The document discusses various types of contracts under Indian law, including express, implied, quasi, e-contracts, executed, executory, unilateral, bilateral, valid, void, voidable, and illegal contracts. It also covers key elements of offer and acceptance in contract formation such as the definition of an offer under Indian law, essential elements of a valid offer including two parties, communication, willingness to contract, and intention to obtain assent. It discusses classifications of offers as express or implied, general or specific offers, and legal rules regarding certainty, communication, and intent in an offer.
The document discusses various types of contracts under Indian law, including express, implied, quasi, e-contracts, executed, executory, unilateral, bilateral, valid, void, voidable, and illegal contracts. It also covers key elements of offer and acceptance in contract formation such as the definition of an offer under Indian law, essential elements of a valid offer including two parties, communication, willingness to contract, and intention to obtain assent. It discusses classifications of offers as express or implied, general or specific offers, and legal rules regarding certainty, communication, and intent in an offer.
The document discusses various types of contracts under Indian law, including express, implied, quasi, e-contracts, executed, executory, unilateral, bilateral, valid, void, voidable, and illegal contracts. It also covers key elements of offer and acceptance in contract formation such as the definition of an offer under Indian law, essential elements of a valid offer including two parties, communication, willingness to contract, and intention to obtain assent. It discusses classifications of offers as express or implied, general or specific offers, and legal rules regarding certainty, communication, and intent in an offer.
The document discusses various types of contracts under Indian law, including express, implied, quasi, e-contracts, executed, executory, unilateral, bilateral, valid, void, voidable, and illegal contracts. It also covers key elements of offer and acceptance in contract formation such as the definition of an offer under Indian law, essential elements of a valid offer including two parties, communication, willingness to contract, and intention to obtain assent. It discusses classifications of offers as express or implied, general or specific offers, and legal rules regarding certainty, communication, and intent in an offer.
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Indian Contract Act
Dr. Jay Desai
1. Types of Contract
Dr. Jay Desai
Express contract • A contract would be an express contract if the terms are expressed by words or in writing. Section 9 of the Act provides that if a proposal or acceptance of any promise is made in words the promise is said to be express. • Example: A says to B ‘Will you purchase my bike for Rs. 30,000?’ B says ‘Yes’ to A. Implied contract • Implied contracts in contrast come into existence by implication. Most often the implication is by law and or by action. Section 9 of the Act contemplates such implied contracts when it lays down that in so far as such proposal or acceptance is made otherwise than in words, the promise is said to be implied. • Example: A stops a taxi by waving his hand and boards it. There is an implied contract that A will pay the prescribed fare on reaching his destination. Quasi contract • A quasi contract is a contract that exists by order of a court, not by agreement of the parties. Courts create quasi contracts to avoid the unjust enrichment of a party in a dispute over payment for a good or service. E-contract • An e-contract is a contract made through the digital mode. Executed contract • In an executed contract both the parties have performed their promises under a contract. It is a contract where, under the terms of contract, nothing remains to be done by the parties. • Example: A sells his car to B for Rs 1 lakh. A delivered the car and B paid the price. This is an executed contract. Executory contract • In an executory contract both the parties are yet to perform their promises. In other words, it is a contract where parties have to still perform their obligation in the future. • Example: A sells his car to B for Rs. 2 lakh. If A is still to deliver the car and B is yet to pay the price, it is an executory contract. Partly Executed and partly executory contract • In a partly executed and partly executory contract, one party has already performed his promised and the other party has yet to execute his promise. • Example: A sells his car to B. Though A has delivered the car, B has yet to pay the price. For A it is an executed contract, whereas it is an executory contract on the part of B since the price has yet to be paid. Unilateral contract • A unilateral contract is also known as a one sided contract. It is a contract where only one party has to perform his promise. In such a contract, the promise on one side is exchanged for an act on the other side. After the formation of a unilateral contract, only one party remains liable to perform his obligation because the other party has already performed his obligation. • Example: X promises to pay Rs. 1000 to anyone who find his lost cellphone. B finds and returns it to A. From the time B found the cellphone, the contract came into existence. Now A has to perform his promise, i.e. the payment of Rs. 1,000. Bilateral contract • A Bilateral contract is one where the obligation or promise is outstanding on the part of both the parties. It is also known as a two-sided contract. • A promises to sell his car to B for Rs. 1 lakh and agrees to deliver the car on the receipt of the payment by the end of the week. The contract is bilateral as both the parties have exchanged a promise to be performed within a stipulated time. Valid contract • If the contract entered into by the parties and satisfies all the elements of a valid contract as per the act, it is said to be a valid contract. Void contract • Section 2 (j) states as follows: “A contract which ceases to be enforceable by law becomes