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Ppe Thermal Power Plat

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I shall make electricity so cheap

that only rich can afford to burn

candles….Thomas Edison

After many experiments, first with carbon filaments and then with 

platinum and other metals, Edison returned to a carbon filament.[46]
 The first successful test was on October 22, 1879;[44]:186[47][48][33] it
lasted 13.5 hours.[49] Edison continued to improve this design and on
November 4, 1879, filed for U.S. patent 223,898 (granted on January
27, 1880) for an electric lamp using "a carbon filament or strip coiled
and connected to platina contact wires".[50] This was the first
commercially practical incandescent light.[51]
Unit 1: Introduction and Thermal Power Plant 6 hrs
A) Power Generation: Global Scenario, Present status of power
generation in India, in Maharashtra, Role of private and
governmental organizations, Load shedding, Carbon credits,
Pitfalls in power reforms, concept of cascade efficiency.

B) Thermal Power Plant

Introduction: General layout of modern power plant with
different circuits, working of thermal power plant, coal
classification, coal, ash and dust handling, selection of coal for
Thermal Power Plant, FBC boilers, high pressure boiler, Rankine
cycle with reheat and regeneration, cogeneration power plant
(with numerical)
Unit 2: Steam condenser and environmental of thermal power

A)Steam Condenser: Necessity of steam condenser, Classification,

Cooling water requirements, Condenser efficiency, Vacuum efficiency,
Cooling towers, air Leakage, Effects of Air Leakage on condenser
performance, (Numerical Treatment)
b) Environmental impact of thermal power plant
Different pollutant from thermal power plant, their effect on human
health and vegetation, methods to control pollutant such as particulate
matter oxides of sulphur, oxides of nitrogen, dust handling system, ESP ,
scrubber, water pollution, thermal pollution, noise pollution from TPP
and its control
Unit 3: Hydroelectric and Nuclear power plant 8 hrs
A)Hydroelectric Power Plant: Introduction, Site Selection, Advantages
and Disadvantages of HEPP,
Hydrograph , Flow duration curve ,Mass Curve, Classification of HEPP
with layout.
B)Nuclear Power Plants: Elements of NPP, Nuclear reactor & its types,
fuels moderators, coolants,
control rod, classification of NPP, N-waste disposal

Unit 4: Diesel & Gas Turbine Power plant

Unit 5: Non-Conventional Power Plants
Unit 6: Instrumentation and Economics of Power Generation

B) Economics of Power Generation: Introduction, Cost of electric energy,

Fixed and operating cost, (with numerical treatment), Selection and Type
of generation, Selection of generation equipment,
Performance and operation characteristics of power plants and Tariff
Subject: Energy
Unit 1

Prof. Siraskar G.D.
Mechanical engineering department
Why electrical energy?
In the form of electricity?
Energy and power

Power kW
Energy kWh

a) Commercial energy sources Energy consumption as

b) Non commercial energy measure of prosperity
• Electrical energy is most useful form of energy because it can be
most conveniently transformed into other forms of energy like heat
light, mechanical energy that we require in our day to day life.

• But electricity is not readily available and is required to be produced

(generated) in a factory called power station.

• Like any other manufacturing process, the production (generation)

of electricity also need some cost to be incurred - Plants and
Equipment, Inputs (water, fuel etc.), Ash smoke disposal systems,

• Cost of Transmission and Distribution to the large number of

consumers of various categories (viz. domestic, commercial,
industrial, agricultural etc.)

• All these costs when added together constitutes the total cost 8of
electricity which in the consumers have to share according to the
quantum of electricity consumed taking into account the nature and
time of use of electricity by each category of consumers.
• The question is how this cost of electricity is to determined in a transparent

• Some standard principles have been evolved through ages of un & sell of
electricity become more and more complicated.

• Methods of calculation of cost of generation of electricity in a Thermal Power

station in terms of these basic principles.

