I had the proof and I share with you videos and photos

Dear to my heart,.
Pakistan, the land of the saints, I would have my revenge and I would come and visit you
again without them

I went there because I was a cover to him

At the begening he never wanted me to be with him.
He invited Siham and Bettina with him in Pakistan.
Despite Islamic rules, I don’t see him more than a year during the covid, he don’t wanted to
fallow islamic rules and stay with me one year too.
He plan from Trinidad to travel with his prostitute Siham and Of course make an proviso ire
marriage, you can see all our email if you don’t believe me

He said that he was hacked and by miracle the same day that he make his mistake with
sending an email to his prostitute he also lost our 2 passports.
I understand quickly that he was not a mistake , he deliberately lost our 2 passports in the

Arrived in Karachi, they took us in a guest house not far to his daughter’s house.
The room was not booked before when we arrived they give us an room in the GF, soo dirty,
and without windows.
How we can stay there é or “weeks without windows.
For a daughter who miss his father, no invitation the 1st night for a dinner.
No she throw us in this guest house and left.
She said she will return at 8PM with dinner, but she return nearly 23h with some coca, no
food for Mawlana, his father that she miss so much.
She when to a weeding with all the covid restriction , and her father is old.
She don’t think properly, that she can contamined her father with this wedding party.
No she came and want to enter in our bedroom and it was prohibited that someone from
outside enter.

Hira manipuled all the team

I laught she manipulated men, colonels.
During “ months this crazy girl said to people that her father is in danger with me.
Even the 1st day she said that to the manager of the hotel and at the end of our try he
confess to me that what her daughter in my back.
She wanted that her Father and her Mum had a dinner together.
How old is he?
Is it Islamic that they meet without me and for a dinner in the restaurant.
Why ? They are no more married.

His father never came to her 1st marriage, never assisted to his 3TH divorces despite all my
intervention to explain him his duty.
He was never ever implicated to his daughter life
I have to tech him what is a family and what is the duty of a father, and how to open his
heart to his children.

For your information Hira is in Trinidad this 3 last years, never once she took her father and
drive him every Sunday in IBN studio, one hour and half from his house.
Who can let her fathe, like thi, so old, but no one to drive for him.
She never drive him also in his native village when he want to visit his family grave
She never live with him, in fact even the Covis time, she found a way to escape the house to
live in the city of the university, when everyone all over the world have to stay at home.
She complain to have time with his father in Pakistan but where she was when she was in
Since the begening they have no contact.
If it was not me to always saying to Mawlana that SILAT EL RAHMAN his very important, and
to contact his children, he will never do it.
We went may be 12 times in UK, and his son never come to visit him the “ last time.

Mawlana beg him but he was indifferent.

He always said that his students are his children when I always reminding him to just accept
that his children are alive and there and to be a father

This Hira, manipulated even 2 colonels in Pakistan.

The 1s thing of course she said she is worried about his father who is in danger with me,
then I was a spy, then I was crazy because I had a big quarrel with him and I throw all his
books and parfum down to let him know that is behavior is no more acceptable for me.
Colonel Omar took me to a doctor because of my kidney problem and the mawlana don’t
wanted to enter and stay with me in the office , he let me alone with a man…. And the 1 st
question of the doctor was not regardless my kidness but question to see if I am crazy or not.
I told him that I was very tired and I faced a lot of think in Lahore then he ask me question
and every second looking at the door and be afraid.
At the end of the visit he mad a report not to me or mawlana but to Colonel omar and To
this stupid Farhat

I forgot to mention that I had to broke his phone. Your sweet cheikh who is again the
technologie start to have a smart phone and to talk every day to woman in front of me or in
public and his student are not surprise by this.
1st a woman don’t have to have a private phone number to a man even a scholar
this is islam don’t argu with me.
Talking with a woman who is not your wife at phone is fitna, it s an insult to your wife, it s
not permitted by islam and it s not appropriated by a cheikh

At the end when student wanted something from mawlana they just send a woman they
win… I laugh


We have to help 50 women, and you don’t have to ask permission for that.
He make fitna in every couple.
How someone can maintain a woman and don’t inform his wife?
Is it Islamic?
In fact mawlana ask you donation for woman just to maintain those woman and to make
himself in good position regardless woman and after he can prostitute them indirectly

With your donation he buy to Sadia a car.

He want to built an institute in SKardu, montains no road to access if any emergency.
During 10 days all planes are cancelled
Skardy , majority Chiite, ‘ hours electicity per day, and 7-8 months of winter

In fact it was just to deturn one more time donation and buy a land and built something.
It was the dream of Saadia ans Hira.

An institute have not to be built, just a location to be rent or an hotel.

An institute have to be safe for student, if they have any emergency how they can return to
No electricity, no internet, no heat why to choose this place when it xas no adapted.
Why they don’t listen to mee and just rent all a hotel and use the reception place for the
At his age did he have no better to to that to built
I found a beautiful place in the countryside next to Peshaware and next to the airport.
Of course he don’t wanted
A lot of student propose to gift him land but he never accepted free land because he wanted
money to buy a land for his family

Donation to travel to visit prostitute, no more no less.

