Internal Examination: Leslie L. Paguio BSN 3-C
Internal Examination: Leslie L. Paguio BSN 3-C
Internal Examination: Leslie L. Paguio BSN 3-C
What is Internal Examination?
1. The internal check-up in the ninth month of pregnancy can be done to check
the position of your cervix. As your labour progresses, your cervix will move
forward from its position, and your doctor will have easy access to it.
2. To track how much your cervix has opened up. Initially, the size is 1cm and it
goes up to 10cm. When your cervix is 10cm or more, it is the time to push
your baby out.
3. To check the position of your baby and if the water bag needs to be ruptured.
4. To check the position of your baby’s head, and whether it is engaged or not.
5. To establish how your baby’s head is sitting on your cervix.
• To check for infections.
• To conduct a pap smear test.
• To check for bleeding.
• To prevent inducing labor.
Typically these exams are conducted in three times during your
Early Pregnancy: Around the 8th week mark. The doctor may do a
physical exam for a pap smear or just to identify length, texture, and any
abnormalities in the cervix if any.
Late Pregnancy: doctors begin internal exams around the 36th week mark
and often this becomes a weekly routine.
During Labour: The frequency of internal exams rise to a fever pitch and
you are given one every 4-6 hours depending on the protocol of the
The Procedure of an Internal Check-Up During Pregnancy