The general process of genetic engineering is the deliberate manipulation of
the organism's genes, where it may involve transfer of genes from other
An antibiotic-resistant E.coli bacteria was created in 1973. To date, there are
ongoing researches on GMOs such as using genetically modified male
mosquitoes as pest control over female mosquito carries Zika Virus
However, despite the many possibilities of creating solutions for problems and
opening doors for innovations ,genetic engineering faces much opposition.
Opponents raise ethical, social and environmental issues related to genetic
engineering and its GMOs.
This lesson will present the existence of genetic engineering, specifically GMOs in the
different areas of life, the impact to humankind , and the controversies that surround them.
Genetically Modified Organism
is term used for an organism created through
genetic engineering.
The World Health Organization (WHO,2014)
defines GMO as an "organism, either plant,
animal,or microorganism, in which the genetic
material (DNA) has been altered in a way that
does not occur naturally by mating or natural
The Genetic Engineering Process on a