Your donation is a fitna.
His plan was 1st to go to visit Bettina an European girl who live in Armenia now he fall in
Halima who he try to buy then now Pakistan is postponed 1st his Halima second his Bettina

Up to you to trust or not


Many time we went in the zawiya for dikr in Malaysia and he stay in his car never join us to
pray. When all the angels were around us, mister Imran Hosein wanted to stay in his car to
read books.
Better than to join us

If I was not there he will never saw his grand son
He hide to me the marriage of his son, the implication is simple to make more trouble
between him and me.
How I can send my congratulations if I don’t know that he get married.
Why he hide it to me.

Few years ago he xas crying and saying that before he will passed away he wanted to see his
grand son.
His own son Mujahid don’t make any effort to let his father meet his son.
He even take from students money for a plane ticket but never travel , just keep the money
He was in addictions of lies, pornography and gambling
He stolea friend of Mawlana who give him a job of security in his hotel, bof bof bof now he
found an none Islamic girl who maintain him then no worries

He always mention that the auditorium was full of people
The true is all the auditorium was full of all student of Dr Branco

People were crying , yes just the few in the front, when they heard that they will return Haya
Sofia to them.
We were invited for the lunch in the cafeteria of the university.
What was my surprise when choose an none hallal plate when I took fish plate.
When I mention this mistake he made an lecture to explain that when Christian people invite
us we can eat their food.
But I mention him that when you have choice we eat Hallah , when we are invited in a house
may be we can choose to eat like them but when we are in a cafeteria and when we have
choice of course we take vegetarian or fish dishes and it s not hallah to take an none hallah

What is amazing is that people accept it like this.

Do you really think or you just accept what he told you.


During all my life with him he repeat all what students confess to him or explain to him their
As soon that subtends left an others come he repeat all.
Even my private life that I share with him, he always repeat it to people even I mention that
it is not Islamic, it’s my private life , like a chaitane he made a pleasure to repeat all.

One day I was in Paris with him and one sister from Cannes use to write to me because I was
his wife but give me always private information.
I ask him to stop this none Islamic behavior

This women from Cannes send him a panty few day before whe left for Pakistan, and she ask
me by phone to let Mawlana open the parcel

What was he exchange with her Almou Lilahi but the Panty let us understand .
Is it acceptable for me as a wife, as a women, then I accept a lot from this chaitan .
Enough is enough

Forbidden in islam to repeat

One day we were in the zawya of Cheikh Nazim in London. We were lucky to received a hair
of our Prophete SBL. What was my surprise when he dont want to stand or to look at the
I have to tell him twice to make an effort

He had a CB like every one, and he have more than one.

When he ask you to don’t use it.
He have many bank account, maLaysia and Trinidad and I never ever ask for what is in in
bank account, as islam allowed me to ask or have authority in islam.

I never look at his money as his money is the result of my work.

His money is the result of all your donation
We print books, we sold them.
It was enough but visibly he continue to racket his student to maintain all his virtuel
prostitute .


He mention Hijra when it s impossible to made Hijra with all the immigration implication.
He have an PR card in Malaysia but never wanted to leave there.
A Cheikh built him a house in Indonesia but he never ever wanted to live there, Why, then
he ask you to throw all your life and family to an country where is it mostly impossible to live

Do PLEASE think a little.

One sister sold his business in UK to fallow him in Malaysia with her “ daughter.
Mawlana introduce her to a man, who stole her all her money and after 2 Years in Malaysia
no PR cad, she have to come back UK with nothing.
When she explain the situation to him and ask him help he said that he don’t want to
interfer in this matter.
But when ALLAH give the right to this women , and the stoler lost the right to stay in
Malaysia, he have to return in UK.
For me it was like a answer from ALLAH, like the women, he return.
What was my surprise when one day he ask donation for this man who stole this women.
Bof with time I understand it s just Chaitan
What can I said


He ask his student Hassan to bring flowers to Saadia. Is it Islamic to send flowers to a
women, is it Islamic that a student accept all from his cheikh
Don’t you have mind to understand that you are a part of this fitna and this Zina
Even student in Mauritius and in south Africa allowed him and accept him that he travel 3
months with a woman Siham his prostitute when he have 2 other legal wife and one of her,
me I never new that she was travelling with him.

This is the new islam, even a cheikh can let his student to acceptable what it s none Islamic.
And worse student close their eyes at all this Zina

he told me one day, when he was in Durban, that he had rubbed his big buttocks because
the kitchen was narrow
He wanted to married her é weeks or more just to be free to travel with her, and wrote to
me that he will divorced her after.
What is this hypocrisie.
All this is not Islamic.
The true is she was in contact with one of his student, to married him in Mauritius, but when
mawlana contact him during the covid to maintain her, he was so jalous, he tols her that he
will took her in Mauritius and conduct the marriage, and what happen after, he married her
by phone, divorce her by phone, propose her to married one of his student from Albania,
when in fact this hypocrite just abuse of the money , and at the end return to live with a
French man who is not muslim but he offer her a house where to live, you can imagine this
kind of material woman… and finis maintain her during months with your money.


Don’t said that I said all this to damage his work.

No I always work for ALLAH.
I made all the effort to publish French books and I LALIS like his father to please him to show
him my love.
If I knew I certainly call it with the name of my son
I print 12 books more than 3 years ago, he never allowed me to print the new one.
He always ask donation to people to print and at the end he use it for is life not for printing.

