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18-B, ASHOK MARG, LUCKNOW – 226001 (U.P.)
SESSION 2017 - 2019

The word biscuit drives from Danis biscoctus which is Latin for twice cooked bread and refers to bread
rusks that were made for mariners (ships biscuits) from as long as the Middle Ages. A biscuit is a flour-
based baked food product. Biscuit found in Africa, Asia and Europe, which is typically hard, flat and
unleavened. In North America, a biscuit is typically a soft, leavened quick bread, and is covered in the
article Biscuit (bread). Biscuits in the United Kingdom, the Isle of Man and Ireland are hard and may be
savoury or sweet, such as Chocolate Biscuits, Digestives, Hobnobs, Ginger Nuts, Rich Tea, Bourbons,
and Custard Creams In the United States and some parts of English Canada, a "biscuit" is a quick bread,
somewhat similar to a scone, and usually unsweetened. Bakery industry is the one of the largest food
industries in India with an annual turnover about Rs3000 billion. The biscuit industry has been growing at an
average rate of 15% during the past 3 years and this is expected to be maintaining in coming years (IBMA,
The main ingredients for biscuit making are flours, sugars and fats. To these ingredients, various small
ingredients may be added for leavening, flavour and texture. The principle ingredient of biscuits is wheat
flour. Wheat flour contains proteins including gliadin and glutenin. In the presence of water, these proteins
combine to form gluten protein. The formation of the gluten, its strength and elasticity are largely
determined by the flour specification, recipe and mixing and forming processes. Starch is the main
component of wheat flour. It represents almost all of the carbohydrate content and around 80% of the total
energy content of wheat flour. Sugar gives sweetness, but it is also important in developing the texture of the
biscuit. Fats are a vitally important ingredient in achieving the texture, mouth feel and bite of the biscuit. The
fats are produced from good-quality crude oils by a process of refining, bleaching and deodorising.
Ammonium bicarbonate is a volatile salt, which is an effective leavening agent. When heated, it liberates
carbon dioxide, ammonia gas and water. Sodium bicarbonate is the most important aerating agent. When
heated, it reacts with acidic materials in the dough to release carbon dioxide and water.
The organized biscuit manufacturing industries annual production
Year Annual Production (Lakh MT)

2015 588.4

2016 600.3

2017 623.7

2018 630
Ingredients used in Marie Gold (Standard) Biscuits

Ingredients Standard Quality

Wheat Flour 254 kg.

Sugar Solution 94.5 kg.
Invert sugar 10 kg.
RBD Palm oil 32.4 kg.
Sol bake Paste 4.5 kg.
Salt 1.8 kg.
Whey Powder + Lactose solution 9 kg.
Sodium Bicarbonate 4 kg.
Ammonia 3 kg.
Calcium Carbonate 2 kg.
Ferrous Fumarate 1 kg.
Potassium Iodate 0.24 gm.
SMBS Solution (10%) 1 kg.
Vitamin Premix-7 2 kg.
Flavour SBU-24 3 kg.
Flavour AMMG-23 4 kg.
Essence Mexico 5 kg.
Dust 6 kg.
Ingredients used in Tiger Glucose (Standard) Biscuits
Ingredients Standard Quality

Wheat Flour 260 kg.

Sugar Solution 84 kg.
Invert sugar 22 kg.
RBD Palm oil 46.4 kg.
Sol bake Paste 3.6 kg.
Salt 2.6 kg.
Glucose solution 1 kg.
Sodium Bicarbonate 1.5 kg.
Ammonia 2.4 kg.
Condensed Milk 2 kg.
Ferrous Fumarate 90 kg.
Calcium carbonate 1 kg.
SMBS Solution (10%) 600 ml.
Vitamin Premix-7 50 gm.
Flavour Dairy Milk 290 gm.
Flavour Milk 100 gm.
Lecithin Paste 3.2 kg.
Dust 6.44 kg.
Ingredients used in 50-50 Sweet and Salty (Standard) Biscuits

Ingredients Standard Quality

Wheat Flour 150 kg.

