Dual Nature
Dual Nature
Dual Nature
Photoelectric Effect:
The phenomenon of emission of electrons from mainly metal surfaces
exposed to light energy (X – rays, γ – rays, UV rays, Visible light and even
Infra Red rays) of suitable frequency is known as photoelectric effect.
The electrons emitted by this effect are called photoelectrons.
The current constituted by photoelectrons is known as photoelectric current.
Note: Non metals also show photoelectric effect. Liquids and gases also
show this effect but to limited extent.
UV Visible light Visible light
Photoelectrons Photoelectrons
No photoelectrons
+ + C – Metallic cathode
A – Metallic Anode
● ●K V
W – Quartz Window
- Photoelectron
Glass transmits only visible and infra-red lights but not UV light.
Quartz transmits UV light.
i) A part of energy is used to overcome the surface barrier and come out of
the metal surface. This part of the energy is called ‘work function’
(Ф = hν0).
ii) The remaining part of the energy is used in giving a velocity ‘v’ to the
emitted photoelectron. This is equal to the maximum kinetic energy of the
photoelectrons ( ½ mv2max ) where ‘m’ is mass of the photoelectron.
hν = Ф + ½ mv2max
hν ½ mv2max
= hν0 + ½ mv2max
½ mv2max = h ( ν - ν0 )
Ф = hν0
Verification of Laws of Photoelectric Emission based on Einstein’s
Photoelectric Equation:
½ mv2max = h ( ν - ν0 )
i) If ν < ν0, then ½ mv2max is negative, which is not possible. Therefore, for
photoelectric emission to take place ν > ν0.
ii) Since one photon emits one electron, so the number photoelectrons
emitted per second is directly proportional to the intensity of incident light.
iii) It is clear that ½ mv2max α ν as h and ν0 are constant. This shows that K.E. of
the photoelectrons is directly proportional to the frequency of the incident
Thus, radiations have dual nature. i.e. wave and particle nature.
Matter waves, like electromagnetic waves, can travel in vacuum and hence
they are not mechanical waves.
Matter waves are not electromagnetic waves because they are not
produced by accelerated charges.
Matter waves are probability waves, amplitude of which gives the
probability of existence of the particle at the point.
Davisson and Germer Experiment:
A beam of electrons emitted by the
electron gun is made to fall on
Nickel crystal cut along cubical axis
at a particular angle. V Electron Gun
The scattered beam of electrons is F
received by the detector which can C
be rotated at any angle. A
The energy of the incident beam of or
electrons can be varied by changing
θ Ф Det
the applied voltage to the electron
gun. θ
Incident Beam
Intensity of scattered beam at 44 V Intensity of scattered beam at 48 V
e am
Incident Beam
Incident Beam
Ф = 50°
pattern after
100 electrons
pattern after
0 5 10 15 20 25 √ V 3000 electrons
(√ 54) V
pattern after
70000 electrons