• Cost of Electricity has two components – Fixed Cost and Variable Cost

The basic difference between power and energy –

Power –
It is the capacity to Generate or consume electricity. The term “Power” specifies
the capacity of generation or consumption in terms of Kilowatt (KW) or Megawatt
(MW). One Megawatt as we know in one thousand Kilowatt.

Energy –
It is the Power Generated or Consumed by utilizing the capacity for a duration of
time. It one kilowatt Power has been generated or distributed continuously for one
hour, it is said that an energy of One Kilowatt hour has been generated or used.
Similarly if Five kilowatt of Power is generated or consumed for Two hours, an
energy of 10 ( = 5 X 2) kilowatt hour has been generated or consumed and so on.
Types of energy
Non renewable
330000 MW India
capacity 2017

330 GW

Coal: 192,971.5 MW (58.3%)

  Large Hydro: 44,963.42 MW (13.6%)
  Small Hydro: 4,389.55 MW (1.3%)
  Wind Power: 32,700.64 MW (9.9%)
  Solar Power: 14,771.69 MW (4.5%)
  Biomass: 8,295.78 MW (2.5%)
  Nuclear: 6,780 MW (2.0%)
  Gas: 25,150.38 MW (7.6%)
  Diesel: 837.63 MW (0.3%)
India energy consumption
•The first demonstration of an 
electric light in Calcutta (now Kolkata)
was conducted on 24 July 1879 .
•India began utilizing grid management
on a regional basis in the 1960s
•India’s capacity 330 GW
• Maharashtra, Western India.[1] With a
total generation of 10,737 MW, it is
the second largest power producing
company in India
Year India electricity

1947 1362 MW
2016 326840 MW
2018 340000 MW
As of December 2010, the installed power generation
capacity of India stood at 169 GW and is trying to add
another 78 GW by 2012. 330 GW by 2016, The demand
for electricity is expected to be about 1,000 GW by 2030.
Per capita consumption is also indicator of
India has electrified 96% villages, but is still far
from taking power to all homes
 India has one National Grid with an installed capacity of
330.86 GW as on 30 November 2017.. Wikipedia

Share of fossil energy 66.2%

Share of renewable energy 31.8%
GHG  emissions from electricity generation (2015)

Average electricity use (2016-17) 1,122 kWh per

capita Transmission & Distribution losses (2015-16)

%Residential consumption = 24.32%[3]

Industrial consumption = 40.01%[3]
Agriculture consumption = 18.33%[3]
Commercial consumption = 9.22%[3]
Thermal power plant Operational
1.Chandrapur Super Thermal Power Station - 3340 MW.
2.Koradi Thermal Power Station - 620 MW
3.Khaparkheda Thermal Power Station - 1340 MW
4.Bhusawal Thermal Power Station - 1420 MW
5.Nashik Thermal Power Station - 630 MW
6.Parli Thermal Power Station - 1130 MW
7.Paras Thermal Power Station - 500 MW

Planned / Under Development

Chandrapur Super Thermal Power Station Project U-8,9 - 2 X

Koradi Thermal Power Station Project U-8,9,10 - 3 X 660MW [5]
Parli Thermal Power Station Project U-8 - 1 X 250MW

Thermal Power Stations Gas based

Uran Gas Turbine Power Station - 4 X 108, 2 X 120 = 672 MW
Hydro Power Stations[edit]
Bhatghar- Dam
Bhira - 80 MW
Dimbhe Dam
Ghatghar Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Power Plant - 250 MW
Kanher Dam
Koyna Hydroelectric Project - 1,956 MW
Manikdoh Dam
Panshet Dam
Pavana Dam
Surya Dam
Tillari Dam, Chandgad
Ujani Dam
Vaitarna Dam
Varasgaon Dam
Veer Dam
Warna Dam
Yeldari Dam
Global primary energy sources

Coal: 984 billion tons , USA has 25.4 %, Russia 15.9 % China 11.6 % ,
India 8.9 %
Petroleum oil: global 1147 billion barrels ( 1 barrel = 160 liters)
Saudi has 23 %
Gas: 176 trillion cubic meter, Russian has 27 %