Today i have all the new books printing and waiting in the printing
store at the printer, which I cannot pay for lack of means, he does not want to let me find a
solution, the more I have to pay late payment surcharges, not counting the days of storage
with them, the more I pay my tax, and he left me alone pregnant with debt and don’t
wanted really to help.

One of his student Ahmed is maintain me those few months, I get problem in the bank when
I asked him to send me the help every 6 months, 1st mawlana accept I said it was a solution
to pay the printer, then after he wrote to this man to said that he never mention this or that
to let me passed regardless Ahmed to someone.
In fact all this is just to racket more Ahmed, and ask tomore from him
He racked this man before Pakistan , now is continuing with an other institute in Trinidad …
his new way to have more money.

I wrote to both of them

What is the purpose of a donation to please GOD and help people in need or to please a
Cheikh who was just an Hypocrite.
Never mind I will survives and pay my debt slowly.
As I always made, I always offer French books free to all people in need, I will continue.
When I sold English books during my travelling I always make sure that people who have less
can have a discount set.
And for your information I never ever I never counted the money earned during the sales, it
was he who arrived at the hotel the first thing he did was to count his money which he says
is bogus but so important to his heart
IDEM for a sister who face many problem in Malaysia he never read her explanation and
help her.
Last Ramadan she explain her situation with a mail that he never wanted to read.

He explains to people that his student in Malaysia is the caliph of the group and well sir, he
takes it for a guru, he financially and morally abuses students, he makes them slaves under
cover of mawlana

In islam we have to help women like he use to said or not?

There is so much to say but I can send you another email so much to say and repeat.
So I send you the video when he watches a pornographic film, another video when he plays
with his sex toys and I keep the video where he practices sodomy because I don't want to
upset you more than that.
There are limits that I do not cross.
The only thing I can tell you is that I never left your children in these arms for more than 20

Samir el mounafikoun
Samir the 1st day arrived int the airport with an luxuary car, to let him understand that he left
dubay for hijra but all was false
Samir open an Telegram and whatsapp group and he choose who he want to enter in this
He said that he was the right hand of mawlana
Il est le bras droit de lhypocrisie du mensonge et tout le reste.
In fac the was just a lier, the worse young man i saw in my life, i have pity of him

Ferhat ,who stock all your donation for this fake institute in Pakistan.
Becareful at him and don’t said anything anyMore to him.
Look at that he put mawlana as a prostitute too, who?

He had the controle of million of your donation who was sended in his account
Mawlana was so afraid about him that he let him controlling him .

Can you imagine that this man aggressed me in public in a parking mawlana was the not help
me enter in the car and make like nothing happen in front of him. Even the driver was
Thanks GOD I had a big power , I practice boce and I never be afraid by him then I puch him
just with one finger and he nearly fall. I told him if you are a man now go and make a report
on me, let us see the police what they will discover about your, your traffic, your bank
account and mawlana and his lecture when he enter with a tourism visa because he was so
proud to listen to me “ I don’t need visa, my daughter tolD me that and my team also”Me I
was in legal stay in Pakistan with 3 months visa.

Mawlana so stupid arrive without visa then he enter with a visa on arrival only one month.
When I took him an appointment to extend his visa in islamabade he ignore it.
My daughter will keep it, my team will decide.
Resul he were in irregular situation and they never give us a autorisation to leave Pakistan.
They stamp our passport in all this I don’t have to worried.

When you arrived in the passport controle and the police officer said there is a traffic in the
vida , mine was correctbut your husband no.
His stupid daughter found someone in Canada in orther to extebd the visa made an other
visa en ligne because he works in the pakistany embassy, then he enter with an visa with a
number, never leave Pakistan et after 3 months he hade a new visa from Canada. Is it
possible, they are not stupid they wanted him to explain that and throw us from the airport.

2 weeks after I save myself and left all this hypocrisie.

You can see in the picture that he is smiling , if really he was in danger with me in Albania
why he is smiling and happy like this

Lies hypocrisie, haldouLilah wa choukrouLilah I am delivred from this dajjal.

He is not chaitaine, this man is dajjal in humain.

He himself dance in the tune of dajjal

Shame on him

During the lockdown, you were all present to pray to God for who opens the mosques again.
And now Mr. Imran Hosein tells you that it is not valid because there is a space between
people, and you are ready to give up having this chance to pray in a mosque.
Satan will not come between the 2 people
It is not Chaitan's space but the space where we must respect our neighbor so as not to
contaminate him or not to be contaminated.
Chaitan may be between this space but he is even more in your hearts when you are told
that your prayer is not valid and that it is better to pray at home.

So a year ago you pleaded with GOD and now you refuse his command.
But do you have a brain?
Pardon do you have a heart to forsake your prayers in the mosques
His brother passed away, who cook sadaqa for the 1st night my mother cookked for 120
person and i make a sadaqa of 100 plates 40 days after .
It was not Aisha who tell mawlana that it s her house and she will never receved people for a
sadaqa when he will come back Trinidad


une soi disante élève qu’il a renconter lors d’un de ses séminaires à Cap Town.
Elle l’a serrer dans ces bras et monsieur est tombé amoureuse d’elle.
Lorsque je l’ai rencontré , tel un hypocrite il l’a fait venir en Malaysie car monsieur voulais un
professeur d’arabe.
Toute sa vie il a defier le monde arabe qui soit disant lui reprochais d’être anglophone.
Pourquoi il n’a pas choisit un professeur homme pour lui apprendre l’arabe. Non il avait déjà
ce penchant pour les femmes c’est pour cela que Aisha l’avait quitter.
Bref cette Lamia a très vite compris qu’il pouvait l’aider et ils ont fait appel aux dons
plusieurs fois, u, jour elle ne peux plus rester en malaysie, un jour sa mère et malade et le
scenario continue monsieur continue a vous racketter et elle de profiter de votre argent
malgré mes alertes.

