IGCSEFM Differentiation
IGCSEFM Differentiation
IGCSEFM Differentiation
It is
the rate at which something changes. Exam Note: A question
might use the phrase “the
i.e. What the variable changes?by per unit rate of change of with
respect to ” instead of “the
increase in . gradient”.
𝑦=𝑥 2
𝑚=3 𝑚=− 4
𝑚= 4
𝑦 =
2 𝑚=
However, for a curve the
gradient varies. We can no
longer have a single value -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
for the gradient; we ideally Gradient -6
want an expression in terms ? -4? -2? 0? 2? 4
? 6
of that gives us the gradient
for any value of looking at the relationship between and the
(unsurprisingly known as the gradient at that point, can you come up with an
expression, in terms of for the gradient?
gradient function).
Finding the Gradient Function
The question is then: Is there a method to work out the gradient function
without having to draw lots of tangents and hoping that we can spot the rule?
approximate the gradient on the curve As the second point gets closer and closer,
when , we could pick a point on the curve the gradient becomes a better
just slightly to the right, then find the approximation of the true gradient:
gradient between the two points:
𝑦= 𝑥 2
( 6,36
? )
11 ( 5.01,25.1001
) ?
1 0.1001
( 5,25
?) ( 5,25 )
Δ 𝑦 11 0.1001 ?
𝑚= ?
= =11
𝑚= =10.01 The
actual gradient
Δ𝑥 1 0.01 when is 10, so this
approximation is
damn close!
Finding the Gradient Function
This gives us a numerical method to get the gradient at a particular , but doesn’t give
us the gradient function in general. Let’s use exactly the same method, but keep
general, and make the ‘small change’ (which was previously 0.01) ‘’:
𝒚= 𝒙 𝟐
always, gradient is
( 𝑥+ h , ( 𝑥 ?+h )2 ) ? change in over change
in .
( 𝑥 , 𝑥?2 ) ?
? ?
lim means “the limit of
the following expression as The
tends towards 0”. ? disappears as
tends towards 0, i.e. we
For example, , because as can effectively treat it as
“tends towards” infinity, the 0 at this point.
“limiting” value of the
expression is 0.
And voila, we got the
we saw earlier!
Finding the Gradient Function
The gradient function, or derivative, of the curve is written as
or .
Note: You do not need to know differentiation Whether we use or for the gradient
‘by first principles’ until A Level. We will shortly function depends on whether we use or
see a quicker way to find the gradient function. to start with:
“Leibniz’s notation”
Notation Note:
Rather than for the small change in , the formal
notation is . So actually: There’s
in fact a third way to indicate the gradient function,
notation used by Newton: (but you won’t use at IGCSEFM)
So we in fact have 3 symbols for “change in”!
• : any change in (as seen before: )
• : a small change in
butthe estimated gradient using some point close by was ,
• : an infinitesimally small change in in the ‘limit’ as ,
The point with coordinates lies on the curve with equation .
At point the curve has gradient .
a) Show that
b) Deduce the value of .
Use the “differentiation by first
principles” formula.
b As
, clearly the limiting value of is
8. ?
Just for your interest…
Why couldn’t we just immediately make
equal to 0 in ?
Thankfully, there’s a quick way to differentiate terms of the form (where
is a constant) with having to use first principles every time:
5 𝑑𝑦 4
𝑦= 𝑥 → =5 𝑥? Power is 5, so multiply by 5 then
𝑑𝑥 reduce power by 5.
1 1 The
power need not be an integer!
2 ′ 1 −2
𝑓 ( 𝑥)= 𝑥 → 𝑓 ( 𝑥 )= ? 𝑥 Remember to use not
would it be incorrect to say that
𝑑𝑦 6 5
𝑦=2 𝑥 → ? 𝑥
=12 differentiates to ?
𝑑𝑥 The rule only works when the base is and the
power is a constant. Neither is true here! Note
𝑥 that is “a power of ” whereas is an exponential
𝑓 ( 𝑥 ) = 4 = 𝑥 ? → 𝑓 ( 𝑥 ) =−
−3 ′ −2
? 3𝑥 term (which you will encounter more in Chp14),
𝑥 ? differently. You will
and therefore differentiate
learn how to differentiate exponential terms in
6 3 𝑑𝑦 2
𝑦= √ 𝑥 = 𝑥? → ? 𝑥
=3 Year 2.
