Inspeksi k3
Inspeksi k3
Inspeksi k3
ADEPP Academy offers a unique and unrivalled online and on the job training packages delivered by experienced
and qualified trainers, providing diagnosis of problems and quality solutions.
ADEPP is a unique, sophisticated suite of risk-management software known as ADEPPTM; acronym for Analysis
and Dynamic Evaluation of Project Processes.
ADEPP HSE-Toolkit and ADEPP monitor are derived to suit particular needs of the capital projects
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Key Lecturer
Dr Fabienne Salimi Dr. Fabienne-Fariba Salimi has more than 20 years experience as a Process
Safety Engineer. She has also experience in Management and Chemical Process
Safety engineering in oil and gas industries both offshore and onshore
installations. She has particular expertise is dynamic simulation of chemical
processes and accident consequence modelling in quantitative risk analysis.
Her main qualifications were obtained in Paris and she is member of American
Institute of Chemical Engineers (AICHE) and Instrument Society of America (ISA).
She is the co-author of ADEPP and founder of the ADEPP Academy.
Experience includes HSE management, Risk Base Design for EPC projects.
Expertise also include Safety & Environmental code and standard compliance,
pipeline Risk Assessment, Critical system identification, performance standard
requirements, SIL assessment, HAZOP studies, Qualitative and Quantitative Risk
Assessment (QRA).
Target Trainee:
This program is well suited to Process safety Engineers, Plant managers, Safety supervisors, Process
Engineers, Safety Engineers and discipline Engineers.
The objective of this course is to give a practical understanding of the methodologies that may be used to
develop HSE case for hazardous project. Attendance of consequence analysis course is recommended.
The following subjects will be discussed:
- Methodology of QRA,
- Failure Case definition,
- Consequence assessment,
- Frequency analysis,
- Risk calculation,
- ALARP demonstration,
- Identification of Safety Critical Systems,
- Application of ADEPP monitor for traceability and audibility of Safety Critical Elements.
ADEPP monitor, Power-Point-presentation with handouts User group discussions
Target Trainee:
This program is well suited to Process safety Engineers, Plant managers, Safety supervisors, Process
Engineers, Safety Engineers and discipline Engineers.
The objective of this course is to give a practical understanding of the methodologies that may be used to identify
Safety Critical Systems, Subsystem and Elements.
Qualitative method for determination of the SCE including:- Brainstorming session methodology and example-
Safety Criticality Criteria- Required supporting documents and evidences- Action tracking, follow up- ADEPP
monitor application ensure to traceability & audibility
Quantitative method for determination of the SCE including: Risk models; how QRA should be simplified for to
be used for determination of the SCEs, Safety Criticality Criteria, Safety Criticality test for failure on demand
and time of test/repair, ADEPP HSE Toolkit application, Combined Event tree, Fault tree Analysis
ADEPP monitor, Power-Point-presentation with handouts User group discussions
Target Trainee:
This program is well suited to Process safety Engineers, Plant managers, Safety supervisors, Process
Engineers, Safety Engineers and discipline Engineers.
The objective of this course is to give a practical understanding of the methodologies that may be used to
develop performance standards for Safety Critical Systems, Subsystem and Elements. Attendance of safety
Critical Elements identification course is recommended.
ADEPP monitor, Power-Point-presentation with handouts User group discussions
Target Trainee:
This program is well suited to Process and/or Safety Engineers.
The objective of this course is to understand how the consequence modelling of Fire, Explosion and Toxic
release is used in the design of the safety and process safety systems. The following subjects will be discussed:
- Fundamental of Fire, Explosion and Toxic Release consequence modelling
- Governing Scenarios; Consequence Analysis Criteria
- Gas dispersion & Hazardous Area Classification
- Fire Zones
- Basis to determine the restricted Areas
- Basis to determine the passive fire protection zones
- Basis to determine the active fire protection zones
- Blast Zones
- Basis to determine the blast protection zones
- Thermal & Blast effect on Equipment
- Thermal & Blast effect on People
- Safety Barrier Management; optimisation between the preventive and mitigation measures
ADEPP HSE-Toolkit, Power-Point-presentation with handouts User group discussions
Target Trainee:
Plant managers, Safety supervisors, Process Engineers, Safety engineers and engineers.
