Generating Cooling System 1 2
Generating Cooling System 1 2
Generating Cooling System 1 2
R. SATHVIKA 20285A0243
V.AKHILA 20285A0263
G. SANTHOSH 20285A0251
M. MOUNIKA 20285A0228
K. VENU 20285A0210
N. RAKESH 20285A0236
R. SATHVIKA 20285A0243
V.AKHILA 20285A0263
G. SANTHOSH 20285A0251
M. MOUNIKA 20285A0228
K. VENU 20285A0210
N. RAKESH 20285A0236
In general any power generator has to supply its full rated capacity.
So, for a typical 500MW generator its rated terminal current is around
15000Amp. This huge current generates large quantity of heat in the
windings. This needs to be evacuated from the generator continuously.
C ontents
01 Introduction to NTPC. 07
02 Details of NTPC – Ramagundam Super 10
Thermal Power Station.
Introduction to NTPC
NTPC was incorporated in 7th November 1975. In the last 39 years, it has
grown into the largest power utility of India. Based on 2014 data, carried out by
Forbes global NTPC is the 42nd rank in the world. NTPC was ranked 62nd among the
250 largest Power Producers and Energy Traders in the world by Platts in 2012. In
2009, it received ICSI National Award for Excellence in Corporate Governance.
NTPC Vision
"A world class integrated power major, powering India’s growth, with increasing
global presence"
NTPC Mission
"Develop and provide reliable power, related products and services at competitive
prices, integrating multiple energy sources with innovative and eco – friendly
technologies and contribute to society"
Core Values
Business Ethics.
Environmentally & economically sustainable.
Customer focus.
Organizational & Professional pride.
Mutual Respect & Trust.
Innovation and Speed.
Total Quality Excellence.
Transparent and Respected Organization.
The RSTPS today rose like a phoenix. Skyline NTPC rides the rest of pride as
all the 7 units were commissioned ahead of schedule NTPC is also one of the
M A H A R AT N A corporation in public sector, has the generating capacity of 43143
MW, through its 17 coal and 7 gas based power projects situated at various parts of
the country. This account is almost 1/5th of the total generating capacity of the
country in all sectors put together. Thus every 5th bulb in the country is lit by NTPC
NTPC has set new benchmarks for the power industry both in the area of
power plant construction and operation. It is providing power at the cheapest
average tariff in the country. With its experience and expertise in the power sector,
NTPC is extending consultancy services to various organizations in the power
Details of NTPC - Ramagundam
Ramagundam Super Thermal Power Station is a plant with switching station for
southern grid, distributing 400 KV, generating 2600 MW, having mines, and Rail
transport facility. Plant generating power in three stages. Stage – 1 with three units
of 200 M W capacities, Stage – 2 with three units of 500 M W capacities and Stage-3
with 500 M W capacity.
Approval of RSTPS
Stage I : 3X200MW
Stage II : 3X500MW
Stage III : 1X500 M W
NTPC Ramagundam is located at latitude of 18-46E and longitude of 76-26N.
River Godavari flows west to east. The site is accessible to N H 7. The plant
occupies an area of 10,000 Acers. The reservoir that serves as the intake water source
for power is located at the south. The ash disposal area and the township are located
to the west and northwest respectively.
The NTPC at RSTPS generates power through three units of 200 M W each
and three of 500 M W each. The power generated here is used for domestic and
industrial purpose in Telangana, Andhra Pradesh and other neighboring states.
Percentage of the power utilized by different states as follows:
Fuel Requirement
The entire requirement of coal for the plant was proposed to met from the
near by Singareni Collieries Mines, which are about 30 Km away from the plant the
mines were possessing about 1800 million tones of coal at the time of installation.
Water Requirement
At the time of making feasible report alternatives were consider for meeting
the water requirements of cooling water. A detailed study indicated that it would
not be possible to meet it through direct circulation. So a dam was proposed. The
Pochampad Dam later called as Sri Ram Sagar Project was built on river Godavari.
Ash Disposal
Large area of land is required for the disposal of the waste like coal ash been
generated from the plant is pumped a slurry form through the pipeline to the ash
pond at Kandupally (village), which is 5 Km away from the power station. The ash
disposal is utilized in various forms.
Environmental Control
Station is equipped with highly efficient ESP system and with tall chimney of
about 225 m height, effluent treatment plant was also installed for reuse of decant
ash water from ash pond.
Salient Features
Installed capacity : 2600MW.
Goa, Telangana & Pondichery.