World reserve will lost oil 45 years gas 65 years , coal 200 years

Global consumption : 9741 billion tones of oil equivalent (Mtoe)

Developing country energy growth rate is 2.7 %
Oil use is 39 %
Natural gas 2.2 % use
Coal predominant
Co2 emission increase is 1.9 %
1 metric ton coal = 0.41 Mtoe
India: energy

India: 17 % of population consume 3.5 % f world energy

Type Indi Total Used In Will World

a global last will
Coal 58.3 92 billion 662 million 8.6 % (4th 230 years 192 years
% tones tons /year, )
imports 730
Oil 36% 763.48 36 MTs 0.4 % Top 82 %
million 10 in imports
tones world
Gas 10% 1227.4 31.90 BCM / 0.77
billion cu year
Nuclear 2.4 70000 Mt 3310 MW
Power production scenario

MW Coal Gas Diese Total Nucle Hydro RES Grand

l ar total total
India 196097 24867 837 221802 6780 45487 72012 346082
Maha 26960 3512 0 30473 690 3331 8759 43254
• Electricity act 2003 private allowed
• Removed need of licenses for power
• Power plant having 1000 MW , no tax for 10
• Allowed 100 %FDI
• Selling bulk power to grid
• Less import duty for 1000 MW and more
plant equipment
• 40 % by private sector
• National thermal power corporation (NTPC)
established in 1975
• 45 % share in production and distribution
• Rural electrification corporation : some sate 100%
• Nuclear power corporation : it was se up in 1987
target 20000MW (NCP)
• National hydro power corporation (NHPC)
• Power grid corporation of India (PGCI)
• State Electricity Boards (SEB’s) :18
Load shedding:
➢During power shortage , some dispensable appliances are
switched off except the essential services like water supply and
street lighting
➢This cause minor in convenience to consumer
➢Load shedding can also be done on the entire system
simultaneously or on different parts of the network in the city
in rotation
➢In case of industries if load increases above certain maximum
demand circuit breaker switch off power which is installed at
company premises .
➢In case of more load, few non necessary equipment can be
switch off.

A carbon credit is a generic term for any tradable certificate or
permit representing the right to emit one tonne of carbon dioxide or
the mass of another greenhouse gas with a carbon dioxide equivalent
 (tCO2e) equivalent to one tonne of carbon dioxide. [1][2][3]

Carbon credits and carbon markets are a component of national and

international attempts to mitigate the growth in concentrations of 
greenhouse gases (GHGs). One carbon credit is equal to one tonne of
carbon dioxide, or in some markets, carbon dioxide equivalent gases.
Carbon trading is an application of an emissions trading approach.
Greenhouse gas emissions are capped and then markets are used to
allocate the emissions among the group of regulated sources.
Carbon credit :
Co2, nox, cfc
Started in 1992 ..in brazil earth summit

1997 , : 160 country met in Japan Kyoto ,

now 184 countries accepted
2001 bush denies
2004 : 170 countries sign in germany
Even Russia sign in 2004
2005 force
2011 canada withdraw as china became major emitter …and usa not
But latar

Coal 1kwh = 1 ton of co2

If wind instead of coal reduce 1 ton = one carbon credit
Can sale such credit, one credit = $36
This money can be used for development of developing country
Cascade efficiency:
Cascade Energy. Cascade Energy focuses on industrial
energy efficiency. We help you do more with less energy, reducing
energy costs, and increasing productivity and profits. Cascade has
special expertise in: Industrial Refrigeration, Compressed Air, Fans
and Pumps.
Thermal Power Plant:
•General information
•General layout of modern
power plant with different
•working of thermal power
•coal classification,
• coal handling,

