Qualitative Research Method
Qualitative Research Method
Qualitative Research Method
Narrative Research
3rd Group
Noviana Dwi Isnayanti (T20196151)
Icha Septi Anggraeni (T20196158)
Zaenatul Firdaus (T20196160)
Revy Wahyu Rakhmadiah (T20196164)
Ahmad Washil Tabroni (T20196180)
Ali Imron Syahroni (T20196190)
List of Content
Definition and Background
Definition Background
"Narrative is understood as a spoken or "Narrative" might be the term assigned to
written text giving an account of an event/action any text or discourse, or, it might be text used within the context of a mode of inquiry in
or series of events/actions, chronologically connected" qualitative research (Chase, 2005), with a specific focus on the stories told
a form of narrative study in written and recorded a narrative study of an consists of gathering personal
which the researcher writes and individual's personal reflections of events and
by the individuals who are the subject of the study
records the experience found in single or
their causes and effects from one iudividual or several individuals
experiences of another person's life multiple episodes, private situations, or communal folklore
Procedures in conducting narrative research are:
• Data managing • First approach; characters, setting, proble, actions, and resolution.
• Describing
• Classifying
• Interpreting
• Representing, visualizing
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