Evacuation of power:
The power generated from station is evacuated through 10 no’s 400KV, 3 no’s
of 220KV and 2no’s of 132kv overhead transmission lines.
Distribution of Electricity:
A N D H R A PRADESH & T E L A N G A NA 610 29%
TAMIL N A D U 470 22%
K A R NATA K A 345 16%
KERALA 245 12%
G OA 100 5%
Remaining 250MW can be used to any state, now being used in Andhra
Pradesh and Telangana.
Total capacity of stage - 3 is 500MW - distributing electricity to following
states in MW:
AP & T E L A N GA NA 145.86 29%
TAM IL NADU 118.20 23%
K A R NATA K A 86.76 17%
KERALA 1.61 2%
PONDICHERRY 12.57 2.5%
Brief details of Thermal Power Plant Auxiliaries
Atmosphere RESERVIOR
C.H.P. R
C Air Pre
P.A. F.D.
Crusher Y
Y Fan Fan
Heater D.M
C Condenser
Bunker Coal Coal mill
Ash Slurry POND
I.P.T. Re- H.P.T. Hopper PUMPS
- heater
E.S.P. E.S.P.
Cond – LP
L.P.T. C.E.P. heaters
B B.F.P.
Deaer- nomizer
Coal mill
guiding mechanism that crushes the coal between a roller and a bowl and various
types of hammer or impact grinding mills.
Ball mills are most successfully in the pulverization of very hard or abrasive
coals such as anthracite coal.
The primary air fans are used to transport the pulverized coal to the
respective coal nozzles at each coal elevation in the furnace. Similar to the FD fan the
primary air fan also heats the air in the primary air pre-heater (PAPH). The source of
heating in the PAPH is also the waste flow gas. There are two PA fans for each
This FD fan sucks air from atmosphere. Pressurizes it and sends it to furnace
prior sending it to furnace, the pressurized air is heated in secondary air pre-heater
(SAPH) the source of heating in SAPH is the hot flue gas, which is leaving from the
boiler. There are two Force Draft fans for each boiler. The pressurized hot air
generally called secondary air acts as a combustion medium in the furnace.
Take air from atmosphere at ambient temperature to supply essentially all the
combustion air.
Can either be sized to overcome all the boiler losses (pressurized firing) or just to
put the air in the furnace (balanced draft units).
The system resistance includes losses in the cold air duct, air-heater, the hot air
duct and the wind box in the balanced draft units.
Speeds vary between 600 to 1500 rpm.
Used only in balanced draft units, these fans literally suck the gases out of the
furnace and throw them into the stack. Handle dirty gases at temperatures of 125
to 200 Deg.C.
System resistance includes losses in the Furnace, super heaters, reheaters,
economizer, water wall screens, air heater, gas ducting and electrostatic
precipitators (the entire gas path).
The fuel supply is from the common fuel oil supply system comprising a
pump, which will serve all units in the station. The fuel oil flow to the burners for
achieving initial ignition temp is supplied from this system through a fuel oil supply
line to a header in the furnace. The oil may be heavy oil used for firing the boiler up
to 20% M G R or the light oil used for start up low load generation of the boiler.
From the pulverized coal bin coal is conveyed by hot air injectors through
coal pipes to boiler coal burners of one tier or level at a horizontal angle into the
furnace to give a swirling action for powdered coal for proper mixing of coal
powder and also the incoming hot air from FD fans, to give the best combustion. If
the system does not have pulverized coal bin then coal powder is conveyed directly
to coal burners from pulverizes. Then generally one tier is fed by one pulverizer.
To provide sufficient combustion temperature in the furnace before spraying
powdered coal to catch fire or ignite, the furnace temperature is brought up by
spraying and burning light oil by means of igniter oil guns. Oil is used in a fine
spray, as oil can catch fire even in ambient temperature.
Alternatively gas is also used for ignition instead of oil, if available in plenty.
However in this case the igniter gun design differs. To ignite the ignition oil or gas,
an Electric High Tension spark in the path of oil or gas is used momentarily and
then the spark gun is withdrawn.
The furnace takes coal from coal mill, oil from oil gun, and air from FD fans
respectively for the process of combustion. The furnace has four walls. The wind
boxes which allow air into the furnace, coal inlets, oil guns air all arranged at the
four corners of the walls of the furnace. There are igniters which are at the corners
ignite the oil air mixture by producing a high voltage spark.
Turbine is shaft coupled to Generator; the turbine is divided into three
categories, which have same shaft coupling.
The steam from HPT is sent to reheater and then to the IPT, the expanded
steam is tapped and sent to LPT. Where the temp is 530 deg C and pressure
decreases to negative (-0.86kg/cm2).