a so-called student he met during one of his seminars in Cape Town.
She hugged him and the gentleman fell in love with her.
When I met him, like a hypocrite, he brought him to Malaysia because the gentleman
wanted an Arabic teacher.
All his life he defied the Arab world which supposedly reproached him for being English-
Why he didn't choose a male teacher to teach him Arabic. No, he already had this penchant
for women, that's why Aisha had left him.
In short, this Lamia very quickly understood that he could help her and they appealed for
donations several times, one day she can no longer stay in Malaysia, one day her mother is
sick and the scenario continues sir continues to extort you and she to take advantage of your
money despite my warnings.

1st lecture, in all of Geneva they host him in an hotel and 2 days after by miracle he was in
an hotel in rue de Berne where all prostitute are.
I have a big quarrel with him and he continu to said that his friend Piero san giorgo put him
there and he his safe.
I told him to be ashamed regardless me and if my family see me there they will kill me.
But he wanted to stay 7 days there before I get the chance to move him for there.
Piero who is agains muslim but he is is friend

It s like Marine Le Pen , who Mawlana loved and said that he agree with her

What hypocrisy, I have so much more to tell but I don't see the end of it

RECAP and message for all student in Pakistan (ONLY)

Instead of asking me the question how did you meet mawlana and you got married with
him? you preferred to ask me why you married her?
You did not tell yourself that GOD had written this long before our creation, no, it is too
much to ask you

Sorry to inform you that I had 70,000 Euros in my bank account and that I was earning 3,100
Euros per month with a pay slip to support it.
Today I have nothing left, I am in debt and alone with a child and banned from banking
because of these debts
Who to rob or extort the other?
I propelled him to Europe, he wrote 12 books while being with me, I made him millions by
encouraging him to write about Dajjal.
Where is this money?

He wooed me for a year with phone calls, 200 emails a day, and poems and I gave in and
agreed to marry him.
What does a beautiful girl like me do with an old man who farts and burps all day rather
I was too ashamed to tell my family that I threw it away for him because he didn't want an
old man for me, to tell them here's the old man I imposed on you and sold you with the
Cheikh card, abuse me , sodomizes me and makes me see all the colors

I never falled in my life as a daughter, a sister, a niece, a woman , a mum, a aunt, an

All my family, my neighbor, my friend my area love me and make best duas for me.
I study Islam since I am 16 years old
have been studying Islam, fikr, family sciences, commerce, divorce, the 4 schools, one part
one, I am from a religious culture like no one else for more than 30 years. whether it is Islam,
Christianity or Judaism, I have studied everything
I made all my religious pilgrimages.
Islam,Christian, Jewis, Buddhist to try to understand people and how to arrive at the concept
of Umma

When all the women buy jewelry and clothes, all my money was for my family in Algeria, my
parents, the poor in Senegal and the children in my neighborhood.
I even have my own association

In all corners of the world (47 countries that I have visited far and wide and I did not wait for
mawlana to travel) people only want my presence.
I never imposed myself on you, on the contrary I made sure that mawlana gave you 5
minutes because it was your dream not mine.
I did everything for you and I retire with nothing... faithful to myself because we are all going
to die

I can't even tell you that I'm expecting you on Judgment Day so much I don't care about your
human mediocrity and I would have other things to do that day.
On the other hand, you will live with remorse, I pity you

This great Sufi Sheikh is also a student of Sheikh Ansari.
mawlana is always criticizing and rotting him.
How many times have I begged him to do things with him in Trinidad and malana always
Sheikh Siddiq that I am and that I respect enormously to a girl who to divorce. She asked for
these rights and he, as a father, defended his daughter.
She was therefore married to Fahd.
In short, it turns out that Hira fell in love with this Fahd, when he supposedly accompanied
her from university.
Anyway, Fahd's family never wanted to be part of mawlana's family and Fahd's mother is a
mawlanan student.
In short, you have to see mawlana how he allowed himself to insult Sheikh Siddiq by
accusing him of having asked for compensation from the court rather than talking to him
about it.
In short, in parenthesis, the story goes that Hira returned to Pakistan in love with this man,
his family and himself hastened to marry him as soon as Hira left for Pakistan.


He always refers to his Sheikh on all his conferences, even forgetting to mention his father
who gave him so much.
He says he taught him the methodology to study the Quran.
What about others studying why they didn't convey this methods.
For a Sheikh who considered him his best student, in any case he did not want to give him
the hand of his daughter during his lifetime.
He married Saadia after her death.
He then divorced him, does anyone exist who divorces his Sheikh's daughter?
Okay, I'm not stupid, I have a brain, I trained as a sociologist, I quickly understand situations.

