Outcome Based Education
Outcome Based Education
Outcome Based Education
Source: Outcomes-Based Education:
Critical Issues and Answers
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OUTCOMES occur at or
after the end of a learning
experience- thus, they
are called ULTIMATE
This means that an OUTCOME
is not a collection or average of
previous learning experiences,
but a manifestation of what
learners can do once they have
had and compelled all of those
How exactly is being
“outcomes-based” different
from what schools have
always done?
1. Outcomes-based systems
build everything on a
clearly defined framework
of exit outcomes.
-Curriculum, instructional
strategies, assessments,
and performance
standards are developed
and implemented to
facilitate key outcomes.
In OBE, curriculum,
instruction, and assessment
should be viewed as flexible
and alterable means for
accomplishing clearly defined
learning ends.
In contrast, traditional
focus on increasing
students’ learning and
ultimate performance
abilities to highest possible
levels before they leave
OBE schools take a “macro” view of the
student learning and achievement.
Mistakes are treated as inevitable steps
along the way to having students
develop, internalize, and demonstrate
high-level performance capabilities.
OBE Paradigm
Paradigm is a way of viewing and a way
of doing things consistent with that
viewpoint. The OBE paradigm that
shapes decision making and patterns of
concrete action is the viewpoint that
WHAT and WHETHER students learn
successfully is more important than
WHEN and HOW they learn
This orientation to schooling
entails a fundamental shift in
how the system operates- a
shift that makes
“accomplishing results”
more important than simply
“providing services”.
- Implicit in the OBE
paradigm is the desire to
have all students emerge
from the system as
genuinely successful
OBE’s 2 Purposes
1. Ensuring that all students
are equipped with the
knowledge, competence,
and qualities needed to be
successful after they exit
the educational system.
2. Structuring and
operating schools so that
those outcomes can be
achieved and maximized
for all students.
These two purposes commit
1. Culminating Outcomes
2. Enabling Outcomes
3. Discrete Outcomes
Culminating Outcomes
-define what the system wants all students
to be able to do when their official learning
experiences are complete.
- synonymous to exit outcomes. (for fully
developed OBE system)
- may also apply to what are called
program outcomes and course
outcomes. (for less developed OBE
Enabling Outcomes
-are the key building blocks on
which those culminating
outcomes depend.
-they are truly essential to
students’ ultimate performance
Discrete Outcomes
-are curriculum details that are
“nice to know” but not essential
to a student’s culminating
The Golden Rules of OBE Curriculum
1. Design down from your significant
Culminating Outcomes to establish the
Enabling Outcomes on which they depend.
2. Replace or delete Discrete Outcomes that
are not significant, enabling components
for your culminating outcomes.