Test Your Understanding
7 𝒅𝒚 𝟔
1 𝑦= 𝑥 → =𝟕 𝒙 ?
10 𝒅𝒚 𝟗
2 𝑦=3 𝑥 → = 𝟑𝟎 ?𝒙
3 𝟓
𝑥2 −
2 𝒅𝒚 𝟑 −
3 𝑓 ( 𝑥 ) = 2 = 𝑥 ? → 𝒅𝒙 = −? 𝟐 𝒙
𝑎 𝒅𝒚 𝟐 𝒂−𝟏
4 𝑦= 𝑎 𝑥 → = 𝒂? 𝒙
3 𝟏
7 𝟐𝟏 𝟐
5 𝑓 ( 𝑥)= √ 49 𝑥 =7?𝑥 2 → 𝒇 ′ ( 𝒙 )= 𝒙?
Differentiating Multiple Terms
thing to note:
If then 𝑑𝑦
i.e. differentiate each term =2? 𝑥 ?+4?
individually in a 𝑑𝑥
Therefore applying the usual rule: Therefore applying the usual rule:
Alternatively, if you compare to , it’s clear Alternatively, if you sketch , the line is
that the gradient is fixed and . horizontal, so the gradient is 0.
Quickfire Questions
2 𝒅𝒚
1 𝑦=2 𝑥 −3 𝑥 → =𝟒 𝒙? − 𝟑
2 3 𝒅𝒚 𝟐
𝑦= 4 − 9 𝑥 → =− 𝟐𝟕
? 𝒙
𝑦 =5 𝑥 + 1 → =𝟓
3 𝒅𝒙?
4 𝑦 = 𝑎𝑥 → ? 𝒂
(where is a constant)
𝒅𝒚 2
5 𝑦=6 𝑥 −3+ 𝑝 𝑥 → = 𝟔+𝟐
? 𝒑𝒙
(where is a constant)
Harder Example
a) Find the gradient of at the point
b) Find the coordinates of the point on the graph of where the gradient is 8.
c) Find the gradient of at the points where the curve meets the line .
When ? Remember
that the ‘gradient function’ allows you
to find the gradient for a particular value of .
b This
example is important!
Point is Previously you used a value of to get the gradient . This
? time we’re doing the opposite: using a known gradient to
get the value of . We therefore substitute for 8.
you have your , you need to work out .
c First find point of intersection: Ensure you use the correct equation!
Solving, we obtain:
? or
Test Your Understanding
a) Find the gradient of at the point
b) Find the coordinates of the point on the graph of where the gradient is 5.
c) Find the gradient of at the points where the curve meets the line .
When ?
Point is
Solving: or
When ?
Exercise 1
1 For each of the following, find the gradient function , 3 For
the curve , determine:
and hence find the gradient of the tangent to the (a) The gradient of the tangent to
curve when the curve at the point
a The tangent to the curve has gradient 6. Determine
the possible values of .
? (b) The point on?the curve where
the gradient is 5.
c ?
d ?
e ? ?
? ?
Finding equations of tangents
Find the equation of the tangent to the curve when .
want to use for the tangent (as it is a straight line!). Therefore we need:
(a) A point
(b) The gradient .
Gradient function:
Gradient when :
-value when :
ent ?
So equation of tangent:
,? )
Finding equations of normals
Find the equation of the normal to the curve when .
The normal to a
curve is the line
perpendicular to
the tangent.
Equation of tangent (from earlier):
𝒅𝒚 𝟐
=𝟑 𝒙 +𝟏𝟎 𝒙
𝒅𝒙 ?
At ,
Therefore: ?
(questions on
Exercise 2 worksheet)
1 [IGCSEFM June 2012 Paper 1 Q8] A curve has 3 [IGCSEFM Set Paper 1 Q11] Show that the
equation tangents to the curve at and are parallel.
(a) When , show that the value of is -7.