Don't forgive me if I find it surprising that in 5 days she decides to marry a man she doesn't
know and then and above all that she is in love with Fahd.
When I asked Mawlana why his daughter didn't marry him, he told me that his daughter was
feminine and no one wanted her.
How can a father say that about his child? a sexual pervert may see his daughter as feminine
and attractive

For the record Hira was already married from a first marriage where she was a second wife.
I met her husband, a remarkable man, despite what she wants us to believe.
Hira did everything to get him to divorce his first wife and he was fed up, he divorced her 3
Where was Mawlana? at 4 hours by plane he did not attend the wedding or the divorce and
he will criticize Sheikh Siddiq for defending his daughter.

As I had threatened mawlana to reveal everything, coincidentally, when he arrived in

Trinidad he wanted to work with him

He always criticized Saadia saying that she was a big liar like his brother and that his mujahid
son inherited him
That she sent her brother to threaten him to accept the divorce

He said of her that she ruined her family life because she never kept her promise by sending
her children to the USA every summer.

He said of her that she ruined her family life because she never kept her promise by sending
her children to the USA every summer.
He says she didn't want to wear the veil when he accept her without the veil
He complains that she was not focused on sex so the gentleman just emptied himself into
her, 2 minutes flat.
He said the same about Aisha
I have taught him at all sexually, that he considers himself happy, now he's flirting with
Halima talking to him about reaching orgasmic heaven, no, but let me laugh.
He calls her her pussy and talks to her about viagra without any taboos, even though he's
not married.
Where does the world go for the money.

He shows Halima that he helps women, take the example of Siddiqa that she asked for 8000
but he wants to reach $10000 and thus an indirect message for Halima. "I have money, I help
women, I can potentially help you.
But what hypocrisy
After all, he's the father, he just had to move and fly to them.

May well no SILAT EL RAHMAN nor with his brothers because he always criticized his
youngest brother who is still a doctor, he always criticized the fact that she was not Muslim
and that she kept her nephews away from him .
Ah, it's always the women's fault.

Instead of learning from him during the covid, poor mawlana, an ego oversized to criticize
and contradict his brother about his job.
Who better to place than a doctor to advise us.
No connection with his family, nor his sister Zaida who borrowed money from him endlessly
to supposedly give it to his son who supposedly took drugs.

Let's not talk about his sister Zairee who he denigrated all the time while she did everything
to maintain the family bond
I'm not talking to you about Jean, his eldest half-sister, the daughter of his Hindu mother and
whom Mawlana rejected to the point.

She telephoned me from time to time to speak to him until forbidding me to answer when I
was in Pakistan.
She blames him for stealing from her in the past and he denies it.
Who to believe, personally I don't care I know he loves money like no one else


We were received like princes in Inversness by a Doctor whose name I have forgotten.
His wife was not Muslim but a jewel, quite simply a golden being.
She received us with her husband, lodged, and left their house for several days without him
being there.

As soon as her back was turned, Mawlanan criticized this woman so much that I didn't talk to
her all day.
'Worst reviews because she was not Muslim.

ditto for the inverness mosque which let us do 2 conferences. He criticized the imam and a
student who had invited us to the restaurant because they discussed the hadith of the age of
marriage of Aisha

One day he ask his close student Khalid to bring sister to have just a quickl lunch after a long
travel and before a lecture.
His preoccupation was to have sister around him.
I then go out of the restaurant to be far than him because I wanted to vomit his disness.
Aishe said to every people that I took him from her but never she knew that his weakness
was women and it was an illmess now.


Go figure, Mawlana refused to go to Pakistan when his daughter got married, claiming that if
he went back there, his head was going to be cut off.
You understand that I was a little scared.
But as I am used to traveling even in countries at war, I followed mawlana's instructions to
the letter so as not to put myself in danger.
Except that there is no danger Pakistan is a jewel.

Arrived in Karachi, his stupid team said that he had to keep the name of the hotel secret for
security reasons.
15 days later to my great surprise in Islamade all the students had where we were staying.
What a contradiction!!!

After about ten days an express trip of useless to Skardu where it was so cold that I had to
beat him with mawlana and Ferhat on the 1st day

Indeed they put us in a hotel without electricity or restaurant, isolated under a mountain
with a room without light and they tell me that we will stay 15 days, the city center for
provisions 20 minutes away

So I choose another hotel while supposedly Ferhat had a house there but I don't believe it.
Why then he would not invite us to stay there.
Quite simply Ferhat manicupe mawlana, to control your donations and kindly wait for
mawlana to leave and make him believe that his dream is possible. building a house in
Skardu is Saadia's dream so he will pass it off as an eschatological institute and that's it.
Donations here and there

Ditto for Trinidad he makes you believe that he will build an institute in Trinidad and invest

Money in Malaysia has disappeared, ditto in Pakistan and ditto in Trinidad

In short Skardu a cold, a first day of Ramadan or mawlana is absent 12 consecutive hours
from the hotel and where I have to break the young alone, without any telephone contact
but I have no right to speak to my husband.
When I ask Ferhat to pass it to me, he recites the Koran. They are blocked by
demonstrations, in short, only lies so as not to speak to him.
They promise me to visit a nearby village and they leave without me.

and skardu's story deserves a book so let's move on

return to Islamabade with 4 flight cancellations due to bad weather and I have no right to
point out that an institute in Skardu is not appropriate, that students can be stranded like us
and that if they have a family emergency impossible to return to islamabade