Steam power plant:
Converts chemical energy of the fossil fuels (coal, oil
gas) in to mechanical energy.
Classification of steam power plant:
a) Central station (condensing type)
b) Industrial power station or captive power station.
( mostly non condensing type)
Factors of steam power plant location
•Availability of raw material.. 1 MW requires 12 ton
coal/day, approx 400 mw requires 5000 to 5000
tonnes coal per day, so near coal filed or railway
•Nature of land: should have good bearing capacity,
minimum bearing capacity must be 1 MN/m2
•Cost of land
•Availability of water
•Transport facility
•Ash disposal facility: for 400 Mw , requires 10
hectors/year land for ash dumping height up to 6.5
•Availability of labour
•Size of the plant
•Load center: near load center or near c.g. of load
•Public problem: away from towns.
Essential requirement of steam power
•Minimum capital cost
•Minimum operating and maintenance cost
•Capacity to meet peak load effectively
•Minimum losses of energy in transmission
•Low cost of energy supplied to the consumer
•Reserve capacity to meet future demands
Thermal power plant
There are four processes in the Rankine cycle. These states are
identified by numbers (in brown) in the above T–s diagram.
Process 1–2: The working fluid is pumped from low to high
pressure. As the fluid is a liquid at this stage, the pump requires
little input energy.
Process 2–3: The high-pressure liquid enters a boiler, where it
is heated at constant pressure by an external heat source to
become a dry saturated vapour. The input energy required can
be easily calculated graphically, using an 
enthalpy–entropy chart (h–s chart, or Mollier diagram), or
numerically, using steam tables.
Process 3–4: The dry saturated vapour expands through a 
turbine, generating power. This decreases the temperature and
pressure of the vapour, and some condensation may occur. The
output in this process can be easily calculated using the chart or
tables noted above.
Process 4–1: The wet vapour then enters a condenser, where it
is condensed at a constant pressure to become a 
saturated liquid.
Thermal power plant
a)Coal and Ash circuit
b)Air and gas circuit
c)Feed water and steam
d)Cooling water circuit
Advantages and disadvantages of steam power plants
1) Fuel used ischeaper
2) They can respond quickly with changes in load on the plant
3)Space required is less compared to hydro power plant
4) A portion of steam can used as process steam for various
5) They can be overloaded up to 20 % without difficulty.
6) Cost of electric power generation and its initial cost is less
compared to diesel plant
7) Can be located near the load center conveniently thus
reduces the transmission line cost and loss of energy in
transmission lines.
8) Operation and maintenance cost is high
9) Time needed for erection of plant is high before it is put to
10)Large quantity of water is needed
11)Coal and ash handling poses a serious problem
Coal classification:
Properties of Coal
Coal Classification Coal is classified into
three major types namely
a) Anthracite, (high grade 90 % C
CV 36000 kJ/kg), semi anthracite
b)bituminous, (40 to 60% C) cv
32000 kj/kg) . semi 20 % volatile
c) lignite. (30 % carbon )
d) Peat (10 to 20 % Carbon, up to
90 % moisture)
However there is no clear demarcation between
them and coal is also further classified as semi-
anthracite, semi-bituminous, and sub-bituminous.
Anthracite is the oldest coal from geological
perspective. It is a hard coal composed mainly of
carbon with little volatile content and practically no
moisture. Lignite is the youngest coal from
geological perspective. It is a soft coal composed
mainly of volatile matter and moisture content with
low fixed carbon. Fixed carbon refers to carbon in its
free state, not combined with other elements.
Volatile matter refers to those combustible
constituents of coal that vaporize when coal is
heated. The common coals used in Indian industry
are bituminous and sub-bituminous coal. The
gradation of Indian coal based on its calorific value is
as follows:
Grade Calorific Value Range ( in kCal/kg)
A exceeding 6200
B – 6200 4940
C -5600 6200
D- 4940 3360
E -3360 4940
F -2400 -3360
G 1300 – 2400