The objective of this course is to give a practical understanding of the methodologies that may be used to
identify, quantify and evaluate the risks of their operations involving hazardous materials and processes.
Attendance of HAZOP course is recommended. The following subjects will be discussed:
- Why QRA?
- Methodology of QRA
- Failure Case definition
- Consequence assessment
- Frequency analysis
- Risk calculation
- Risk analysis
- ALARP justification
- Risk Based design
ADEPP monitor, Power-Point-presentation with handouts User group discussions
Target Trainee:
Plant managers, Safety supervisors, Process Engineers, Safety engineers and engineers.
The objective of this course is to give a practical understanding of the methodologies that may be used to
identify, quantify, and evaluate the risks of SIMOP.
ADEPP monitor, Power-Point-presentation with handouts User group discussions
Target Trainee:
This program is well suited to all functions and levels of management, engineers and Health, Safety and
Environmental professionals who participated in HSE Management program.
Through several practical examples of HSE Management system, you will learn about the practical techniques
for planning, implementing and monitoring effective HSE management system. This includes:
Upon successful completion of this course, participants will understand and be able to demonstrate:
- HSE Policy, HSEMS Structure,
- Hierarchy of documents, Responsibilities, Elements and Expectations of HSEMS,
- Development and managing teams, ISRS: A comprehensive measurement system.
ADEPP monitor, Power-Point-presentation with handouts User group discussions
Target Trainee:
Plant managers, Safety supervisors, Process Engineers, Instrument engineers, Safety engineers and discipline
The objective of this course is to train the HAZOP chairmen and attendees to think and assess in a systematic
manner the hazards associated to the operation.
ADEPP monitor, Power-Point-presentation with handouts User group discussions
Target Trainee:
Plant managers, Safety supervisors, Process Engineers, Instrument engineers, Safety engineers and discipline
The objective of this course is to train the SIL chairmen and attendees to think and assess in a systematic
manner the required SIL assessment and verification according to IEC61508 and IEC61511. Attendance of
HAZOP course is recommended.
ADEPP monitor, Power-Point-presentation with handouts User group discussions
Target Trainee:
Plant managers, Safety supervisors, Process Engineers, Instrument engineers, Safety engineers and discipline
Objective of this course is to train the attendees to identify the hazards, threats, incident and accident
consequences, preventive and mitigation with a systematic manner. Attendance of consequence analysis course
is recommended.
ADEPP HSE-Toolkit, ADEPP monitor, Power-Point-presentation with handouts User group discussions
Target Trainee:
Plant managers, Safety supervisors, Process Engineers, Instrument engineers, Safety engineers and discipline
The objective of this course is to understand how the risk studies are used in design.
ADEPP HSE-Toolkit, ADEPP monitor, Power-Point-presentation with handouts User group discussions
Target Trainee:
Plant managers, Safety supervisors, Process Engineers, Instrument engineers, Safety engineers and discipline
The objective of this course is to understand audit and verification methods and tools to ensure the compliance and
consistency with contract, regulations, code & standards, project philosophies and studies.
ADEPP monitor, Power-Point-presentation with handouts User group discussions
Target Trainee:
Plant managers, Safety supervisors, Process Engineers, Instrument engineers, Safety engineers and discipline
The objective of this course is to understand the process hazards and process safety barriers.
ADEPP HSE-Toolkit, ADEPP monitor, Power-Point-presentation with handouts User group discussions
Target Trainee:
Plant managers, Safety supervisors, Process Engineers, Instrument engineers, Safety engineers and discipline
The objective of this course is to understand the how dynamic simulation help to identify the process hazards,
measure the extent and duration of the consequences and the effect and efficiency of the safety barriers. With
dynamic simulation could be optimised with greater accuracy. This save a significant effort, time and cost for the
ADEPP HSE-Toolkit, Power-Point-presentation with handouts User group discussions