Some quantity of steam is tapped from IPT, LPT and is used to heat the feed
water in LPH, HPH. The condensed steam from the turbine is directly sent to
The steam after expansion through the turbine goes through the condenser.
The condenser improves the efficiency of the power plant by decreasing the exhaust
pressure of the steam below atmosphere. Another advantage of condenser is that
condensed steam can be recovered and this provides a good source of pure feed
water to the boiler thereby reducing considerably the water softening plant capacity,
air and non-condensable gases are removed from the steam when it passes through
the condenser.
Boiler feed pump takes feed water from deaerator and pressurizes to the
highest level in water circuit to about 200kg/cm2 and sends it to boiler through high
pressure heater (HPH).
Working principle of electrostatic precipitator
Of all the devices used for solid-gas separation, electrostatic precipitator finds
wide application because of its inherent advantage over all other devices.
Electrostatic precipitators can handle large volume of gases from which solid
particulates are to be removed. Their technical superiority lies in low pressure drop,
high efficiency for small particles size, and relatively easy removal of the collected
The collecting electrodes are connected to the positive polarity of the source
and grounded. The high electric field in the vicinity of the emitting electrodes
creates ‘corona discharge’ ionizing the gas molecules.
The dust particles entrained in the gas acquire negative charge and
experience a force which drives them toward the collecting electrodes where they
get deposited. The collected material is dislodged by knocking the electrode by a
process called ‘Rapping.’
The generator is one of the important blocks in the power production plant.
Generator is coupled with turbine, which rotates due to the steam. The generator
consists of two important parts namely the stator and the rotor. The stator consists
of windings to generate electric flux with the help of an excitation unit provided.
The rotor is the rotating part, which is coupled to the shaft with bearings.
The rotor is a conductor and as a conductor is cutting the flux an E.M.F is
induced which is tapped as power supply. Thus the steam energy is converted into
electric supply. This supply is 22KV voltage is increased to 400KV for transmission
purpose by using a step-up transformer.
Rated Data
Rectifier Wheel
Pilot Exciter
(f) Stator winding resistance at 20oC : U-O = 0.002518 ohms
• V-O = 0.002538 ohms
• W-O = 0.002529 ohms
Torque / Critical
(c) H 2 Filling quantity (To 4.0 bar) : 480 m3 (S.T.P.)*
S.T.P. = Standard temperature and Pressure, 0 o C and 1.013 bar to DIN 1343
The cooling tower rejects waste heat from the steam cycle to atmosphere. A
cooling tower is a specialized heat exchanger in which two fluids (air water) are
brought into direct contact with each other to affect the transfer of heat. In a "spray-
filled" tower, this is accomplished by spraying a flowing mass of water into a rain-
like pattern, through which an upward moving mass flow of coal air induced by the
action of a fan or by natural draft.
In ash handling system there are bottom ash &fly ash system about 80%of
total ash is coming as fly ash is collected in ESP. 20% of ash as bottom ash is
collected at the bottom of the furnace. The fused ash will fall at the bottom
&quenched in water. So, formed clinkers are grinded in clinker grinder & the
powder will be mixed with water &flushed out to pump house from where it is
pumped out to ash pound.
The bottom ash hopper is of H2O impounded self supplying type located
directly beneath the boiler. This is periodically removed.
RSTPP boiler is of balanced draft system plus set of FD and ID fans are used
to maintain a vacuum inside the furnace. Air system starts with the FD fans. They
suck the air from the atmosphere &deliver to RAPH. The hot air will be supplied to
the PA fans. Flue gas system starts from the furnace. The ID fan will suck the hot
flue gas through the air preheater & ESP &deliver to the stack.
Working principle:
Maximum power:
Global development
Generator Designation
1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 20 30 40 50 100 200
Generator rating in
Air Hydrogen
The letter symbol of the Generator type designation The third letter designates the type of cooling of the
consists of four capital letters denoting the following. rotor winding
R = Direct radial gas cooling.
The first letter designates the product. D = Direct axial cooling.
F = Direct water cooling.
T = Three Phase Turbo Generator
The second letter designates the cooling gas in the The fourth letter designates the type of cooling of the
generator housing. Stator winding.
I = Indirect gas cooling.
L = AIR D = Direct gas cooling.