void when it ceases to be enforceable”. Thus a void contract is one which cannot be enforced by a court of law. • Example: Mr. X agrees to write a book with a publisher. After few days, X dies in an accident. Here the contract becomes void due to the impossibility of performance of the contract. It may be added by way of clarification here that when a contract is void, it is not a contract at all but for the purpose of identifying it, it has to be called a void contract. Voidable contract • Section 2(i) defines that an agreement which is enforceable by law at the option of one or more parties but not at the option of the other or others is a voidable contract. • This infect means where one of the parties to the agreement is in a position or is legally entitled or authorized to avoid performing his part, then the agreement is treated and becomes voidable. Such a right might arise from the fact that the contract may have been brought about by one of the parties by coercion, undue influence, fraud or misrepresentation and hence the other party has a right to treat it as a voidable contract. Illegal contract • Illegal contract are those that are forbidden by law. All illegal contracts are hence void also. Because of the illegality of their nature they cannot be enforced by any court of law. In fact even associated contracts cannot be enforced. Contracts which are opposed to public policy or immoral are illegal. Similarly contracts to commit crime like supari contracts are illegal contracts. Unenforceable contract • A contract which satisfies all the requirements of the contract but has technical defects is called an unenforceable contract. A contract is said to have a technical defect when it does not fulfill the legal formalities required by some other act. When such legal formalities are compiled are complied with later on, the act becomes enforceable. 2. Offer and Acceptance
Dr. Jay Desai
Offer • The term offer is defined under Section 2 (a) as under: • ‘When one person signifies to another, his willingness to do or abstain from doing anything with a view to obtaining the assent of the offer, to such an act or abstinence, he is said to make a proposal’. Essential Elements of An Offer • Two Parties • Communication • Willingness • With intention of obtaining assent • Offer may be positive or negative Two Parties • For the valid offer, there must be two parties. A person cannot make an offer to himself. Communication • The offer must be communicated to the offeree. If it is never communicated to the offeree, it cannot be accepted and no valid contract comes in to existence. Willingness • The offer must show willingness of the offeror. Simply telling or sharing a plan is not an offer. Sharing the idea or the feelings is not willingness. If the party proposes certain terms on which he is willing to negotiate, in such a case, he is not making an offer because he is not expressing his willingness to enter into a contract. With intention of obtaining assent • The offer must be made with a view to obtaining the assent of the offeree. The offer made out of a prank or as a joke is not a valid offer, and therefore if accepted, it can never make the valid contract. Offer may be positive or negative • The offer may involve doing something or doing nothing- section 2 (o). The offer to do something is a positive offer or not to do something is a negative offer. Legal Rules as to Offer • The offer is the first step in a valid contract. If the offer itself is not valid; the contract can never be valid. Following are the rules for a legal and valid offer. • 1. The ‘offer’ must be with intent to create a legal relationship. Hence if it is accepted, it must result in a valid contract. An invitation to join a friend for dinner is a social activity. This does not create a legal relationship or right or obligation. • 2. The offer must be certain and definite. It must not be vague. If the terms are vague, it is not capable of being accepted as the vagueness would not create any contractual relationship. • 3. The offer must be express or implied. • 4. The offer must be distinguished from an invitation to offer. • 5. The offer must be either specific or general. • 6. The offer must be communicated to the person to whom it is made. Otherwise the offeree cannot accept the offer. He cannot accept the offer because he is not aware of the existence of the offer. Such a situation does not create any legal obligation or right on any one. • 7. The offer must be made with a view to obtaining the consent of the offeree. • 8. An offer can be conditional but there should be no term in the offer that noncompliance would amount to acceptance. Thus the offeror cannot say that if non-acceptance is not communicated by a certain time the offer would be treated as accepted. Classification of Offers • Express offer The offer made by using words spoken or written is known as an express offer. Example: A says to B – ‘Will you purchase my car for Rs. 4,00,000? • Implied offer The offer which could be understood by a conduct of parties or circumstances of case is called the implied offer. Example: Withdrawal of the money from the card holder from the ATM. It creates implied contract between the card holder and the bank. • General offer It is an offer made to public at large with or without any time limit. In terms of Section 8 of the Act, anyone performing the conditions of the offer can be considered to have accepted the offer. Example: An advertisement in a newspaper, ‘Anyone who will find my lost dog will be rewarded with Rs. 5,000. • Specific offer Where an offer is made to a particular and specified person, it is a specific offer. Only that person can accept such specific offer, as it is special and exclusive to him. • Example: A says to B- ‘Will you purchase my house for Rs. 20 lakhs?’ It is a specific offer as it is made to B. Only B can accept it. • Cross offer As per Section2(b), when a person to whom proposal (offer) is made signifies his assent, the proposal is said to be accepted. Thus, assent can be only to a ‘proposal’. If there was no proposal, question of its acceptance cannot arise.