Sugar Solution 64.4 kg.
Invert sugar 4 kg.
RBD Palm oil 27.25 kg.
Sol bake Paste 2.25 kg.
Salt 3.80 kg.
M.Sugar 1 kg.
Sodium Bicarbonate 1.75 kg.
Ammonia 9 kg.
Lactic Acid 390 kg.
SMBS Solution 2000 ml.
Sponge 27.78 kg.
Dust 8.34 kg.
Flavour Vanilla 400 ml
Flavour CR4 500 ml
Flavour MMI 20 ml
Aim of the project
Bakery products are very common every group of people whether, they are children, youngster
or older people has been selected to prepare biscuits. Calories in biscuits come from basic
ingredients such as refined flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, and butter or oil used in the cooking
process. Additional calories in biscuits may come from additives such as flavors and preservatives
used. Nutrients in biscuits, especially commercially made biscuits, may include a higher amount of
carbohydrates, some fats and proteins, sodium and sugar. Most commercially made biscuits,
however, contain little to no dietary fiber.
Packaging is done in following criteria’s
Packaging should protect & preserve the product that is attractive enough to catch the eye & that
describes the product adequately. Packages not to shake about during transit causing breakage.
Packages need to be air light to stop the product taking up moisture from the atmosphere & become soft.
The package gives consumer information & about ingredients. It should also indicate when the product
must be used by & give some nutritional information about the product as well.
Add per thesis
Investigation was carried out at Bhagwati Foods Pvt. Ltd. Company Kanpur and S.I.F.P.T Lucknow, during the
year 2019.

A. Testing of Raw material

1. Wheat Flour
a) Moisture
b) Ash
c) Acid Insoluble Ash
d) Alcoholic acidity
e) Sedimentation Value
f) Gluten

2. Refined Bleached Deodorised (Palm oil)

a) TBHQ ( Tertiary Butyl Hydroxy Quinine )
b) Free Fatty Acid
c) Peroxide Value
3. Condensed Milk
Acidity Test

Testing of Packaging Materials

1. C.B Boxes :

 GSM ( gram / m2 )
 For gsm take 10 cm2 sample and take its weight .
 Dimension ( length , width & height )
 No . of flutes
 Flute Height
 Bursting strength
 Moisture

2. Laminates :

 Dimension
3. HM bags / Polybags :
 Dimension
 Total Ash

4. Dimension
 Length , Width & Height


CBB ( Corrugated Board Box )

 CBB Coding
 CBB Taping
 Head Space
 CBB Busting
 VBB Liners
DQI ( Daily Quality Index )

 Pack Weight
 Pack Tightness
 Pack Coding
 Pack Seal

Product Quality

 Colour
 Dimension
 Flavour / Taste
 Appearance
When the dough is been prepared from mixer, after that it has been held for some time before use. Then the dough is
transferred to the hopper from where different rollers start working on it convert the dough is converted into form of sheets
by applied pressure from different rollers. When the sheets are been formed, it is then cut into square type shape of equal
sides with the help of cutters. Then the cut sheets are placed one over other and again further pressure is applied on them
with help of rollers to convert the thickness of the dough sheet.
When the dough is passed from final rolled then it is passed through moulder where the sheets are been cut into
required shape and size according to the biscuit requirement. Then after cutting into desired shapes from moulder, it is
transferred to the baking oven, where different temperatures act on it and the biscuit is been baked and gets the required
taste and colour. After that, it is cooled on cooling belt and then packed into different packaging material.

Table 1: Testing of Wheat Flour

S.No Name of Name of Ingredient


Moisture % Ash% Acid Alcoholic Sedimentation Gluten%

Insoluble Acids% Value%

1. Marie 1.00 1.00 0.10 0.1 17-28 9-11


2. 50-50 1.50 1.00 0.10 0.1 25-27 9-11

and Salty

3. Tiger 1.75 1.00 0.10 0.1 17-28 9-11

Table 2: Testing of Refined Bleached Deodorised (Palm Oil)

S.No Name of Name of Ingredient


TBHQ (Tertiary Butyl Free Fatty acid% Peroxide value

Hydroxy Quinine) Milliequivalent

1. Marie Gold
Positive 0.1 maximum 1.5

2. 50-50 Sweet Positive 0.1maximum 1.5

and Salty

3. Tiger Glucose Positive 0.1maximum 1.5

Table 3: Testing of Condensed Milk
S.No Name of Product Name of Ingredient

Condensed Milk Acidity%

1. Marie Gold 4%
2. 50-50 Sweet and Salty -

3. Tiger Glucose -

Table 4: Testing of Corrugated Board Box

S.no Name of Name of Corrugated Board Box
GSM Dimension (mm) No. of Flute Moisture
(g/m2) Flutes Height %
Length Width Height

1. Marie 23.5 410 245 315 35 4.2 7-9

2. 50-50 24.6 455 245 310 35 4.2 7-9
and Salty
3. Tiger 23.5 400 235 210 35 4.2 7-9
Table 5: Testing of Laminate

S.No Name of Product Name of Laminate

GSM (g/m2) Dimension (mm)

