Gender and Development GAD Awareness and
Gender and Development GAD Awareness and
Gender and Development GAD Awareness and
Survey Questionnaire
Dear Respondent,
In connection with the Gender and Development in Education for Demetrio Tuazon Elementary
School, may we request you to provide voluntary response for the data called for and to answer the
questions truthfully.
1. Name: _________________
2. Gender: Male Female LGBTQI+
3. Age: _________
4. Rank/Position: __________________________
5. Field of Specialization: ____________________
6. Designation: __________________________
7. Years in Service: _________________________
What do the following concepts/words mean to Please rank your level of knowledge of each gender
you? Please choose the best statement below concept on a ranking of 1 to 5 by checking the
that matches your understanding on each of the corresponding number you feel matches your
Gender and Development concepts. current understanding on Gender and Development
(1=Lowest and 5= Highest).
1 2 3 4 5
Can be classified as Male/Female
Can be classified as Masculinity/Femininity
Socially constructed
Biologically structured
Can be classified as Male/Female
Can be classified as Masculinity/Femininity
Socially constructed
Biologically structured
Gender Roles:
Gender Needs:
Gender Identity:
Gender Equity:
Gender Equality:
Gender Integration:
Gender Analysis:
Gender Sensitive:
Gender Mainstreaming:
Women in Development:
Women and Development:
Please rate how strongly you agree or disagree with each of the following statements.
If you were to attend a GAD seminar, what particular topic would you like to be discussed?