Elements of Designs
Elements of Designs
Elements of Designs
Elements of Design
Elements of design are the basic parts or qualities that are used in
the design process (Amenuke et al, 1999). The four basic ingredients
or elements of design used in fashion are shape or silhouette, line,
colour and texture.
1. Line – it creates a visual
dimension of length and width. When
lines meet, space is enclosed and a
shape is defined. Lines direct the eyes
to a certain path of vision, or could
draw the eyes away from an
undesirable area of the body.
Color has personal values therefore personal preferences for certain colors
will affect an individual’s choice. It is possible to wear all colors if one knows
how to use them wisely. Color can affect and reflect the way people feel.
Warm colors such as bright red, oranges and purples are stimulating and
exciting colors which can make people feel happy (Faiola, et al, 1982). Soft
colors such as blues, greens and white suggest coolness and calmness. Black
and greys have a depressing effect.
a. Hue – it is the other name for color. It is the particular shade of color that
differentiates one from another.
1. Primary colors are red, blue and yellow. They are the basic colors where
different colors originated.
2. Secondary colors are combinations of primary colors such as yellow and
blue produces, green, red and blue produces violet, red and yellow produces
3. Tertiary colors stem from the combination of primary and secondary colors.
4. Neutral colors are the white, black and gray and are predominantly grayish
and brownish.
Value is the lightness or darkness of color. White added to a color
will produce tints. Black added to a color will produce shades.
Basic Psychological Effects of Colors on People
White - makes us feel clean and fresh. It connotes innocence and purity.
Red - makes us feel bold and daring. It connotes passion and bravery.
Yellow - makes us feel joyful. It also connotes cowardice and treachery.
Blue - represents truth, loyalty, calmness and wisdom. Deep blue could
also make us feel depressed.
Green - suggests abundance as this is the color of plants, but green could
also suggest jealousy.
Purple - is the color of royalty, but it could symbolize suffering.
Orange - is a warm color but suggests deliciousness and ripeness.
Eateries, especially fastfoods, use orange with a touch of green
to stimulate appetite.
Black - suggests strength and dignity and is usually worn for formal
evening affairs. It also symbolizes mourning and death
Space – it is the area inside an enclosed shape. The use of space can
lead to an interesting design, but the overuse of a space could make
the design too “busy”, while an empty space could be unattractive.
1. Form or shape – it refers to the form of a person which shows the curves of
the body, this includes the shape of the face, neckline and the full body or
a. Shapes of faces. There are different shapes
of faces and these are :
1. Oval – all kinds of neckline are becoming
to this shape
2. Round – this resembles the shape of the
moon where neckline should be given more
3. Triangle – the use of wider neckline is
4. Square – close necklines will do justice to
the top shape of the face.
5. Heart shape – the shape is fitting to almost
all kinds of necklines.
a. Shapes of necklines. Necklines
emphasize the shape of the face. In
choosing the neckline for a garment,
consider the shape of the face.
1. A combination of vertical and horizontal
lines produces a square necklines.
2. Diagonal lines produce V- necklines.
3. A curve line produces round necklines.
4. A horizontal line produces Sabrina, Boat
or Bateau necklines.
5. A combination of vertical and curve lines
produces U-shaped necklines.
6. Curve lines produce scallop necklines.
1. Color – it is a radiant energy loosely termed light that produces sensation in our eyes.
2. Line – it creates a visual dimension of length and width.
3. Hue – it is the other name for color. It is the particular shade of color that differentiates one from another.
4. high curves suggest greater height than lower curves. Basically, curved lines are either rounded or somewhat
flattened out.
5. flattened out curves are often considered more flattering to the human shape than rounded lines
6. Value is the lightness or darkness of color.
7. White - makes us feel clean and fresh. It connotes innocence and purity.
8. Red - makes us feel bold and daring. It connotes passion and bravery.
9. Yellow - makes us feel joyful. It also connotes cowardice and treachery.
10. Blue - represents truth, loyalty, calmness and wisdom. Deep blue could also make us feel depressed.
11. Green - suggests abundance as this is the color of plants, but green could also suggest jealousy.
12 – 15 The four basic ingredients or elements of design used in fashion are shape or silhouette, line, colour and
•Body Shapes or Figures. It refers to the overall structure of the body.
This may be of any combined qualities in height, size and shape.
o Tall
o Narrow frame
o Small bust
o High, but undefined waist
o Slim hips
o Flat bottom
o Long slim legs
o Long slim arms
2. Hourglass. It is a feminine well-balanced and
proportion, with a defined waist between a full
bust and hips.
Full bust
Narrow waist
Full hips
Round bottom
3. Top-heavy Triangle. This shape applies to those
with who are top heavy, with width in the upper part of
the body and narrowest hips, creating a triangular-
shaped figure.
o Wide shoulders
o Full bust
o Undefined waist
o Slim hips
o Slim legs
4. Bottom-heavy triangle (the classic pear-shape). The
pear-shape appear to carry too much weight on the hip,
with the top half of the body small in comparison with the
lower half.
o Narrow shoulders
o Small bust
o Narrow waist
o Full hips
o Round bottom
o Heavy thighs
5. Circle (Apple). This silhouette has all the emphasis
in the middle of the body, with extra weight being
carried at the waistline.
o Narrow shoulders
o Full bust
o Large tummy
o Flat bottom
o Slim legs
6. Oval. Generally taller than the apple and pear
figures. The extra height makes the oval shape to
Narrow shoulders
Small bust
Thick waist
Average hips
Slim legs
4. TEXTURE – is the feel (softness,
roughness, and crispness),
appearance (shininess, dullness) and
weight (lightweight, heavyweight,
medium weight) of a fabric.