Department of Education: Z P Z P
Department of Education: Z P Z P
Department of Education: Z P Z P
Department of Education
Regional Office IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Dressmaking/ Tailoring: Grade 7&8
Alternative Delivery Mode
Exploratory Quarter 3 – Module 5: Apply the principles of design and color
First Edition, 2020
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What I Need to Know
Before you start studying which design and colors look best together,
learning on the basic principles of design and the rules of color apply.
Lesson 1
What’s In
1.The dressmaker needs to buy 100 inches length of fabric that costs Php15.00 per
centimeter. Find the total cost of the fabric. Show your solution and answer in the
box below.
What’s New
Activity 1:
Directions: Below are different clothing designs. Choose one that you preferred the
most. Draw up your opinion based on the guide questions below.
Guide questions:
Why did you choose that specific clothing? Do you like the design? Would it
be fitted to you? Is the color attractive?
What is It
2. Emphasis – every pleasing design has one part that is more interesting
than any other. This is the emphasis or the center of interest.
Rhythm can be created in three ways in a design:
Elements of Design
1. Line creates a visual dimension of length and width. When lines meet, space is
enclosed and a shape is defined. Lines direct the eyes to a certain path of vision, or
it can draw the eyes away from an undesirable area of the body. It defines a shape
or silhouette and conveys a mood of character.
a. Vertical b. Horizontal c. Diagonal
Primary Colors– the sources of all colors, even though there are thousands and
thousands of colors in the world, they are all made up of these colors – red,
blue andyellow.
Secondary Colors– are produced when mixing two equal amount of primary
colors. If you mix equal amount or yellow and blue you will have green,
equal parts of red and blue will have violet, and red and yellow you will have
orange. Look at the color wheel you will find these colors – orange, green
and violet.
Intermediate Colors– are produced by mixing two equal amount of primary and
secondary colors. Example, if you mix equal parts of yellow (primary color)
and green (secondary color) you will have yellow-green. Notice that yellow-
green is found between yellow and green on the color wheel.
Pure Colors– are the primary, secondary and intermediate colors because
they have no white, black and gray in them. Pure colors are also called
normal, true and basic colors.
Tints – when pure colors are mixed with white, they are made lighter.
Example, when white is added to red you have pink. In other words pink is a
tint of red. The more white you add, the lighter the pink will be. Tints are
also called ―pastels.
Shades– when pure colors are mixed with black, they are made darker.
Example, when black is added to red you have maroon, a shade of red. The
more black you add, the more darker you have.
Grayed colors– most colors we used in clothes are grayed colors rather
than bright, pure colors you see on the color wheel. Grayed colors are also
referred to as ―soft colors‖ or ―dull colors‖. The more gray you add, the
more duller the color will be.
Neutrals– are white, black and gray. They look well with another and with all
other colors. The more grayed colors becomes, the more different colors it
will harmonize with.
Cool colors– are green, blue-green, blue, blue-violet, violet. Blue is the coolest
color. They are adjacent to one another in the color wheel.
Warm colors– are red, red-orange, orange, yellow-orange, and orange. Red is
the warmest color. They are also adjacent in the color wheel.
Qualities of Colors
Hue– is the family group name of a color. It is the name of a color. Ones they
are combined differently and given new names.
Value– refers to the lightness or the tint or the darkness of the shade. The scale
of the value colors are from the very lightest tint to the very darkest of
the shade.
Color Schemes
The beauty of any color scheme depends upon how well the colors
harmonize. To harmonize, colors must appear to belong together.
3. Complementary Color Harmony – these are colors that are opposite in the
Color wheel. Using these colors may be very pleasing.
c. Triad - A triadic color scheme uses colors that are evenly spaced
around the color wheel. Triadic color harmonies tend to be quite
vibrant, even if you use pale or unsaturated versions of your hues .
What’s more
Directions: Choose the correct answer inside the box and write your answer on the
space provided before each number.
____1. It is the pleasing relationship of all parts of the object with one another.
____3. When the structure decoration and accessories are different both sides from
the centre of the design.
____4. It refers to the relative size and scale of the various elements in a design.
The issue is the relationship between objects, or parts, of a whole.
____5. This is an easy way of balancing but such balance lends monotony to the
____8. A kind of rhythm can also be created by the use of radiated lines.
____10. Eyes can move easily from one part to the other on the small lines
created by gathers.
What I have learned
The different principles of design are balance, emphasis, rhythm and
The two kinds of lines are directional and structural.
Color theories composed of primary colors, secondary colors and
intermediate colors.
Cool and warmth colors blue and red.
The different qualities of colors are hue, intensity and value.
The color scheme are composed of One-color harmony
(monochromaticcolor), adjacent color harmony and Complementary Color
What I can do
Activity 2.
Activity 3.
Directions: Assess the following situations by suggesting the appropriate patterns
and design based on client’s preference.
1. Jane wants a dress that emphasize her height. What type of lines in garments
do you suggest?
Ans: ____________________________________ directional
2. Michelle wishes that her dress would show her beautiful neckline. What type of
lines in garments do you suggest?
Ans: ____________________________________ structural.
3. Kyle has a big built so she wants to look a little bit small on her dress. What type
of lines in garments do you suggest?
Ans: ____________________________________ directional
Directions: Read each item carefully and encircle the letter of the chosen answer.
Answer Key
What’s In
What’s More
What I can do
1. Carson, Byrta. 1959. How You Look and Dress. USA. McGraw-Hill Book
Company, Inc. 3rd Edition.
4. www.