H = Hydrogen F = Direct Water cooling
Components of Generator:
The main components of a generator are:
1. Stator
Stator frame
End shields
Stator Core
Stator winding
Hydrogen coolers
2. Rotor
Rotor shaft
Rotor windings
Rotor retaining rings
Field connections
3. Bearings.
4. Shaft Seals.
5. Excitation System.
End Shield Cover
Oil Catcher
Shaft Seal
Terminal Bushing
General Description:
The two-pole generator uses direct water cooling for stator winding. Phase
connectors and bushings and direct hydrogen cooling for the rotor winding. The
losses in the remaining generator components, such as iron losses winding losses,
and stray losses, are also dissipated through hydrogen.
The generator frame is pressure resistant and tight and equipped with one
stator end shield on either side. The hydrogen coolers are arranged vertically inside
the turbine end stator end shield
Stator Frame r
It consists of a cylindrical center section and two end shields which are gas
tight and pressure resistant. The stator end shields are joined and sealed to the stator
frame with an O-ring and bolted flange connections. The Stator frame
accommodates the electrically active part of stator i.e., the stator core and windings.
Both the gas ducts and large number of welded circular grips provide for the
rigidity of the stator frame. Ring shaped supports for resilient core suspension are
arranged between circular ribs. Feeds are welded to the stator frame and end
shields to support the stator on the foundation.
Stator Frame Interior
Stator Frame - outside
trough-type clamping bolts which are insulated from the core. The supporting rings
from part of an inner frame cage.
The springs are so arranged and tuned that forced vibrations of the core
resulting from the magnetic field will not be transmitted to the frame and
The pressure plates and end portions of the stator core effectively shielded
against stray magnetic fields. The flux shields are cooled by a flow of hydrogen gas
directly over the assembly.
Clamping finger
Stator slow
Stator End shields
The ends of the stator frame are closed by pressure containing end shields.
The end shields feature a high stiffness and accommodate the generator
bearings, shaft seals and hydrogen coolers.
The end shields are horizontally split to allow for assembly.
The end shields contain the generator bearings.
Stator windings:
Hydrogen coolers
The hydrogen cooler is shell and tube type heat exchanger which cools the
hydrogen gas in the generator. The heat removed from the hydrogen is dissipated
through the cooling water. The cooling water flows through the tubes. While the
hydrogen is passed around the finned tubes.
The hydrogen flows through the coolers in a horizontal direction. The cold
cooling water flows from the bottom to the top of the cooler on the cold gas side
and, after reversal in the return water channel, the heated water flows downwards
on the hot gas side. This cooling water flow passage is obtained through a partition
in the inlet/outlet water channel.
Each cooler consists of the tube bundle, the upper and lower tube-sheets, the
return water channel and the inlet/outlet water channel. The tubes have copper fins
to obtain a larger heat transfer surface, the fins being joined to the tubes by tinning.
The ends of the tubes are expanded into the upper and lower tube-sheets. The
two side walls of structural steel base the cooler and direct the hydrogen flow. They
are solidly bolted to the upper tube-sheet. While the attachment to the lower tube
sheet permits them to move freely to allow for expansion of the tube bundle.
Flexible seal strips bolted to the side walls seal the gap between the cooler
and the cooler well in the cooler assembly, thus preventing uncooled hydrogen from
flowing past the cooler.
The upper tube sheet is larger than the cooler well opening and is used to fix
the cooler. Gastight sealing of this tube sheet is done by a packing. The return water
channel is bolted to the upper tube sheet over a flat gasket.
The lower tube sheet is freely movable and capable of following the
differential movement between stator frame and cooler due to the different thermal
expansion resulting from the different materials and temperature. Attached to the
lower tube sheet is the inlet/outlet water channel with its cooling water inlet and
outlet pipes.
A seal cap is bolted over the inlet/outlet water channel. The seal cap has
opening for bringing out the cooling water pipes. Gastight sealing is done by a gland
type seal which is simultaneously pressed against the outer circumference of the
tube sheet and against the sealing face of the seal cap by a compression ring.
The cooler are parallel-connected on their water sides shut off valves are
installed in the lines before and after each cooler. The required cooling water
volumetric flow depends on the generator output and is adjusted by a control valves
on the heated water side. Controlling the cooling water flow on the outlet side
ensures an uninterrupted water flow through the coolers.
Coolers Specification
Rotor shaft:
To ensure that only high quality forgings are used strength tests, material
analysis, and ultrasonic tests are performed during manufacturing of the rotor.
After completion, the rotor is balanced various planes at different speeds and
then subjected to an over speed test at 120% of rated speed for two minutes.
Rotor shaft
Rotor winding:
The field winding consists of several coils inserted into the longitudinal slots
of the rotor body.
The coils are wound around the poles so that one north and one south
magnetic pole are obtained.