Analysis of Coal There are two methods:

ultimate analysis and
proximate analysis.
The ultimate analysis determines all coal component
solid or gaseous and
the proximate analysis determines only the fixed carbon,
volatile matter, moisture and ash percentages.
The ultimate analysis is determined in a properly
equipped laboratory by a skilled chemist, while proximate
analysis can be determined with a simple apparatus. It
may be noted that proximate has no connection with the
Proximate Analysis Proximate analysis indicates the
percentage by weight of the Fixed Carbon, Volatiles, Ash, and
Moisture Content in coal. The amounts of fixed carbon and
volatile combustible matter directly contribute to the heating
value of coal. Fixed carbon acts as a main heat generator during
burning. High volatile matter content indicates easy ignition of
fuel. The ash content is important in the design of the furnace
grate, combustion volume, pollution control equipment and ash
handling systems of a furnace. A typical proximate analysis of
various coal is given in the


Parameter Indian Coal Indonesian Coal South African Coal Moisture
5.98 9.43 8.5 Ash 38.63 13.99 17 Volatile matter 20.70 29.79 23.28
Fixed Carbon 34.69 46.79 51.22
Significance of Various Parameters in Proximate Analysis
a) Fixed carbon: Fixed carbon is the solid fuel left in the
furnace after volatile matter is distilled off. It consists mostly
of carbon but also contains some hydrogen, oxygen, sulphur
and nitrogen not driven off with the gases. Fixed carbon gives
a rough estimate of heating value of coal
b) Volatile Matter: Volatile matters are the methane,
hydrocarbons, hydrogen and carbon monoxide, and
incombustible gases like carbon dioxide and nitrogen found in
coal. Thus the volatile matter is an index of the gaseous fuels
present. Typical range of volatile matter is 20 to 35%. Volatile
Matter • Proportionately increases flame length, and helps in
easier ignition of coal. • Sets minimum limit on the furnace
height and volume. • Influences secondary air requirement
and distribution aspects. • Influences secondary oil support
c) Ash Content: Ash is an impurity that will not burn. Typical
range is 5 to 40% Ash • Reduces handling and burning
capacity. • Increases handling costs. • Affects combustion
efficiency and boiler efficiency • Causes clinkering and
d) Moisture Content: Moisture in coal must be transported,
handled and stored. Since it replaces combustible matter, it
decreases the heat content per kg of coal. Typical range is 0.5
to 10% Moisture • Increases heat loss, due to evaporation and
superheating of vapour • Helps, to a limit, in binding fines. •
Aids radiation heat transfer.
e) Sulphur Content: Typical range is 0.5 to 0.8% normally.
Sulphur • Affects clinkering and slagging tendencies •
Corrodes chimney and other equipment such as air heaters
and economisers • Limits exit flue gas temperature.
Measurement of Moisture Determination
of moisture is carried out by placing a sample of powdered raw
coal of size 200-micron size in an uncovered crucible and it is
placed in the oven kept at 108 o C along with the lid. Then the
sample is cooled to room temperature and weighed again. The
loss in weight represents moisture. (15 minute to one hour and
then in crucible kept in anhydrous calcium chloride to absorb
moisture )
Measurement of Volatile Matter Fresh sample / same
previous of crushed coal is weighed, placed in a covered
crucible, and heated in a furnace at 950o C, for 7 minutes. The
sample is cooled and weighed. Loss of weight represents
moisture and volatile matter. The remainder is coke (fixed
carbon and ash)
Measurement of Carbon and Ash : (950o C for half hour)
remaining will be ash . The cover from the crucible used in the
last test is removed and the crucible is heated over the Bunsen
burner until all the carbon is burned. The residue is weighed,
which is the incombustible ash. The difference in weight from the
previous weighing is the fixed carbon. In actual practice Fixed
Carbon or FC derived by subtracting from 100 the value of
moisture, volatile matter and ash.
Chemical Properties Ultimate Analysis: The ultimate
analysis indicates the various elemental chemical
constituents such as Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Sulphur,
etc. It is useful in determining the quantity of air required
for combustion and the volume and composition of the
combustion gases. This information is required for the
calculation of flame temperature and the flue duct design
etc. Typical ultimate analyses of various coals are given in
Parameter Indian Coal, % Indonesian Coal,
Moisture 5.98
Mineral Matter (1.1 x
Important properties of coal
Swelling index
Heating value of coal
Ash softening temperature

