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Watershed Management and Engineering Interventions

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Hydrology and hydraulic analyses are performed for hazard mitigation and forensic
investigations of flooding events, for developing reservoir management plans, and
when performing FEMA floodplain mapping and levee certification and re-
certification studies. These analyses are becoming increasingly relevant to business
and governments when projecting long-term water availability for purposes of
developing plans to ensure adequate water supplies are available for their needs.
These same principles are cornerstones to the technical approaches for habitat
management and restoration.
The study of water flow, including it properties and behavior, entails the application
of hydrology and hydraulic principles and method. Hydrology analyses are
performed to quantify the volumetric flow rate of water draining from a watershed
(drainage area) over time. The amount of water that flows from a watershed depends
on the characteristics of the watershed (size, land cover, antecedent, moisture and
steepness) and the presence of water.
Hydraulic analyses are performed to determine the depth of flow, flow velocity and
forces from flowing water on the surface or at hydraulic structures. These studies are
important components in the hydraulic design and analysis of many structures.
Application include the design of hydraulic structures, such as sewage conduits,
dams and breakwaters, the management of waterways, such as erosion protection
and flood protection, and environmental management, such as prediction of the
mixing and transport of pollutants in surface water. Hydroelectric-power
development, water supply, irrigation, and navigation are some familiar application
of water resources engineering involving the utilization of water for beneficial
purposes. More recently, concern for preserving our natural environment and
meeting the needs of developing countries has increase the importance of water
resources engineering.
-is the science of water resource engineering which deals with the study of
occurrence, distribution, movement and the properties of water on the earth or
beneath the earth surface or in the atmosphere.
The engineering hydrology deals with the
following features:
1. Estimation of water resources
2. Study the components of the hydrological
cycle like precipitation, runoff,
transpiration and their interactions.
3. Study the problems of floods and droughts
and preventive actions.
The main scope of engineering hydrology is:
1. Determination of Maximum Probable Flood
2. Determination of Water yield from a basin
3. Study the groundwater development
4. Determination of Maximum Intensity of the storm
The main applications of engineering hydrology are:
1. Hydrology provides guidance for undergoing proper planning and management of water
2. Calculates rainfall, surface runoff and precipitation.
3. It determines the water balance for particular region.
4. It mitigates and predicts flood, landslide and drought risk in the region.
5. It estimates the water resource potential of the river basins.
The main applications of engineering hydrology are:
6. Enables real-tie flood forecasting and flood warning.
7. Hydrology analyses the variations observed in the catchments by bringing a relationship between
the surface water and the groundwater resources of the catchments.
8. Hydrology studies the required reservoir capacity that is necessary for irrigation and municipal
water supply purpose during drought conditions.
9. It is used in the design and operation of hydraulic structures.
10. It is used for hydropower generation.
11. Brings measures to control erosion and sediments.
Water is often more used to people when it is properly controlled, conveyed, and
contained. Hydraulic structures are designed and built to serve these purposes:
Dams and Barriers
- A dam is a barrier structure placed across a
watercourse to store water and modify normal stream
flow. The large dams have multiple purposes it provide
the following:
1. dawn stream flood control.
2. irrigation water for farm land.
3. cooling water for power plants.
4. industrial water supply.
5. municipal water supply.
6. support navigation on many large rivers.
Different Kinds of Dams:

Diversion dam - Like the name says, a Buttress dam or hollow dam - Buttress
diversion dam is used to divert water. They dams can take many forms, but they all consist
provide pressure to push water into ditches, of a sloping deck supported by intervals of
canals, or other areas used for conveyance. buttresses. There are three main buttress dams,
Diversion dams are typically lower in height including: multiple arch type, massive head
and have a small water storage area in it’s type, and deck type. Buttress dams usually use
upstream. less concrete than other dams but are not
necessarily cheaper.
Embankment dams - is a large, artificial Cofferdam - is a temporary, portable dam used for a
dam that is constructed with natural variety of projects including bridge repair, shoreline
excavated materials or industrial waste restoration, pipeline installation, and many other
materials, such as compacted plastics, and construction projects. A cofferdam is used to close off some
various compositions of soil, sand, rock, and or all of a construction area. 
clay.    Aqua-Barrier® Inflatable Cofferdams are made from
high-grade industrial vinyl coated polyester and can be used
on all terrain and in any conditions. They are reusable and
compact for transportation.
Storage Dam - These dams are not mean to divert Detention Dam - are specifically constructed for
or keep water out, but to keep water in. Storage flood control by retarding flow downstream,
dams are constructed to store water during the helping reduce flash floods (to some extent). The
rainy seasons, supply water to the local wildlife, water is retained in a reservoir to be later
and store water for hydroelectric power gradually released.
generation, and irrigation. Storage dams are the
most common types of dams.
Gravity Dam - is a massive, man-made
concrete dam designed to hold large volumes of
water. Because of the heavy concrete used, it is
able to resist the horizontal thrust of the water,
and gravity essentially holds the dam to the
ground. They are used to block rivers in wide
valleys and must be built on a strong
foundation of bedrock.
 The conveyance structures represents the main item of any project of water
resources. The following can be categorized as a conveyance structure:

Canal - an artificial waterway

constructed to allow the
passage of boats or ships
inland or to convey water for
Channel - type of landform consisting Pipes & Tunnels - designs and manages
of the outline of a path of relatively
shallow and narrow body of fluid, most
the construction of water-supply tunnels
commonly the confine of a river, river in all ground conditions. 
delta or strait.
Inverted Siphons - are used to carry Culverts - is a structure that allows water to
sewage or stormwater under streams, flow under a road, railroad, trail, or similar
highway cuts, or other depressions in the obstruction from one side to the other.
Aqueduct - is a watercourse constructed Drops and chutes – is a structures to
to carry water from a source to a distribution control erosion in irrigation channels.
point far away.
Road Crossing - conveys canal
water under roads or railroads
 Designed to transform
hydraulic energy to
mechanical or electrical
energy (Hydraulic
turbine – hydraulic
 Designed to gather and admit water
to a conduit or system (surface
drainage inlet used to collect surface
runoff for storm sewer system).

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