The hollow conductors have a trapezoidal cross section and are provided
with two cooling ducts of approximately semi-circular cross-section.
All conductors have identical copper and cooling duct cross-sections.
The conductors are made of copper with a silver content of approximately
The insulation between the individual turns is made of layers of glass fibre
To protect the winding against the effects of the centrifugal force, the winding
is secured in the slots with wedges.
The slot wedges are made from a copper-nickel-silicon alloy featuring high
strength and good electrical conductivity, and are used as damper winding
It consists of several coils inserted into the longitudinal slots of the rotor body
the coils are wound around the pole so that one north and south magnetic pole are
The hollow conductors have a trapezoidal cross section and provided with
two cooling ducts approximately semicircular cross section. All conductors have
identical copper and cooling duct cross sections.
The individual conductors are bent to obtain half turns. After inter section
into the rotor slots these turns are combined to form full turns ,the series connected
turns of one slot constituting one coil the individual coils of the rotor winding are
electrically series connected.
Retaining rings
The centrifugal forces of the rotor end windings retaining rings. The retaining
rings are made of non-magnetic high-strength steel in order to reduce stray losses.
Each retaining ring with its shrink-fitted insert ring is shrunk on to the rotor body in
an overhung position. The retaining ring is secured in the axial position by a snap
Field connections
The field current is supplied to the rotor winding through a radial terminal
bolts and two semi conductors located in hallow bores of the exciter and rotor shaft.
The field current leads are connected to the exciter leads at the exciter coupling with
multi contact plug-in contacts which allow for unobstructed thermal expansion of
the field current leads.
The generator cooling gas is circulated by one axial-flow fan located on the
turbine-end shaft journal.
To augment the cooling of the rotor winding, the pressure established by the
fan works in conjunction with the gas expelled from the discharge ports along
the rotor.
Generator Bearings
Shaft Seals
The rotor shaft ends are brought out of the gastight enclosure through double-
flow shaft seals.
With this type of shaft seal, the escape of hydrogen between the rotating shaft
and the housing is prevented by maintaining a continuous film of oil between
the shaft and a non-rotating floating seal ring.
To accomplish this, seal oil from two separate circuits, i.e. the air side and the
hydrogen side seal oil circuit, is fed to the seal ring at a pressure slightly
higher than the hydrogen pressure.
In addition, higher pressure air side oil is supplied to the shaft seal for thrust
load compensation of the seal ring.
Necessity of cooling system for Generator
Losses produced in the core and conductors are converted to heat, which
raises the temperature of parts of the generator.
Cooling system takes care of this temperature rise and keeps the temperature
within the limits imposed by insulation properties of windings.
Today large Generators are using Hydrogen as coolant maintained at a
pressure in the casing of the generator.
Stator conductors are cooled by water flowing through the conductors.
Hydrogen Gas cooling system of generator.
Disadvantage of Hydrogen
Hydrogen cooling circuit
Flow path I
It is desired into the rotor at turbine end below the fan hub for cooling of the
turbine end half of the rotor.
Flow path II
It is directed to the stator end winding space at the exciter end through guide
ducts in the frame for cooling of the exciter end half of the rotor and of the core end
The three flows mix in the air gaps. The gas then returned to the coolers by
axial flow fan.
automatically controlled to maintain a uniform generator temperature level for
various loads and cold water temperatures.
Ventilation diagram
Cooling of rotor
For direct cooling of the rotor winding, coal gas is directed to the rotor end
windings at the turbine and exciter ends. The rotor winding is symmetrical relative
to the generator center line and pole axis .Each coil quarter is divided into two
cooling zones.
The first cooling zone consists of the rotor end windings and the second one
of the winding portion between the rotor body end and the midpoint of the rotor.
Cold gas is directed to each cooling zone through separate openings directly before
the rotor body end. The hydrogen flows through each such that approximately
identical temperatures are obtained for all conductors.
The gas of the first cooling zone is discharged from the coils at the pole centre
into a collecting compartment with in the pole area below the end winding. From
there the hot gas passes into the air gap through pole phase slots at the end of the
rotor body. The hot gas of the second cooling zone is discharged into the air gap at
mid length of the rotor body through radial openings in the hollow conductors and
For cooling the stator core cold is admitted to the individual frame
compartments via separate cooling gas ducts.
From these frame compartments the gas then flows into the air gap through
slots in the core where it absorbs the heat from the core .To dissipate the higher
losses in the core ends, the cooling gas slots are closely spaced in the core end
sections to ensure effective cooling. These ventilating ducts are supplied with
cooling gas directly from the end winding space .Another flow path is directed from
the stator end winding space past the clamping fingers between the pressure plate
and core end section into the air gap. A further flow path passes into the air gap
along either side of the flux shield.
All the flows mix in the air gap and cool the rotor body and cool the rotor
body and stator bore surface. The gas is then returned to the coolers via the axial-
flow fan. To ensure that the cold gas directed to the exciter end cannot be directly
discharged into the air gap, an air gap choke is arranged with in the range of the
stator end winding cove and the rotor retaining at the exciter end.
Generator Gas System
The gas system contains all equipment necessary for filling the generator with
C O 2 , hydrogen or air and removal of these media, and for operation of the generator filled with
H 2 supply.
C O 2 supply.
Compressed Air supply.
Pressure reducers.
Pressure gauges.
Miscellaneous shutoff valves.
Purity metering equipment.
Gas dryer.
C O 2 flash evaporator.
Flow meters.
1 – H2 Bottle.
2– H2 Pressure Reducer 13 – Dehydrating filter
3 – N2 Bottle For measuring gas.
4 – N 2 Pressure 14 – Pressure reducer for
Reducer 5 – Primary Measuring gas
water Tank 6 – 15– Compressed air hose
Pressure Controller 7 – 16 – Compressed air
Upper Gen gas header filter.
8– Lower Gen gas 17 – C O 2
header Flash
9– Gas drier heater evaporator.
10 – Gas drier fan
The heat losses arising in the generator are dissipated through hydrogen. For
more effective cooling, the hydrogen in the generator is pressurized.
The hydrogen gas shall be made available with purity of 99.9%. The
remaining 0.1 % shall be free of corrosive contaminants: traces of ammonia (NH3)
and sulpher dioxide (SO2) shall not be detectable by analysis.
If obtained from a central bulk supply, the hydrogen gas shall be made
available at the following conditions:
Gauge pressure: 8 to 9 bar
Volumetric flow rate: 144 to 216 m 3 /h.
be filled with an inert gas (CO 2) prior to H 2 filling and H 2 removal. The generator must be filled
with C O 2 until it is positively ensured that no explosive mixture will form during the
subsequent filling or emptying procedures.
If obtained from a central bulk supply, the gas shall be made available at the
following conditions:
To remove C O 2 from the generator, compressed air is to be admitted into the generator.
The compressed air must be clean and dry. For this reason, a compressed air filter is
installed in the filter line.
The compressed air shall be free of corrosive contaminants and hazardous
gases, flammable or toxic. The maximum total oil or hydrocarbon content, exclusive
of non-condensable, shall be as close to zero (0) w/w or v/v as possible, and
no circumstances shall it exceed one (1) ppm w/w or v/v under normal operating
The compressed air shall be practically free of dust. The maximum particle
size in the air stream shall be five (5) micrometers. The oxygen content of the
expanded air shall be between 20 and 21% v/v.
The dew point at line pressure shall be at least 15 K below the minimum
possible generator temperature. In no case should the dew point at line pressure
exceed 10 °C.
The transmitter for the CO2 / H2 purity meter system on the gas valve rack is
also of an explosion proof design.
The meter system operates on the thermal conductivity method.
The meter system measures the H2 content of the gas in the generator as well
as the composition of gas mixtures (CO2 / air and H2 / CO2) during filling
and emptying of the generator.
The second purity meter system is a mechanical type and uses the physical
relationships between the hydrogen pressure, the speed of the generator fan,
and the specific gravity of the medium.
This meter system, therefore, functions only at rated speed.
Technical Data - Gas System
Design Data
CO2 vaporizer
Rating 18 kW
Voltage 415V, 3 Ph A C 50Hz
Heat transfer liquid HYTHERM 500 (M/s HPCL)
Volume of heat transfer liquid 25 dm3
Hole in orifice 2.8 mm
Relief valve on high-pressure side 175 bar
Relief valve on low-pressure side 8 bar
Nos. 2x100% capacity
CO 2 Flash Evaporator
Since the C O 2 is available in the liquid state, it must be expanded into a gas before use.
prevented, and the C O 2 is admitted into the generator at the proper temperature.
Gas Dryer (Refrigeration Type)
For hydrogen gas drying, 2 nos. Refrigeration gas driers are available. Either
of these two can be selected for the gas drying operation, by suitably operating the
following valves, to bring in circuit either drier-1 or drier-2.
After the operation of the Refrigeration drier, the condensate gets collected in
the condensate chamber, which can be observed through the glass window. Drain
the condensate chamber once every 24 hours.
Primary Water System
Each pump is driven by a separate motor. All valves, pipes and instruments
coming into contact with the primary water are made from stainless steel material.
The primary water system consists of the following principal components:
After having performed its cooling function, the water is returned to the
primary water tank. The gas pressure above the water level in the primary water
tank is maintained constant by a pressure regulator.
Primary Water Scheme
r S Stroke adjustment
Generato PUMP&
M O TO R Ion Exchanger
N aoH
Fine Filter
Outlet Bushing
Flow meter
Pr. Reg
PW Inlet C
N2 ne
D M Make
To Ion
Up line PW Outlet te
Flow Exchange
mete r ECW INr
Temp C V
The primary water tank is located on top of the stator frame on an elastic
support, thus forming the highest point of the entire primary water circuit in terms
of static head.
Primary cooling water circuit in the Generator
The treated water used for cooling of the stator winding phase connectors
and bushings is designated as primary water in order to distinguish it from
the secondary coolant (raw water, condensate, etc.).
The primary water is circulated in a closed circuit and dissipates the absorbed
heat to the secondary cooling water in the primary water cooler.
The pump is supplied with hot primary water from the primary water tank
and delivers the water to the generator via the coolers. The cooled water flow
is divided into two flow paths.
Cools the stator windings. This flow path first passes to a water manifold on
the exciter end to the generator and from there to the stator bars via insulated
hoses. Each individual bar is connected to the manifold by a separate hose.
Inside the bars the cooling water flows through hollow strands.
At the turbine end, the water is passed through similar hoses to another
water manifold and then returned to the primary water tank.
Cools the phase connectors and bushings. The bushings and phase connectors
consist of thick-walled copper tubes through which the cooling water is
The six bushings and the phase connectors arranged in a circle around the
stator end winding are hydraulically interconnected so that three parallel
flow paths are obtained.
The primary water enters three bushings and exists from the three remaining
The secondary water flow through the primary water cooler should be
controlled automatically to maintain a uniform generator temperature level
for various loads and cold water temperatures.
Primary Water Tank Regulato Waste gas to
r A tmospher
Cooling Water
Manifold Teflon hose Cooling water to
Stator winding
Stator Winding
Hydrogen Gas Io
Teflon hose
Cooling water to main bushings
and phase connectors an
C ooling Water
Manifold Filter
Bypass line
Electrical Bar Connection and Water Supply
The direct contact between the primary water and the high-voltage windings
calls for a low conductivity of the primary water. During operation, the electrical
conductivity should be maintained below a value of approximately 1 μmho/cm.
The ion exchanger resin material required replacement during operation of
the generator, since with the water treatment system out of service, the conductivity
will rise very slowly.
The water used must not contain any contaminants that might have a harmful
effect on the materials used in the primary water circuit. For this reason, the water
must have the following quality criteria:
Primary water pumps
Kind of pump Centrifugal pump
Type CPK-CM 65-250 (S) M/s KSB make
Speed 2950 RPM
Capacity 70 m3/Hr
Discharge head 80 m
Pump motor ND225 M (M/s Crompton Greaves Ltd)
Rating 37KW
Voltage 415V, 3 Ph A C 50Hz
Frequency 50 Hz
Speed 2950 RPM
Type of enclosure TEFC
Nos. 2x100% capacity
Main filters
Kind of filter Strainer-type filter with magnet bars
Type 1.53.1 (M/s Boll & Kirch)
Volumetric flow rate 25 dm3/s max.
Degree of filtration 150 mm
Pressure drop across filter 0.1 bar with clean filter
1.2 bar with 100% fouling
Nos 2x100% capacity
Fine filter
Kind of filter 1 plug. 1 cartridge
Type 1.55.1 (M/s Boll & Kirch)
Volumetric flow rate 0.42 dm3/s max.
0.15 bar with clean filter, 1.2 bar with 100%
Pressure drop across filter fouling
Nos 1x100% capacity
Ion exchanger
Volume 83 lit
Resin Volume Lewatit
Resin Volume 56 litres (45 kg)
Nos 1x100% capacity
Specification for Ion Exchange Resins
The primary water must have a low conductivity since it comes into direct
contact with the high-voltage winding. To maintain a low conductivity the primary
water requires continuous treatment. This is achieved by continuously passing a
small primary water volume flow through a mixed bed ion exchanger arranged in
the bypass of the main cooling circuit. The ion exchange resins must be replaced at
certain intervals. The resins may be replaced while the generator is in operation,
since with the water treatment system out of service the conductivity will continue
to rise only very slowly.
2. Resin Specifications
resins is based on many years of service experience and the close cooperation
between the resin supplier and many power plant operators as well as the high
quality standard of the resins. The initial charge of the mixed-bed ion exchanger
consists of the following types of resins.
When replacing the resins, use either the above types or resins available from
other manufacturers which must comply with the specification below.
Caustic Soda [NaOH] of P.A. quality, containing. Noah : > 98% Carbonates
[Na2CO3] : < 1% Water in conformity with the primary water specification
2) Lime
A lime filter to be provided in the N a O H tank vent serves to bind the carbon
dioxide (CO 2) contained in the inlet air in order to prevent the formation of carbonates in the
sodium hydroxide solution. The lime filter consists of equal parts of sodium hydroxide
(NaOH ) and calcium hydroxide (Ca (OH) 2). This mixture is commercially available and
The electrical connection between the top and bottom bars is by a bolted
contact surface. At their ends the strands are brazed into a connecting sleeve, the
strand rows being separated from each other by spaces. The contact surfaces of the
connecting sleeves for the top and bottom bars are pressed against each other.
Fig: Electrical Bar Connections and Water
The water connection at the stator bar is separate from the electrical
connection. As a result no electrical forces can act on the water connection. While the
solid strands of the stator bars terminate at the connecting sleeve, the hollow strands
are brazed into water boxes, with solid spacers inserted to compensate for the solid
strands. Each water box consists of two parts, i.e. the sleeve-shaped lower part
enclosing the hollow strands and the cover-type upper part.
The strand rows are separated from each other by spillers. Each water box is
provided with a pipe connection of non-magnetic stainless steel for connection of
the hose. The exciter-end water boxes serve for water admission and distribute the
cooling water uniformly to the hollow strands of the bar. The hot water is collected
on leaving the hollow strands in the turbine-end water boxes.
The cooling water is then discharged from the generator via the hoses and the
ring header. During manufacturing of t he stator bars, various checks are performed
to ensure water tightness and unobstructed water passages. The flow check ensures
that no reduction in the cross sectional area of the strand ducts has occurred, and
that all strands are passed by identical water flows. After brazing of the upper part
of the water box, all brazed joints are subjected to a helium leakage test followed by a
thermal shock treatment.
The tangential air clearance between the water boxes and bar connections
within a coil group and the axial clearance relative to the inner shield, which is at
ground potential, is so dimensioned that additional insulation is not required. For
the spaces between the individual phases insulating caps, which enclose both the
connecting sleeves and the water boxes, are connected to the stator bars.
Main Filter
The primary water system includes a strainer-type main filter with magnet
bars. The filter screen of the strainer has a mesh size of 75 mm (3 mils) and is
supported by a perforated sheet-metal cylinder. The magnet bars consist of a magnet
carrier and a number of permanent magnets.
The high-grade permanent magnets have an unlimited useful service life. The
magnet bars are arranged so that a strong magnetic field is set up between them.
The primary water must pass through this magnetic field so that all iron particles
come within the range of the magnetic bars, and are thus attracted and retained.
Seal Oil System
Hydrogen loss in Generator
Hydrogen will escape from the gap of stator and rotor and will form an
explosive mixture.
Cooling will be hampered as hydrogen escapes.
Proper purity of Hydrogen is maintained for better efficiency.
Shaft seal with oil under pressure are provided with radial seal rings. The seal
ring is guided into the seal ring carrier which is located in stator end shield.
To ensure proper sealing oil is maintained at a higher level than gas pressure
so that hydrogen does not escape to atmosphere.
Shaft seal is supplied with seal oil by a separate closed circuit system.
Shaft seals
The rotor shaft ends are brought out of the gas tight enclosure through double
flow shaft seals.
The double flow shaft seal is characterized by its short axial length, its
independence from the respective from axial and radial position of the shaft,
and low hydrogen losses due to absorption by the seal oil.
The seal oil is fed to the ring at pressure higher than the H 2 pressure.
In addition to this air side seal oil at higher pressure is supplied to the
shaft seal for thrust loading of the seal.
This project report has given the basic idea of process for electrical power
production in thermal power plant. Flow path of water and steam in boiler and
steam in turbine. It is also provided typical values of important parameters and
major equipments used in thermal power production.
This project report has also given details like history of alternator development,
significance of generator cooling system, types of cooling systems and procedures to
follow improve performance of generators.
Now, it is time to handling the large size generators with higher efficiency and
better cooling methods to produce power efficiently and eco-friendly.
5) Godavari Intranet