Psy315 - Lesson 4
Psy315 - Lesson 4
Psy315 - Lesson 4
Approaches to
Ms. Alyssa Nicole P. Guingab, RPm
1 Narrative approach
2 Phenomenological approach
be Covered
2 Autoethnography
Types of
Narratives 3 A life history
4 Oral history
Procedures for Conducting Narrative
Determine if the research problem Select one or more individuals who Consider how the collection of the
or question best fits narrative have stories or life experiences to data and their recording can take
research. tell, and spend considerable time different shapes.
with them gathering their stories
through multiples types of
Procedures for Conducting Narrative
Collect information about the Analyze the participants’ stories. Collaborate with participants by
context of these stories. The researcher may take an active actively involving them in the
role and “restory” the stories into a research
framework that makes sense.
Types of
Phenomenology 2 Transcendental phenomenology
Procedures for Conducting
Phenomenological Research
The researcher determines if the A phenomenon of interest to study The researcher recognizes and
research problem is best examined is identified. specifies the broad philosophical
using a phenomenological assumptions of phenomenology.
Procedures for Conducting
Phenomenological Research
Data are collected from the The participants are asked two Phenomenological data analysis
individuals who have experienced broad, general questions. steps are generally similar for all
the phenomenon. psychological phenomenologists
who discuss the methods.
Procedures for Conducting
Phenomenological Research
These significant statements and They are also used to write a From the structural and textural
themes are then used to write a description of the context or descriptions, the researcher then
description of what the setting that influenced how the writes a composite description that
participants experienced participants experienced the presents the “essence” of the
phenomenon, called imaginative phenomenon, called the essential,
variation or structural description invariant structure (or essence).
Case study research is a qualitative approach in
which the investigator explores a real-life,
contemporary bounded system (a case) or multiple
bounded systems (cases) over time, through detailed,
in-depth data collection involving multiple sources of
information (e.g., observations, interviews,
audiovisual material, and documents and reports),
and reports a case description and case themes. The
unit of analysis in the case study might be multiple
cases (a multisite study) or a single case (a within-
site study).
Case study research begins with the
identification of a specific case. This case
may be a concrete entity, such as an
First, researchers determine if a Researchers need next to identify The data collection in case study
case study approach is appropriate their case or cases. These cases research is typically extensive,
for studying the research problem. may involve an individual, several drawing on multiple sources of
individuals, a program, an event, or information
an activity.
Procedures for Conducting Case
The type of analysis of these data can In the final interpretive phase, the researcher
be a holistic analysis of the entire reports the meaning of the case, whether that
case or an embedded analysis of a meaning comes from learning about the issue of
specific aspect of the case (Yin, the case (an instrumental case) or learning about
2009). an unusual situation (an intrinsic case).