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Britannia Marketing Analysis

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Abhijit Samanta
Banani Aich

International School of
Business & Media
 Britannia industries limited
Company profile
Established in 1918 as a small bakery in
Dum dum,kolkatta with an initial investment
of Rs. 295.
Company milestones.
Different products of
Britannia Market Share(Kolkata):-

 BISCUITS: Target customers to capture growth

in each category by segmenting the market
both along conventional lines and through

Advertising &sales

 Developing and managing an advertising program


1. Selecting the objective

2. Deciding on the advertising budget

3. Developing the advertising campaign

4. Choosing the communication vehicle

5. evaluation

Product overview
P ro d u ct P rice Q u a n tity O th e r
N a m eKhin
Britannia Rs. 22 A v a ila b le ( G m In fo rm a tio n

Britannia Marie Rs. 21 .)

370 50 gm. Free

Britannia Cream Creaker 24 275

Britannia Cream Creaker 20 275
Britannia Good Day (Kaju) 22 200 Available in Rs.6 & 100gm.
Britannia Good Day (Butter) 21 300 Rs.5 pack available.

Britannia Milk Bikkis 5,10,15

Britannia Milk Cream 23 200

Britannia Nice (With Sugar) 10 100

17 200
Britannia Burbon Cream 5,12,21

Britannia Orange Cream 17.50 200

Marketing Strategy
 A strong quality of the product and customer

 A growing relationship with customer and

customer retention

 Focus on competitors activity

 A growing emphasis on global thinking and local

marketing planning

 A growing emphasis on global thinking and local

marketing planning

 Promotional Strategy
Marketing Segmentation
 Demographic Segmentation:-
 Depending on Age:
 Income: -

 Behavioral Segmentation:-
 Benefits
 User Status
 Usage Rate

Target Markets
 Being a very familiar consumer product they basically
use a full market coverage strategy with different

 With various types of products for different regions of

country as well as products for different needs are in
Britannia. They tries to become largest biscuit supplier
in the country. With these products they targets the
whole consumer market.
Brand Positioning
 With different various products Britannia do not only
positions as a biscuit manufacturer. But they also
give very much importance over food quality. They
basically position themselves as a manufacturer of
food with delivering higher quality and cost benefits
values to their customers.

 Their packaging of the products also defines

themselves as a company for every consumer with
different pricing options.

 This strategy helps the company to capture a huge

market share.


 Primary Data: - We conducted a market survey to find out

various factors.

 Sample Size: - 7 Shops.

 Location: - Shops in Behala, Kolkata region.

 Questioner: - Question regarding types of product,

 Price over various brands.

 Secondary Data: - Internet, www.britannia.co.in

Major market competitors

Priya Gold
Comparison on Quality
Comparison on Price

Th o u g h t h e p ric e is o f Brit a n n ia is a b it h ig h t h a n
t h e o t h e r c o m p e t it o rs b u t t h e re is n o t s u c h h u g e
d iffe re n c e a n d it ’s t h e q u a lit y t h a t is t h e c a u s e o f
Brit a n n ia ’s d e m a n d .
it y e
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 …the essence
Ø Own Factories & Warehouses. Ø A wide price range.
Ø A proactive research & development cell. Ø Small packs of Rs.3, Rs.5, Rs.10.
Ø Huge variation in product categories. ØDiscounts in the sense of more quantity.
ØA wide choice of products for customers. ØAbsolutely affordable price range.

Ø Advertising with very strong brand
Ø To every city , urban, rural area. ØAdvertising with a tag “ Eat
Ø Strategic positioning of retail outlets.
Ø Huge strong distribution networking Healthy, Think Better.”
channel. ØCapturing a huge share of market.
ØVariation in products depending on place
actually promotes the sell of the particular
• Decreases nutritional value •Easily available in various forms
•Provide good Instant Remedy for hunger in
•Increases the cost of food product
the form of readymade food
•Industry and technology requires high
•Widely accepted in all Generations
investment •

•Increase economy of India
•Generate employment opportunity •Many companies are result oriented
•Good quality of Goods
•Increase in pollution
•Provide competition to foreign companies
•Improve living standard •Sometimes provide poor quality of
product for more profit
•Lack of Technology

Thank You.

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