At ,
(b) Work out the equation of the tangent to At ,
the curve at the point where . Same gradient therefore parallel.
? ?
[IGCSEFM Set 1 Paper 2 Q17] Work out the
[IGCSEFM June 2013 Paper Q8] A curve has equation of the normal to the curve at the
equation point (1, 2). Give your answer in the form .
(a) Work out . 4
(b) Work out the equation of the tangent to
the curve at the point where
Give your answer in the form
(questions on
Exercise 2 worksheet)
At ?
Thus is on the line
(questions on
Exercise 2 worksheet)
Equation of tangent:
When :
Increasing and Decreasing Functions
A function can also be increasing
and decreasing in certain intervals.
( 2,3 )
So is decreasing for
for all real ,
for all real
is an increasing function for all .
for all real
for all real . So is decreasing for
Therefore is an increasing
? .
function for all real ?
Exercise 3
Determine the values of for which is increasing.
1 a) Find
By completing the square, hence show
Show that is an increasing function for all values of .
that this function is increasing for all . ?
Since for all , for all . for all for all .
Stationary/Turning Points
A stationary point is where the gradient is 0, i.e. .
So 5 is theMethod 1:
minimum value. So turning point is
(the same terms
convex used in optics!)
Technically we could label
these either way round i.e. the line curves in one
depending on where we view
the curve from. What’s direction before the point of
important is that the inflection, then curves in the
concavity changes.
other direction after.
Fro Side Note: Not all points of inflection are stationary points, as can be seen ) ≠0
in the example on the right. 𝑓
′ (𝑥
How do we tell what type of stationary point?
Method 1: Look at gradient just before
and just after point.
Local Maximum
Gradient Gradient at Gradient
just before maximum just after
?0 ?
Point of Inflection
Local Minimum Gradient Gradient at Gradient
just before p.o.i just after
Gradient Gradient at Gradient
just before minimum just after
?0 ?
?-ve ?0 ?
How do we tell what type of stationary point?
Method 1: Look at gradient just before
and just after point.
Stationary point is
? Turning Point
Find the gradient for values just before and after . Let’s try and .
? Determine point type
except at .
Sketching Graphs
In the past we’ve used features such as intercepts with the axes in order to
sketch graphs.
Now we can also find stationary/turning points!
Turning points:
(2 ,− 4)
Test Your Understanding
By finding the turning points, sketch the graph of
( −3,54 )
? 𝑥
( 3 ,− 54 )
Exercise 4
(Questions on worksheet provided) [June 2013 Paper 2 Q8] A sketch of is shown. There
are stationary points at and .
4 Paper 2 Q22] A sketch of , where is a cubic
1 function, is shown.
curve at . ?
curve at . ?
(b) Write down the equation of the normal to the
(c) Circle the word that describes the cubic
function when .
curve at .
(c) Circle the range of values of for which is an
positive negative increasing decreasing increasing function.
Exercise 4
3 2 Paper 2 Q12] A curve has equation
[Set 5 [Set
3 Paper 1] A curve has equation
Work out the coordinates of any stationary points on
(a) Work out
(b) Work out the coordinates of the two
this curve and determine their nature.
stationary points on the curve. We can justify that this is an inflection point either by:
a) Seeing that gradient at and are both positive or
b) Using the fact that for all to show that the function
[Set 1 Paper 2 Q14] (a) Work out the stationary is an increasing one.
points on the curve .
(b) Sketch the curve
? ?
4 Roots: When
( −2,16
( 2 ,− 16 )
Exercise 4
Paper 1 Q13] (a) Work out the coordinates
8 [June 2012 Paper 2 Q23] The curve is
of the stationary point for the curve . such that
(b) Explain why has no real solutions.
The stationary points of the curve are
The minimum point is above the -axis, so the curve at and .
never crosses/touches the -axis.
? Determine the nature of each
stationary point. You must show your
[Jan 2013 Paper 1 Q13]
(a) Work out , giving your answer in the form working.
, where and are integers.
7 (b) Hence, or otherwise, work out the coordinates of
the stationary point of
Since for all , function is increasing, so stationary
point is a point of inflection.