Islamabade, with yet another program to load. While I don't bother anyone, I stay whole
days in my room and he is downstairs with his students and conferences, they pick me up, I
have to make an appearance.
One day a student asked me outright "if you have to make love to me, how would you make
love to me" I was scared I said what he told me yes I can cum like that just tell me and I

I went back into the room claiming an oversight and I didn't come down again
i told everything to maxlana he told me you want to fuss with my students.
No, but it's the world upside down.
Still whole days of being alone and mawlana on the phone, a team planning Lahore then 1
day later it's not secure, Lahore sucks, it's dangerous, there's too much covid.
1 day later, we go to lahore, the next day cancellet and go get you out of all its
I'm not stupid, I've traveled all my life, I can even go to Lahore alone.
But they did not appreciate
and it continues, for a little that I have an exit to visit a derbar mawlana humiliates me in
front of these students and tells Salim to speak to me in his place. a skull.

okay after days we are going we are not going there, the day arrived when this hotel, the
most secure Margala hotel I believe in terms of security was no longer good enough for this

We are directed to another Salim on Rawalpidi who leaves us his house to return to the USA.
And that's the end of the continuous comings and goings, food waste, lies, Mawlana's
daughter who has to get married and do her Hallah.
Her father, one o'clock away by plane, doesn't want to go, and whose fault is of course... me
and me again.
everything is wrong since I found a plane to Karachi for him to attend and he refused for 3
consecutive days to hear him tell Aisjha on the phone that it was because of me;
Who today huo forbids someone to do something.
Who more is a man, a scientist?
They really take people for idiots.
In short, everything is a mess without a name for mawlana to accept, hang on to an online
Which is totally against Islam to everything it teaches you regarding new technology and

It was without knowing that everything was premeditated by mawlana, to assert his pseudo
marriage with his whore Siham, he accepts that his own daughter marries online with a man
she does not like and with whom she does not go live because she must continue these
studies that she can do online
you understand something about it.
It seems to me that he told parents in Pakistan not to let them study because she had to get
married as soon as possible.`
But her daughter has the right to marry online and not live with her, and especially why rush
marriage if there is no life together. In short, a real Chinese puzzle, just remember that he
did not do his duty 5 years earlier to attend his daughter's wedding because Pakistan was
too dangerous for him, not attend the wedding when he is in the same country and 1 hour
by plane.
So you can see he was never a father he never will be and he does not respect the rules of

In short Lahore is finally decided, the worst is waiting for me I would come back and return
to Rawalpindi what a surprise it was no longer as secure as that, we had to return to Margala
I'm not stupid I refused, a margal blow is not secure enough, a blow is Rawalpindi.
Just because my kidneys have failed, I don't want any more students in rawalpindi, no visits
are allowed under the pretext of denouncing everything, mawlana is afraid so he accepts.
Rawalpindi a neighborhood where I knew everyone where every day I went with children to
the derbar to pray or every Sunday mass I went to the Christians to pray.
Well that bothered his team, so we invented insecurity where I was at peace. finally with a
mental patient who demanded oral sex every day because he didn't have his sex toys. with a
patient who took twice as much viagra and I had to massage him until he ejaculated 10 times
a day.
A patient who invented lies to people about me and made his victim and he even let the
owner of the house turn on his cameras without consulting me for security reasons.
In short, in Islam, people are filmed without their consent. every time I went down in small
clothes because it was 40 degrees, Mr. Imran hosein to accept that and he said that at least
they will see that he provides.
I contacted the owner Salim who saw me as an enemy while I was the victim.

I'm just telling you....... who's who. your mawlana and you have the proofs is just an
stay in denial and lie it suits you

If I was a burden to him or his enemy as he made believe because apparently that's what he
said he was finally free when I left.
Why he asked me to join Albania and UK if he was in danger with me. He was rid of me after
all, no, but think about it!

In read in Islam and for a scholar one does not let his wife travel alone.
He took a comeback with me. the tickets were purchased with your money. he canceled his
ticket the next day when he refused to do his pcr to leave. He begged me to stay another
week in Pakistan tbut as soon as I got my exit permit I wanted to go back

MUNEBB, went to visit us in Malaysia, quickly mawlana understand that he can help him
with money.
He ask and lie to him and said if he can send 500$ every months to his wife Saadia in
1st lie Saadia is not his wife he don’t have to maintain her.
Up to now Munneb transfer 500$ to Saadia in Pakistan and it was based on a false
500$ in Pakistan is a big amount but Muneeb is riche , never mind for mawlana
Munneb host us in the house of his uncke in Lahore
We had the worse bed room I had in my life

We had a room that stank of toilets and shit so much that it was unbearable for me and the
people who came into that room.
Because can you imagine that the house was so big 2 large living rooms a kitchen 2 halls and
a garden, no that was not enough for your Sheikh.
He brought people into my shitty room and my privacy
I'm not even talking to you about the sale of books that were not Islamically compliant.
Sets of books not complete on sale at the price of a complete set.
An instruction: sell, that all students buy a complete set.
No prices indicated in front of books and students embarrassed to ask the price and pressure

No respect for mawlana with 3 conferences a day reps not even on time despite my
reminders that he was diabetic.
visits until late at night and every evening visits until 1 to 2 am

mawlana even had a serious infection on his full leg, full of stinks, until part of it hardened.
And what is he when I ask him to go to the hospital to get his leg cleaned and get antibiotics?
Well the team promised to take it in the morning and ended up driving it at the end of the
day only after using it for 10 hours straight but I have no right to say anything

So bad things happened in Lahore that my kidneys gave out.