Coal preparation (Beneficiation)

1)Sizing of coal: crushing
2)Removal of rocks of mine
3)Ash removal
4)Removal of minerals associated with sulphur: : by
crushing and by chemical washing (pyritic sulphur
which is chemically connected)
5)Removal of surface moisture by drying: centrifugal
6)Blending of different coal to achieve the required
properties of coal
Slurry or emulsion types of fuels: By
using little modification in existing system
1)Coal oil Mixture (COM)
2)Coal water mixture (CWM): work is going
on 60 to 80 % coal
3)Coal methanol mixture (CMM) 50 % coal,
50 % methanol: efficient , High heating
value, easy to transport
Advantages: it is cheaper than oil
Not required major change in plant
Can be used like oil
Less storage
Pollution is reduced
Low rank coal can be used
Reduces carbon loss
Coal transportation:
1)By river or sea
2)By rail
3)By road
4)By pipe line

Coal handling :
12 tom per MW power
means 12000 ton for
1000 MW power plant
60 wagon per
train , each
carries 100
tons, means
approx 6000
tons/ trip
Coal unloading

Grab crane for

unloading coal

Wagon unloading
50 tonnes/hour
Advantages: used when other arrangement
not possible, less power and maintenance,
low operating cost
Disadvantages: high initial cost
Lift trucks with scoop

Unloading bridges
Self unloading ship
Belt conveyor

100 tons/hour, 500 rpm, 20 degree inclination

Belt conveyor Advantages:
•Low cost
•Smooth and clean
•Low maintenance
•Controller rate of
coal transport

•Large quantity over large distance •Not for greater
•20 degree inclination height and short
•60 to 100 meter /minute speed distance
•50 to 100 tons / hour capacity •For more height ,
•400 meter length of conveyor
•Used for medium and large power becomes excessive
Screw Conveyor:
•Endless helicoids screw fitted to shaft, driving
mechanism is connected to one end of the shaft and
other end of the shaft is supported in an enclosed
ball bearing.
•Diameter of screw 15 to 50 cm
•Speed 70 to 120 rpm
•Maximum capacity 125 tonnes / hour
Screw conveyor:
Used for small distance 30 m
100 tons/hour
Speed 120 rpm
Can transport coal dust.

Cheap, dust tight, require less space
High power consumption per tons
coal transport
Wear and tear of screw, shorter life.
Coal storage:
Coal is storage at least 30 days (by train) to 45 days(by ship)
requirement and 10 to 15 days if near to mine
To avoid failure of supply , may be due to transport system, or
may be mine strike or any such reason
Coal storage will give us flexibility of purchase coal at low price,
may lead to get coal at cheaper rate
Risk of storage, due to combustion as coal stored in open space
Property coal may change deteriorate,
May loss due to rain , wind
Space required as well as manpower required for this
Inventory cost

Coal is stored : type

Dead storage
Live storage
In open space
Closed space storage
Dead storage: normally open
For longer time 15 days to 30 days, 10 % of annual
a)Storage in the piles (hip): 10 to 12 m
b) under water storage: to avoid spontaneous

Coal dust due to wind,
Can be avoid by sprinkling
water or spray water

Due to rain coal get passed away.