Cut of Length Width
1. Marie Gold 41.25 211 138

2. 50-50 Sweet and Salty 31.5 129 194

3. Tiger Glucose 23.5 99 186

Table 6: Testing of Polybag

S.No Name of Name of Polybag

GSM (g/m2) Dimension

Length (mm) Width (mm)

1. Marie Gold 23.5 445 254

2. 50-50 23.5 340 265

3. Tiger Glucose 23.5 260 195

Sensory Evaluation
Sensory evaluation were carried out by method as described by Ranganna (1986) at during analysis.
Sensory evaluation was carried out to assess the quality of the newly prepared product (Marie Gold, 50-50
Sweet and Salty and Tiger Glucose biscuits) as well as consumer acceptance and eye appeal by a panel of
judges with regard to Colour, Flavour, Taste and Texture. It is denote in Table 4.7 (a, b, c & d).

Testing of Biscuits

1. Sensory Evaluation of Marie Gold Biscuits

1. Texture Crispy

2. Colour Pale golden

3. Flavour Sweet

4. Taste Gently sweet (mix sweet and

2. Sensory Evaluation of 50-50 sweet and salty Biscuits

1. Texture Very Crispy

2. Colour Syrupy Cream

3. Flavour Sweet and salty

4. Taste Deliciously scrumptiously

sweet and salty

3. Sensory Evaluation of Tiger Glucose Biscuits

1. Texture Very Crunchy and Crispy

2. Colour Light Orange

3. Flavour Sweet

4. Taste Very Sweet

Quality analysis of raw contents and testing of packaging materials used in bakery products (Marie
Gold, 50-50 Sweet and Salty & Tiger Glucose Biscuits) was study at Bhagwati Foods Pvt. Ltd. Company Distt.

1. Testing of Wheat Flour

Quality analysis of wheat flour moisture% (1%, 1.50%, 1.75%), ash (1%), acid insoluble ash (0.10%), alcoholic acid (0.1%) & gluten
(9-11%) was found similar in Marie Gold, 50-50 Sweet and Salty and Tiger Glucose biscuits, where as sedimentation value was
observed (17-28%) in Marie Gold & Tiger Glucose and (25-27%) in case of 50-50 Sweet and Salty biscuits.

2. Testing of Refined Bleached Deodorised (Palm Oil)

Quality analysis of palm oil in all types of biscuits (Marie Gold, 50-50 Sweet and Salty and Tiger Glucose) have same Positive
TBHQ value, free fatty acid (0.1%) and peroxide value (1.5 milli equivalent).

3. Testing of Condensed Milk

Quality analysis of condensed milk acidity was observed (4%) in all types of biscuits in Marie Gold, 50-50 Sweet and Salty and
Tiger Glucose.

4. Testing of Corrugated Board Box

Testing results of corrugated board box GSM (23.5, 24.6 & 23.5 g/m2) in Marie Gold, 50-50 Sweet and Salty and Tiger
Glucose biscuits, where as dimension of CBB was recorded 410 × 245 × 315mm (L × W × H), 455 × 245 × 310mm, 400 × 235 ×
210mm in Marie Gold, 50-50 Sweet and Salty and Tiger Glucose biscuits respectively. The number of flutes and their height &
moisture % (35, 4.2cm & 7-9%) respectively in all types of biscuits in the present experimentation.
5. Testing of Laminate
In current project work the testing of laminate GSM (41.25, 31.50 & 23.50 g/m2) and dimension of laminate (cut of
length & width) 211 × 138, 129 × 194, 99 × 186mm was noted in Marie Gold, 50-50 Sweet and Salty and Tiger Glucose biscuits
6. Testing of Polybag
It is polybag having GSM (23.5g/m2) in all types of biscuits, where as dimension of polybag (L × W) was measured 445
× 254mm, 340 × 265mm & 260 × 195mm in Marie Gold, 50-50 Sweet and Salty and Tiger Glucose biscuits respectively.
During the training period I learnt a lot & the training concrete shape. To my little knowledge about
biscuit manufacture. I gained a lot in terms of practical knowledge about the problems faced in the
In Bhagwati Foods Pvt. Ltd. Company, Kanpur the major emphasis is on the quality of raw materials,
finished product. The raw materials greatly Influence the quality of finished product. In order to ensure that
the raw materials used in production are of good quality the company has laid down a set of specification
for each of them. The standardization & revision of raw materials specifications are done time to time. I have
also learnt to work in a team in coordination with others the training, has a big impact on my perception
about the working of an industry.
I have also learnt to work in a team in coordination with others the training has a big impact on my
perception about the working of an industry.

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