Activity No. 7 and 8 Policy Analysis
Activity No. 7 and 8 Policy Analysis
Activity No. 7 and 8 Policy Analysis
Identify and analyze the effects of Outcomes Based Education (OBE) Policy with the
performance of teachers, students and school/ Higher Education Institution. What supplemental
provisions may be recommended to improve the OBE Policy of the Philippine Education System
or an alternative policy you may propose? Cite your sources. Submission: August 24, 2020, 4:30
pm in the group chat.
CHED MEMORANDUM ORDER (CMO), No.77, Series of 2012, “Policies, Standards and
Guidelines in the Establishment of an Outcomes-Based Education (OBE) System in
Higher Education Institutions Offering Engineering Programs”, Date retrieved:
August 5, 2014.
The education sector falls under the jurisdiction of three distinct bodies: the Department
of Education (DepEd) for basic education; the Technical Education and Skills Development
Authority (TESDA) for technical and vocational education and training; and the Commission on
Higher Education (CHED) for higher education.
Republic Act (RA) 9155, also known as Governance of Basic Education Act (GOBEA)
2001 is the legal basis of Education Decentralization in the Philippines for Basic Education. This
law provides the overall framework for principal empowerment by strengthening principal and
leadership goals, and local school-based management within the context of transparency and local
accountability. Poor quality education, shortfalls in classrooms, textbooks, and teachers, low
achievement in science, math and language, discrepancy in rural and urban areas in terms of
achievement and decline participation of the private sector are some of the education situations
that pursue education administrators and lawmakers to decentralize our educational system.
Under Chapter 1 Governance of Basic Education, Section 7 Powers, Duties and Functions, Letter
E. School Level stated its authority, accountability and responsibility of the school head.
In paragraph 2, one of the functions of school head is “Creating an environment within the school
that is conducive to teaching and learning.” It can be “Creating a safe environment within the
school that is conducive to teaching and learning” because one of the major management
responsibilities of a school head is school safety. This includes ensuring on a regular basis that the
facilities and equipment are safe and in good working order, the development of overall school
discipline policies and the enforcement of those policies, and the assignment of supervisory
responsibilities among school personnel are given. So, it is not just enough to provide what are the
needs of teachers and learners, one should also consider the safety of the clientele.
In paragraph 3, it is stated that School Head should be “implementing the school curriculum and
being accountable for higher learning outcomes”. It can be added this as “equipping the school
head with required training needs to implement the school curriculum being accountable for higher
learning outcomes”. School leadership in the context of School-Based Management is very
challenging because it requires new leadership skills in quality development and quality assurance.
So, one must be fully capacitated in this area to truly identify the needs and priorities of the school
to uplift the quality of teaching and learning.
Republic Act No. 7796, also known as TESDA Act of 1994 or An Act Creating the
Technical Education and Skills Development Authority, providing for its Powers, Structure and
for other Purposes is the legal basis of decentralization in Technical and Vocational Education and
Under Section 10 stated the functions of the TESDA Secretariat. Additional function may add as
this “to assess, review, harmonize and coordinate all technical education and skills development
policies and programs” and “to approve training standards and assessment packages as established
Republic Act No. 7722, also known as Higher Education Act of 1994 or An Act Creating
the Commission on Higher Education, Appropriating Funds Therefor and For Other Purposes, is
the legal basis of decentralization in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). This law separates
colleges and universities from the DepEd providing its own independence, having the right to
practice academic freedom and exercise such policies granted for its benefits. Under Section 10
The Higher Education Development Fund, I think stated funds must be modified to adjust to the
current value of supplies, materials, equipment and facilities. Additional funds for instructional
materials, properties and other learning resources must be provided by an institution as these are
aids for learning. There is a big gap between public and private higher education institutions since
private schools have enough source of financial income to provide all of these, unlike in public
schools, they rely on what the government is giving. In the competency and skills that the students
acquire, skills discrimination during job hiring become noticeable due to limited exposure of
students on the different fields of learning during studies. The provision of funds for learning
resources of every field of discipline to support and aid the students’ learning are needed to realize
what has been reflected in the law