Example: If A makes a proposal to B to sell some goods at a
specified price and B, without knowing proposal of A, makes a proposal to purchase the same goods at the price specified in the proposal of A, it is not an acceptance, as B was not aware of proposal made by A. It is only cross proposal (cross offer). And when two persons make offer to each other, it cannot be treated as mutual acceptance. • Continuous offer An offer which is made to public at large and if it is kept open for public acceptance for a certain period of time, it is known as continuing or open offer. Example: Tenders that are invited for supply of materials and goods. • Counter offer Upon receipt of an offer from an offeror, if the offeree instead of accepting it straightway, imposes conditions which have the effect of modifying or varying the offer, he is said to have made a counter offer. Counter offers amounts to rejection of original offer. Example: A offered to sell his book to B for Rs 2,000. B replied, ‘I am ready to pay Rs 1,900’. On A’s refusal to sell at this price, B agreed to pay Rs. 2,000. Held, there was not contract, as the acceptance to buy it for Rs. 1900 was a counter offer, i.e. rejection of the offer of A. The subsequent acceptance to pay Rs 2,000 is a fresh offer from B to which A was not bound to give his acceptance. Lapse and Revocation of Offer • An offer lapses after stipulated or reasonable time An offer lapses if acceptance is not communicated within the time prescribed in the offer, or if no time is prescribed, within a reasonable time [Sec. 6(2)]. What is a reasonable time is a question of fact depending upon the circumstances of each case. For example, an offer made by telegram suggests that a reply is required urgently and if the offeree delays the communication of his acceptance even by a day or two, the offer will be considered to have lapsed. • An offer lapses by not being accepted in the mode prescribed, or if no mode is prescribed, in some usual and reasonable manner But, according to section 7, if the offeree does not accept the offer according to the mode prescribed, the offer does not accept the offer according to the mode prescribed; the offer does not lapse automatically. It is for the offeror to insist that his proposal shall be accepted only in the prescribed manner, and if he fails to do so he is deemed to have accepted the acceptance. • An offer lapses by rejection An offer lapses if it has been rejected by the offeree. The rejection may be express i.e., by words spoken or written, or implied. Implied rejection is one (a) where either the offeree makes a counter offer, or (b) where the offeree gives a conditional acceptance. For example, A offered to sell his house to B for Rs 20 Lakhs. B offered Rs. 18 Lakhs for which price A refused to sell. Subsequently, B offered to purchase the house for Rs. 20 Lakhs. A, declined to adhere to his original offer. B filed a suit to obtain specific performance of the alleged contract. Dismissing the suit, the court held that A was justified because no contract had come into existence, as B, by offering Rs. 18 Lakhs, had rejected the original offer. Subsequent willingness to pay Rs 20 Lakhs could be no acceptance of A’s offer as there was no offer to accept. The original offer had already come to an end on account of ‘counter offer’ • An offer lapses by the death or insanity of the offeror or the offeree before acceptance If the offeror dies or becomes insane before acceptance, the offer lapses provided that the fact of his death or insanity comes to the knowledge of the acceptor before acceptance [Sec. 6 (4)]. From the language of the section, it may be inferred that an acceptance in ignorance of the death or insanity of the offeror, is a valid acceptance, and gives rise to a contract. Thus the fact of death or insanity of the offeror would not put an end to the offer until it comes to the notice of the acceptor before acceptance. An offeree’s death or insanity before accepting the offer puts an end to offer and his heirs cannot accept for him • An offer lapses by revocation An offer is revoked when it is retracted back by the offeror. An offer may be revoked, at any time before acceptance, by the communication of notice of revocation by the offeror to the other party [Sec. 6(J). For example, at an auction sale, A makes the highest bid. But he withdraws the bid before the fall of the hammer. There cannot be a concluded contract because the offer has been revoked before acceptance. • Revocation by non- fulfillment of a condition precedent to acceptance An offer stand revoked if the offeree fails to fulfill a condition precedent to acceptance [Sec. 6 (3)]. Thus, where A, offers to sell his bike to B for Rs. 30,000, if B joins the lions club within a week the offer stands revoked and cannot be accepted by B if B fails to join the lions club (in default of payment of earnest money). • An offer lapses by subsequent illegality or destruction of subject matter An offer lapses if it becomes illegal after it is made, and before it is accepted. Thus, where an offer is made to sell 10 bags of wheat for Rs. 20,000 and before it is accepted, a law prohibiting the sale of wheat by private individuals is enacted, the offer comes to an end. In the same manner, an offer may lapse if the thing, which is the subject matter of the offer, is destroyed or substantially impaired before acceptance. Acceptance and Legal Rules For The Acceptance • In terms of Section 2(b) of the Act, “When the person to whom the proposal is made signifies his assent thereto, the proposal is said to be accepted”. • Acceptance must be given only by the person to whom the offer is made • Acceptance must be absolute and unqualified [Sec. 7(1)] • Acceptance must be expressed in some usual and reasonable manner, unless the proposal prescribes the manner in which it is to be accepted [Sec. 7(2)] • Mental acceptance ineffectual • