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Rizal Lesson 7

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Rizal’s exile,

trial, and
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Rizal’s exile, trial, and death

Jose Rizal’s arrival in Manila on June 26, 1892

had become very sensational among the
Filipinos. His popularity feared the Spaniards,
and such paid careful attention to his every
move all houses where he had been were
searched and the Filipinos seen in his
company were suspected.
Rizal’s exile, trial, and death
As he had planned on july 3, 1892 he founded
the La Liga Filipina in the house of Doroteo
Ongjunco in Tondo Manila

Four days after the civic organization’s

foundation, Jose Rizal was arrested by the
Spanish authorities on four grounds
1.For publishing anti
Catholic and anti friar
books and articles;
2.For having in possession
a bundle of handbills the
Pobres Frailes, in which
advocacies were in
violation of the Spanish
3.For dedicating his novel, El
Filibusterismo to the three
“traitors” (Gomez, Burgos,
Zamora)and for emphasizing
on the Philippines was
separation from the mother
4. For simply criticizing the
religion and aiming for its
exclusion from the filipino
July 17, 1892 Rizal, together with his guard
Captain Ricardo Carnicero, arrived in

Rizal was given the choice to live in the

house of parish priest, Fr. Antonio Obach or
at Carnicero’s house

“But in certain conditions”

Certain conditions
He could live in the priest’s quarters only if

He publicly retracted his Masonic and anti

church beliefs
He regurlarly participate in church rites
He conduct himself as a good spanish subject
and a man of religion

“Rizal did not agree”


He lived in the house of the

commandant, Captain Carnicero.
The relationship between Carnicero
and Rizal were warm and friendly.
Rizal admired the kind, generous
spanish captain
Rizal wrote a poem A Don Ricardo
Carnicero on August 26, 1892 on the
occasion of captain’s birthday
Wins in Manila Lottery

On September 21, 1892 the

mail boat Butuan was
approaching the town of
Dapitan carrying a lottery
ticket no. 9736 jointly owned
by Captain Carnicero, Dr.
Rizal won the second prize of
20,000 in the government
owned Manila Lottery
RIZAL used the money
To build an octagonal house
made up of bamboo and nipa
Built a school and accepted
students with no tuition
Built a house for the ladies in
his family who were free to
visit him in Dapitan
And the other part used for his
eye clinic

May 4, 1893 Carnicero was replaced by

Captain Juan Sitges
He did not want living with a deportee
He assigned Rizal to live in a house near the
He helped clean up the plaza of Dapitan and lit
it up at night with cocunut oil lamps

The jesuits sent is old

professor at the Ateneo,
Fr. Francisco de Paula
to entice him back to the
Love in Dapitan....

Rizal fell in love with the

eigtheen year old Josephine
Rizal and Josephine tried to
have themselves married in
catholic rites but Fr. Obach
required that Rizal retract his
Mr. George Taufer...

Mr. George Taufer the father of

Josephine Bracken
Mr. Taufer became blind so he
sought for an ophthalmic
Hearing of the planned marriage
and unable to endure the taught of
losing Josephine, he tried to
commit suicide
Rizal and Josephine
tried to have themselves
married in catholic rites
but Fr. Obach required
that Rizal retract his
But without the benefit
of matrimony the couple
consider themselves us
Rizal’s relatives and
friends looked at
josephine with suspicion
and condescencion

What is the reason of

Pablo Mercado a spy of the friars
who pose as rizal’s relative
“florencio Namaan” his true name

Pio Valenzuela an emissary of

Andres Bonifacio He was asking
for advice on how to launch a
He offered to have the katipunan
assist him in escaping from
Rizal objected to projected
revolution, the revolutionaries
must have enough arms and
End of the Dapitan Exile
When cuba is under revolution and
raging yellow fever epidemic, Rizal
wrote to Governor General Ramon
Blanco offering his service military
Governor General Blanco approved
the request of Rizal on July 1, 1896
At the midnight of that day, he left
aboard the steamer “España”
August 6, 1896 upon arriving in Manila Bay Rizal
was not able to leave immediately for spain since
the vessel Isla de Luzon already left
He was transferred to spanish cruiser Castilla and
stayed there for a month from August 6 to
September 2, 1896
August 19, 1896 the katipunan plot to overthrow
the Spanish rule by means of revolution, it was
discovered by Fr. Mariano Gil after Teodoro
Patino’s disclosure of organization secret
August 26, 1896 Bonifacio and Katipunan raised
the Cry of Revolution“sigaw sa pugad lawin”
In the hills of Balintawak a few miles in North Manila
In the afternoon,
Governor Blanco
proclaimed a state of
war in the first eight
provinces for rising
arms against Spain
Rizal recieved a
letters from Governor
General Blanco
which absolved him
from all the blame for
the raging revolution
He transferred to Isla
de Panay which was
sailing for Barcelona,
Don Pedro Roxas advised Rizal
to stay and take advantage of
the protection of British Law
September 30, the Isla de Panay had already sailed
past port said in Egypt and was now sailing in the
A telegraphic message was recieved ordering that
Rizal be placed under arrest
Bernardino Nozaleda
Archbishop of Manila who
clamored for arrest of Rizal who
was said to be the spirit of
Philippine Revolution
October 3, the Isla de Panay
arrived in Barcelona and Rizal was
sent a prison-fortress, Montjuich
Rizal interview with dispujol he
would be shipped back to Manila.
On the night of the same day, after
interview, Rizal was taken aboard the
Colon which was loaded with
Spanish Troops sailed for Manila
Dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor and Sixto Lopez they
exerted all their efforts to find a lawyer in
Singapore who could aid their friend
Attorney Hugh Fort an english lawyer in
Chief Justice Lionel the judge in Singapore
denied the request
November 3, 1896 the colon
arrived in Manila Bay and
Rizal was taken to Fort
November 20, 1896 Rizal was
brought before spanish
military tribunal headed by
Colonel Francisco Olive
Oral testimonies were taken
and used to implicate Rizal in
Lt. Luis Taviel de Andrade
The lawyer of Jose Rizal and
brother of his former bodyguard
Jose Taviel de Andrade

December 13, the case

forwarded to Governor General
Camilo de Polavieja
-replacement of Gov. Blanco
Rizal actual trial began on
December 26, 1896 and it was
held at the Hall of Banner of the
Cuartel de España

Rizal charges three crimes

Formation of illegal Association
In defending himself Rizal,
presented twelve arguments

1.He could not be guilty in

2. He did not correspond with
the radical, revolutionary
3.The revolution use his name
without his knowledge
4. If he had a hand of
revolution, he could have
escaped in a Moro vinta and
would not have built a home, a
hospital and bought lands in

5.If he were the chief of the

revolution, why was he not
consulted by the revolutionist
6.It was true he wrote the by-
laws of Liga Filipina but this
is only a civic association not
a revolutionary society

7.The La Liga Filipina did not

live long, for after the first
meeting he was banished to
Dapitan and it died out
8.If the Liga was recognized
nine months later, he did not
know about it

9.The Liga did not serve the

purpose of the revolutionist,
other wise they would not
have supplanted it with the
10.If it were true that there
were some bitter comments
in Rizals letter it was
because they were written
in 1890 when his family
was being persecuted,
being dispossessed of
houses, warehouse, lands
etc and his brother and
brother in-law deported
11.His life in Dapitan had been examplary
as the politico military commanders and
missionary priest could attest
12.It was not true that the revolution was inspired by
his one of speech at the house of Doroteo Ongjunco
as alleged by witnesses whom he would like to
confront His friends knew his opposition to armed
rebellion. Why did the katipunan send an emmisary
to Dapitan who was unknown to him? Because those
who knew him were aware that he would never
sanction any violent movement
The court judge Rizal guilty for
the charges and voted for the
death penalty
December 28, 1896 Governor
Polavieja signed Rizal’s death
warrant ordering him to be shot at
7:00 o’clock in the morning at

Rizal signed it saying he was

Rizal request in his final days
Former professors in Ateneo
Fr. Miguel Saderra Mata
Fr. Luiz Viza
Fr. Antonio Rosell
Lt. Taviel de Andrade
Also mother and his sister
Fr. Balaguer tried to persued Rizal
to retract his masonic beliefs but
Rizal remained firm
Rizal gave an alcohol stove to Trinidad which
was a gift from Pardo de Tavera and whispered
And he also told to her look inside his shoes
after he is executed
After his family left, Fr. Viclara and
Balaguer again arrived to convince
Rizal to retract, and talk with Rizal on
a religious matters at this point were
joined Fiscal Gaspar Castaño of the
Royal Audiencia
At 10:00 o’clock a draft of retraction arrived from
Archbishop Bernardo Nozaleda

Another draft of retraction made by Fr.Pio Pi

-superior of Jesuit Mission in the Philippines

At 11:30 Rizal signed his retraction from the

freemasonry and it was witnessed by
Juan del Fresno – chief guard and the ajudant
After his signing Rizal had confession with Fr.
Vilaclara and rested afterwards

Fr. Balaguer give the matrimony of marriage

Rizal gave a book to Josephine, Imitacion de Cristo
by Thomas Kemphis which he authographed

Afterward, he wrote three farewell letters to Parents,

Dr. Bluementritt and Paciano
At around 6:30, Rizal was
taken from cell and the
march to Bagumbayan

Rizal had requested the

firing squad to spare his
head which is granted

He also requested to be
shot at his front, but it was
The Spanish spectators shouted
“Viva España”
The military band played “Marcha de Cadiz”
Rizal body was secretly buried at Paco Cemetery
where later it was traced by his sister
 About Rizal execution

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