Science, Technology, and Society: Philippine History
Science, Technology, and Society: Philippine History
Science, Technology, and Society: Philippine History
A representation of humans adapting to the continuous changes brought about by science and technology.
Photo taken by: Denzyl Hubert Bautista
• Pre-Spanish Period
• Spanish Colonial Period
• American Period and Post-Commonwealth Era
• Marcos Era • Fifth Republic
3. Synthesize and create their own understanding on the different periods of the history of science and
technology in the Philippines.
There are many things we do not want about the world, Let us not just mourn them. Let us change them.
Ferdinand Marcos
_ The Philippines today is known to be a Third World country. The development of science and technology will
determine the socio-economic growth of the country. It is also a fact that the national progress will relate the
capacity of a country to produce to industrial goods for domestic needs.
It will greatly affect our economic growth through increasing the chances of foreign investors coming to our
country and investing the products developed and invented by our local inventors. It could also indicate an
increase in tourism by the foreign people to try the products that our country has developed.
The continuous development in the field of science and technology could make a different history for the
country. Supporting the programs that our government has built a better chance for the country to regain our
status and glory to the global competition.
Pre-Spanish Period
The Philippines has few written information with regards to its society, culture, and technology before the
Spanish arrived. We relied on archeological findings to trace the beginning of how the Filipinos lived with the
use of science and technology.
These archeological findings showed that modern man from Asian mainland first came over land on across
narrow channels to live in Batangas and Palawan about 48, 00 B.C. They settled in different areas across the
country and made simple tools and weapons of stone flakes and later developed new skills like sawing and
polishing stones.
During 3,000 B.C., they learned to produce adzes ornament of seashells and pottery that prosper for 2,000
years until competition arrived with the Chinese porcelains. Eventually they've learned how to use metal as
their tools and so-called Iron Age lasted until the r century B.C. to the 11th century A.D. during this time,
Filipinos were involved in ore mining such as copper, gold, bronze, and iron.
Early and farming Filipinos have also engaged themselves into weaving, shipbuilding, mining, that led them
in creating one of the finest products of engineering which is the Banaue Rice Terraces. Early Spanish
chroniclers also noted that early Filipinos built warship called carcoa that well suited for inter-island trade.
Locales from Butuan were trading with champa ( Vietnam) and those from Ma –I (Mindoro) with China as
seen on the Chinese records that contain several references to the Philippines. These records indicate that
trading relationship have existed and established between the Philippines, China and Vietnam.
Before the Spaniards came, Filipinos were already aware of activities andpractices related to science and
technology. They have leraned the curative values of plants and able to extract the medicine out of it. They
had an alphabet , counting methods, weights , and measurement system, and calendar that they based on the
period of the moon.
Medicine was prioritized during the Spanish colonization, especially in the later years. The Spaniards made
contributions in the field of engineering by constructing government establishments, churches, roads, bridges,
and forts. Biology was highlighted during this period. Botanists, chemists, and medical scholars all gave
contribution to the field of science.
The galleon trade made a big impact in the economic growth of the Philippines. Spaniards gave priority to
the galleon trade due to its potential to make huge profits. That is why agriculture and industrial development
were not given focus and were in neglected during this time. When Suez Canal was built, visiting each other
countries, for Europeans and Filipinos was made possible and probably influenced by the rapid development
of scientific ideals brought by the Age of Enlightenment.
"American Period and post-Commonwealth Era
The Americans replaced Spaniards after they ruled the country and the pro is, of science and technology has
continued under their rule. The establishment or. Bureau of Government Laboratories was made in July 1,
1901 by the Philippine commission, which serves a purpose to study the tropical diseases and laboratory
projects in the country, and was later on replaced by the Bureau of Science in 1905 that became the primary
research center of the country. While on December 8, 1933, the National Research Council of the Philippines
was established.
it was during the American period when science was inclined towards agriculture 160d processing, forestry,
medicine, and pharmacy, and not much focus were give on the development of industrial technology due to
free trade policy with the United States that nurtured an economy geared towards agriculture and trade.