Coal paste may be formed,
Live storage normally closed : short time like one or two days

Shed type: longitudinal

cover shed

Dome type; concrete

Large silos: filling is
uniform due to
Magnetic separators:
Solid fuel firing
1 hand firing system

2. Stoker firing
Coal Burning

1. Stoker firing
2. Pulverized fuel firing
1. stoker firing:
Stoker is powered by fuel feeding mechanism and
• Cheaper grade fuel can be used
• High efficiency
• Flexible operation
• Less space
• Small and large boilers
• Less possibility of explosions
• Less investment as compared to pulverizing plant
• Disadvantages:
• Complicated construction
• For large unit coat may be more than pulverizing

d Under Feed

Traveling Spreader Single retro Multi retro

grate stoker stoker stoker stoker

Chain grate Bar grate

stoker stoker
speed 15 to
50 cm
simple, low cost,
self cleaning,
DA: Preheated air temp limited to 180 Celsius, HRR controlled
clinkering, not for high capacity boiler 200 by chain speed
2. Spreader stoker: Grate function
is only to
support coal,
from Hooper
coal is fed in to
the path of
rotor by means
of a conveyer
and is thrown
in to furnace by

Secondary air , over fire , turbulence, un burnt coal and ash

removed periodically , used up to 140 toned /hour
DA: difficulty for varying
A: any type of coal, high size of coal, fly ash is
preheated air possible, low more, clinker not
operation cost, clinkering removed,
reduced, volatile matter easily
Underfeed stokers:
Air entering through the holes in the grate comes in
contact with the raw coal, then it passes through
incandescent coke, where reaction like overfeed
takes place, gases produced passes through layer of
ash, secondary air is supplied to burn the
combustible gases.
Multi retort underfeed stokers
It consist of series of sloping parallel trough formed
by tuyere stacks. These troughs are called retorts.
Under coal Hooper at the head end , feeding rams
reciprocates back and forth. With the ram in outer
position coal falls in gap, and inward stroke it forces
coal into the retort.
Pulverization of coal:
Unit system
Centralized system
Pulverized fuel firing:
•Coal is reduced to fine powder with the help of grinding
mills and then projected in to combustion chamber with
the help of hot air current.
•Amount of air required (secondary air) is supplied
•Turbulence created
•Finesse is such that 70 % of coal pass through 2– mesh
sieve and 90 % through 50 mesh sieve
Advantages: DA: high capital cost
•Any grade coal •Lot of Fly ash
•Controlled rate of feed
•Complete combustion
•Coal burn like a gas
•Good peak load capacity explosion possibility is more
•Free from sagging and clinker • maintenance is more of
troubles. brickwork
•Highly free heated secondary •Special equipment, skilled
air 350 Celsius
•Small size furnace operator, separate coal
Impact hammer mill
Long / U flame Burner
The atomization of fuel can be accomplished by following methods
a) High pressure air or steam atomizing burner

B ) Mechanical burner

Spray nozzle burner

Mechanical ash handling system ;
Figure shows a mechanical ash handling system. In
this system ash cooled by water seal falls on the belt
conveyor and is carried out continuously to the
bunker. The ash is then removed to the dumping site
from the ash banker with the help of trucks.
Hydraulic ash handling system:
a)Low velocity Hydraulic ash handling system

Ash follows on channel ,

where low velocity (3 to 5
m/s) water streams
carries this ash to sump,
capacity 50 t/hour,
distance 500 m

b) High velocity Hydraulic ash handling

Hopper below boiler are fitted with water
nozzles, ash follows from boiler will be carried
away by high speed jet water to sump,
capacity 120 t/hr, distance 1km
Advantages of hydraulic system: high capacity,
can handle molten ash, clean and dust free.
Disadvantages: due to ash and water forms
chemical, and due to that ash handling equipment
need to corrosive resistance
Pneumatic ash handling system:
•Pneumatic system can handle abrasive ash and fine
•Ash from boiler falls into a crusher where large as
particles are divided in to small particle, a high velocity
air stream created by as exhauster carries all the ash
and dust particle to primary separator which works on
cyclone principal. Ash is collected in Hooper.
•The air with left over ash passes through the secondary
ash separator and air leaving this separator is passed
through a filter for removing dust particle. So
washed/clean air passes to exhauster.
•This is cheap, occupies less space, removes all the ash
and the ash handled is in dry state.
•Problem is that due to abrasive ash particle wear and
tear is more.
Electrostatic precipitator

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