To make mawlana travel whole hours for nothing without saying that he was soon 80 years
10 days of chases where mawlana slept from 2 am to 5 am and I got up to make her
breakfast, I always prepared her table and heated her meal like a wife should do.
Ditto for the students I served them as I have been all my life at the service of others out of
love for GOD

Monsieur was so tired that he became jealous, "you can please others"... and he made me

He even asked me to moan excessively so that the others hear that he is still capable of
making love

He left me alone with men I didn't know, which was against Islam.
I asked for a hotel room which I would pay for with the help of my family, but he refused.
I asked for help from this so-called Colonel Hashfak who played the card of I am your Sheikh
Naqhshabendi, or one of my students.
When I asked him for help with all the un-Islamic things Mawlana was pushing me, he turned
a deaf ear.
He listened to Hira who remoted him and made him believe that I was not a good person.
He even asked me what I was doing with mawlana and that I had my turn, and there I
distanced myself.
A so-called Sheikh who does not keep his words who is a colonel, who is supposed to have
protected Pakistan dear to my heart. a colonel, what... manipulated by a madwoman, a liar
like her father.

dogs are not cats

He repeats everything that mawlana says plagiarizes by writing books, and they brag about
repeating and these books sell.
The world upside down
A hypocrite
A big quarrel with him
I repeated to the son of AHMED DIDAT that mawlana said that his father was disabled at the
end of his life because GOD had punished him for having betrayed the Christians.
to which I replied that a handicap was not a punishment and that GOD was only mercy and
The worst I believe for me was to attend this spectacle of desolation.
So-called pious young people who allow such nonsense to be said and do not even fall

He went from mildly paranoid to totally

Ability to pervert all my actions

Any difference from what he believes is aggression

Even his children are an aggression for him

He doubts everyone
All his life he looks for bouquemissaires
I am alone
Dar el ouloum this...that...
He complains about what he thinks he is....

Mister start to r sings for a woman 1 x 2x 3x until I firmly ask him to stop

Did you experience this humiliation yourself????

See for yourself he communicates with this new student who does not come out of
nowhere, Halima he wants to give her the head of the team of French translators and while
he is still married with 2 women he discusses sex with her in all impunity. here is the useless
evidence to deny
She writes to him, that she gets wet
It prints all books x 1000 in Dutch while French books are waiting

At the head of the French team

Despite that I wrote to him, from behind she writes to him and worse says that my daughter
is not his and falls into his trap.
He wants to invite her on a cruise with your money, and while his plan was to return to
Pakistan after Ramadan, now Mr changes his plans because this whore can only take time off
in the summer.

He threw the Pakistan he shifted for her, a girl who has never seen, who does not even give
him a picture of her.

Poor of this Umma

Do you see the fitna


Madame and monsieur chat behind 2 wives, make her wet online.

The name darling

Ask her what she wants and what could lead her to the stars...

Everything I taught him, except he forgot that no one wants a man who burps and farts all
day and is for sodomy and pornography.
Shows him that he gives (your) and helps women financially.
Indirect messages to tell him I'm going to help you and he puts it in his pocket and she
prostitutes herself online

See you in Rawalpindi he made people believe that he was hacking and that he had to secure
his computer and indeed a member of his team who writes to me regularly and who has
access to his computer, regularly sends me "reads this should interest you"
I am not a spy but the spy came to me and made me take advantage of it.

Speaking of spy, if mawlana was to be killed he would have been killed a long time ago. He
makes you think he's in danger, but he's not.
If who cares? had wanted to kill him he was going to buy his paxk of water at the same place
every 2 days in Malaysia. They could have killed him long ago. It's just him who tells
nonsense, who transmitted his fears to you but everything was false

He victimized himself and you followed except me who was praying to GOD to get out of this
Of course they are rule in islam tha,ks GOD
He cant divorce me when I am pregnant but he try to do so.
As soon as I delivery he pronounce a pseudo divorce but in islam sonhan ALLAH even when a
woman delivery no one can divorce her the 1st months.
I want him to said publiquely what was wrong with me it s my right no?
Never mind what I wanted to told you about your pseudo Cheikh is that I don’t want to be in
his place.

I ask for compensation and I have the right.

I want him to reimburse me for my 7 years of torture with him, so we will have to find a
value that is priceless.
I want him to pay me back the money I had in my account before the wedding.
I want him to reimburse me for the 7 years that I have less contributions for my retirement.
I want him to pay me for the work done for 7 years.

I have the right in Islam to ask this, so I can already tell you that he will die in debt.

GOD forgives everything except debts. And I will never forgive this scam under cover of
Islam, this shitty marriage, that he took advantage of me and my love and everything else

He put our marriage in danger with Siham the 1st time that he travelled with her. He
contacted her again to buy her with your donation
He wanted me to accept an illegal marriage just for travelling
He said that she insited to travel with him
False, lies
Who contact who when she was out of our life.
What is this islam to put in danger a marriage for what, a student who insiste….
I am not jalous but I know myself, I know the traffix behind all this zakat and this kind of
prostitution. You cant said that is not a prostiturion to married someone just for money, for
travelling 2 week in Greece with him, to married her by phone and divorce her by email, and
propose her an other man to married after to divorce her when she fuck him and return to
an non muslim man because he offer her his house.
Bravo, I understand why we cant be an Umma when we are misguided by a scholar like him.