The Bureau of Science was replaced by the institute of Science in 1946. In 1950, there were reports made by
the US Economic Survey about the Philippines' problem' with regards to science and technology such as lack of
basic information, no support, minimal budget, and low compensation. During the regimen of Carlos P. Garcia
in 1958, the Philippine congress passed the bill entitled "The Science Act of 1958- which goal is to establish the
National Science Development Board.
Marcos Era
It was only during the Marcos Precedency where science was given importance. It was only during the N4arcos
It was clearly stated by the said former President in the Philippine Constitution, amended in 1973, that in
terms of national development, priority shall be given in the advancement of science and technology.
In his State of the Nation Address Marcos declared that there is a need for science in public high school and
with the help of Department of education in partnership from the National Science Development Board it aims
to provide science-teaching equipment for a period of 4 years.
In 1968, he also recognized that technology was the top reason in economic development, and gave extra
funds to support projects in applied science and science education. While in 1969, he allotted large amount of
war damage funds to private universities to encourage them to-create courses that focus on science and
technology and research. In 1970, he emphasized that by upgrading the science curriculum' and teaching
equipment is crucial to the science development program.
Furthermore, he declared Presidential Decree No. 49, series of 1972 as a support for promoting the
scientific research and invention. Aside from that, one of his greatest contributions is the establishment of
PAGASA which function is togive environmental protection and to utilize scientific knowledge tp ensure the
safety of the nation. He also established the National Academy of Science and Technology in 1976 to have
scientists whose experts in science and technology.
In 1986, he also established campuses of Philippine Science High School in the science Visayas and
Mindanao. It encourage the youth in these areas to choose a career in and technology It also alms to the
potential students on the said regions.
Fifth Republic
After the term of President Marcos, Corazon Aquino replaced him in the presidential seat on her term in
1986, she replaced the National Science and Technology Authority to Department of Science and Technology,
Giving the science and technology a seat in the government cabinet. It was during the Philippine Development
Plan for the years 1987- 1992 where the role of science and technology in the nature economy was
highlighted. In 1990, State of the nation Address should be on the top three priorities of the government to
implement the development should be on the top three priorities of the government to implement the
development plan they have made.
In 1989, the budget allocation for science and technology was increased amounting into 1.054 billion pesos.
But due to Asian financial crisis between the years 1990 and 1991, it cut down by 14% AND IN 1992, it was
increased again by 50% She also encouraged Filipino scientists and inventors to put back to the Philippines
and second in Japan when it comes to the field of science and technology. It was one of her goals to make the
country industrialized by the year 2000
.It July 1992, Presidential Fidel Ramos reported his first State of the Nation Address that there were
improvements with regards to science and technology in his third SONA in 1994, he reported that there was a
significant increase in people who an estimated specialize in the field of science and technology. By the year
1998, it was estimated that the Philippines had 3,000 competent scientists and engineers.
It was during the 5th republic where the government provided 3, 500 scholarships for students who are
interested in taking up courses related to science and technology. Schools became modernized and updated
by having additional high- tech equipment and It was also during this time when science and technology
personnel were given priority by the government by approving the Republic Act No. 8439 in 1997 which
entitled "Magna Carta for science and technology Personnel". Its purpose is to give incentives and rewards to
people who made an impact and influential in the field of Science and Technology.
In 1998, during President Joseph Estrada's term, the Internet age was pushed for the advancement of
schools and industry. Then it was under the term of Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo when science and technology
reached its golden age.
Numerous laws and projects related to science were made to push technology forward to increase the
economic level of the country like R.A. 9367 or the "Biofuels” -act that promotes the development and usage
of biofuels throughout the count ry. I n 2014, President Benigno Aquino honors four scientists who gave huge
contributions of the country in the scientific field that geared towards the advancement of science and
Moistero A.P. (2006). Science, technology and society. Manila: Educational Publishing house
Scribd. (2010). History of science and technology in the Philippines. Retrieved from
Scribd. (2009). Science, technology, and society. Retrieved from https:// www. Scribd. Com/doc/23367406/