Session No. 1-3/ Week No. 2: Cities of Mandaluyong and Pasig
Session No. 1-3/ Week No. 2: Cities of Mandaluyong and Pasig
Session No. 1-3/ Week No. 2: Cities of Mandaluyong and Pasig
Study Guide
This module was designed to provide the students with meaningful opportunities for
guided and independent pace of learning. Students will be able to process the learning
context in their own flexible time.
a. Learning outcomes
b. Topic presentation
c. Learning activities
d. Assessment
e. Assignment
f. References
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the learning episode, the students are expected to:
1. Discuss how scientific and technological development affect society and the
2. Discuss the influence of past and current scientific and technological on
Philippines and Global society.
3. Appreciate the contributions of Science and Technology to society.
Topic Presentation
Specific Objectives:
1. Describe how science and technology in the Philippines has evolved over
2. Identify the influence of colonization to the science and technology of the
3. Describe the huge role of education in the development of Philippine
science and technology.
Precolonial Period
Spanish arrived in the Philippines in 1521. There were few written reliable
information available based on archeological findings. Based on this, the country
Used to have a number of geographically scattered , self sufficient autonomous
communities called Barangays which were more a kinship or social unit rather than
political group with a simple level of technological advancement sufficient enough to
meet their needs.
The early settlers who believed to be homo sapiens about 50, 000 years ago
were came from the mainland of Asia ad had reached and lived over Palawan and
Batangas by passing the over the land bridges. They formed communities in the other
parts of the country such as Sulu, Negros, Samar and regions in Luzon. They
learned to use simple tools by sawing, drilling and polishing hard stones. Some
produced pottery and seashell ornaments with various designs that were replaced by
imported Chinese porcelain. Ordinary cooking exists those time.
Early 10th century AD Butuan and Mindoro inhabitants stared trade relations
with champs of Vietnam and locals of China. They trade some product such as
beeswax, cotton, pearl, cloth, iron pots, colored glass beads, iron needled and tin.
Coastal areas such as in Manila, Mindoro, Cebu, Sulu and Southern Mindanao had
more sophisticated technology compared to other areas due to their exposure to
foreign trades. However, in more remote areas such as mountain settlement, many
Filipinos are still hunter-gatherers. They were trading with lowlands and coastal locals
for their gathered forest products. No written literary traditions were developed. Pre
colonial Filipinos believed in superstitions. No worship areas. They have their own
system of writing for letters and messages. (Ilagan, 2018)
Spanish Regime
It was considered to be the period of modern science and technology in the
Philippines. Religious orders played the great influenced in the development resulted
to political and socio-economic changes which had a huge contribution to the history
of the country.
Below are the summary of the remarkable events and advancement in the
Philippines Science and Technology during Spanish regime
Source:Ilagan, Y. et al (2018) Science Technology and Society. Panday Lahi Publishing House, Muntinlupa City, Philippines
American Regime
This period marked the rapid advancement of Science and Technology in the
Philippines. The contributing factors are as follows:
a. Encouragement and support of the government for an extensive public
b. Scholarship grants in science and engineering
The following activities paved way for the development of science and technology in
different sectors of the country:
e. Secularized public education
f. Department of public instruction offering free primary education with English
as medium of instruction
g. Philippine Normal School was put up to serve as the training ground for
Filipino teachers
h. Secondary schools opened in 1902.
i. There was an advanced training abroad for Filipinos to replaced foreign faculty
in the Philippines
j. The demand for professional education was increased
k. The Private School Act of 1917 (Act, No 2076) was recognized.
l. Office of Private Education was established for the improvement of
educational machinery
m. Bureau of Government Laboratories was created in 1901 by the Philippine
commission and was named as Bureau of Science
n. Many offices were recognized:
1. Bureau of Health
2. Bureau of Mines
3. Bureau of Forestry
4. Bureau of Agriculture
5. Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey
6. Bureau of Plant and Industry
7. Bureau of Animal Industry
o. National Research Council of the Philippines Island (NCRP) was established
in 1933.
Commonwealth Period
The Commonwealth government of the Philippines was enacted in 1935. It
was the beginning of the country’s transformation to a politically independent nation.
The Commonwealth was designed as a transitional administration in preparation for
the country's full achievement of independence. However, the foreign affairs
remained managed by the United States. As reflected in the Philippines constitution,
Article XIII, section 4 stating that “The State shall promote scientific research and
invention, arts and letters shall be under its patronage…”Schools both private and
public was given a change to do some expansion.
The government established the national economic council to address the
country’s economic and financial issues. Numerous of government corporations were
formed such as National Power Corporation, National Abaca and other Fibers
Corporation, Bureau of Mines and etc to perform various functions.
Despite such efforts, the goal of the commonwealth government was not
attained. This was due to the foreign trade policies that was still controlled by the
Specific Objectives:
1. Identify the intellectual revolutions that created paradigm shift.
2. Explain the stages of psychosocial development
3.Compare the different civilizations and identify their great contributions
to the society.
Nicolas Copernicus (1473-1543) was a mathematician and an astronomer
who proposed the heliocentric model of the solar system. With this idea, he wrote an
essay about “ON the Revolution of the Heavenly Spheres”. Another contribution to
classical astronomy involving the 4 elements namely: water, air, earth and fire.
Charles Darwin was known for his theory of evolution by natural selection.
He published his book entitled "On the Origin of Species" in 1859. This explained the
process by which organisms change over time as a result of changes in heritable
physical or behavioral traits. Darwin figured out that variations in a population help
different species to survive.
Sigmund Freud was a father of psychoanalysis and one of the 2oth century’s most
influential thinkers. He believed that people explain their behavior to themselves or
other. Human behavior is a result of the interactions among three components:
1. Id which is made up of unconscious psychic energy that works to satisfy
urges, needs and desires. It is the only personality that present by birth that is
a primitive component of personality existed wholly within unconscious.
2. Superego is composed of peoples internalized ideas acquired from parents
and society. It works to suppress the urges of the id and tries to behave the
ego morally rather than realistically.
3. Ego mediates the demand of the id, the superego and the reality. It prevents
people from acting on their basic urges by the id, and works to achieve a
balance with their normal and idealistic standards created by the superego.
Mesoamerican Civilization
A region of cultural area in America. They contribute greatly in agriculture.
The main food source were corn, beans and squash. There were also cotton plants
and rubber trees that were use in textiles. Framers were formed terraces along
slopes of mountain valleys which were made of stone walls. Mesoamerican were
known to be the first to create the calendars.
Asian Civilization
There were two great civilizations in Asia: India and China. Civilization arose
in Indus River valley. People weapons and utensils were made from bronze and
copper. Another civilization developed in Huang Ho river. Dynasties ruled the region
one after the other.
African Civilization
Farming and slaves found in this civilization. Modern concepts in mathematics
like the first method of counting were first developed in Africa. In astronomy, a
structure known as African Stonehenge in present day Kenya which was constructed
around 300BC was remarkably accurate calendar. Many advances in metallurgy and
tool making were also made across Africa.
Ilagan, Y. et al (2018) Science Technology and Society. Panday Lahi Publishing House,
Muntinlupa City, Philippines