I forgot this famous Ferhat who wrote many time to mawlana and ask him to divorce me.
As he wanted it for me the malediction will turn to him and his daughters.
I also forgot to mention that despice he was married he bring at the hotel his girlfriend and
wanted to bring her in skardu. Is it allowed when is married to expose himself like this.
Hide yourself have respect for your Cheikh.
The worse think is to separate a couple.
The worse thing is for a scholar to divorce at 80 years old and never wanted to assume his
daughter or even ask a picture of her.
Fitna is his speciality, he loves to put embarrassment between 2 of his student, evne
between couple.
Chaitan in person , Ya Latif how much I was blind

Siddiqa or Michel phillips

An Christian woman who wanted to convert in islam but face lot of strange man who don’t
fallowing islam rules. She is ready and prepare now to married a Christian even she is muslim
Then the implication is that mawlana allowed her to married an non-muslim.
This is the scholar of today
Not allowed to married by phone of one line but do it.
Accept that a muslim woman married an non muslim and allowed it

Ok all this contraction is in front of you with proof.

I don’t need you to be In my part, just think and open your eyes. I don’t need you and I never
needed you by the past.

This woman ask to share is sadaqa when she don’t as yet reached the 8000$ that she
Can you imagine that she received so much money, she forget that she ask this amount and
want to share with him. Don’t worry he just buy her last year a house with your donation,
approve her marriage, let her talk badly about Aisha.
This is the tactic of the hypocrite.
To complain mawlana as he had a pity life with Aisha, she had pity on him and insult her
indirectly. Wich kind of husband, not a scholar let someone denigrated his wife, this famous
Aisha that he mention in Pakistan like a good person when he confess to me the opposite.
Idem for Halima he let a woman that he was not in touch , a nex arrival in her life told him
that my daughter is not from him and she understand him.
But tomorrow we will passed away or not.
This life is not a play.
We have duty, rules to respect.
This cheikh allowed people to insult each other indirectly
Halima insulting me
Saddiqa insulting Aisha
Aisha insulting me in my back, but I always ignore her
This is chaitan circle and they are dancing



Look at the ticket on 28/07 he was supposed to travel with his wife who is ill.
This liar ask with your money 2 tickets to return and don’t do his Islamic duty to fly and
travel with her.
But every student can told you that he always cancel most of all his ticket a lot of time
without refiund, just because his humour, a pervers , an psychopathe, that you maintain to
preach islam.
What he done , make fitna in every couple in the name of hijra
Pfffffff I am so tired, I have to much to said, I need 5 books for that

a trip to organize behind my back in Albania
Finally, he invites me to join him. if he was in danger with me as he implied in Pakistan and
he was free why did he ask me to join him in Albania and the UK; all the evidence is there, a
narcissistic manipulative pervert, who asks me to join him, he plays the lover and after UK
and after playing the lover, a non-compliant divorce.

an Imam who encourages us in a hotel by the sea with almost naked women, in topless and
bikinis all day long. A hotel by the sea. Is it Islamic for a Sheikh to be in front of a half-naked
woman all day, but yes, let's see.
Like rue de berne in Geneva.

Is it normal for an imam to place his sheikh in the middle of naked women, yes normal.
He humiliated me in front of the imam when I asked him for money to buy a can of coke.
In short, there is so much to say
See for yourself.
Some pictures where he is happy... with me... lol

Bof too much to said about the hypocrisy in the hypocrisie

One of his closed student in Malaysia, look at the mail.


His daughter Hira have to thanks me to hold his father, I never let him drive or hold any
grocery in my life.
She know her father and his lies and his weakness regardless woman, but she accepted that
when she was there for the Covid, so much million come, she understand that she have to
stay .
But he never help me when he humiliated me the year of the covid by maintaining me and
complaining to me.
Even one time he said that he have to divorce because he cant maintain me, the one who
work .
I had by ALLAH to buy many months spoiled fruits and veggies to survived.
When Mister hade million donation to help woman , he never think about me but make his
plane and printed 30 000 books in Pakistan, when it s just amazing to received a book from
there today.
The quality was less than Malaysia, and at the end , even the stock was in Karachi, we never
ever sold a complete set in Pakistan.

But Hira was there and never help.

Someone who can manage like me, never let a city without a stock of books.

Hira the one who said that she want to spend time with his father.
The one who left his father alone with this Aisha who use to bit him
Yes Hira is smoking then she prefer to have his one appartement. To live an American life
because muslim or Pakistanese life is to hard for her.

His father said and repeat it often , that once she was in Malaysia, she left him and as soon
she passed the control of police she throw his khimar, veil from her hair and it is his big
disappointment in this life

Yes she had to thanks me, rather than that.

Look now I am free he is no more my husband and I don’t have to cover him anymore.
How she will survived with a father and a brother with the same weakness

I have pity on her,

His father said that she start to be a service maid in Manchester, cleaning the house and
cooking for men. Of course she preferred to return to Trinidad to see her Fahd from afar and
continued to be in contact with him.

In the end it's the same shit everywhere,

one prostitution here, one there
Salem and take care of akhir zaman Dajjal is the biggest desapointment

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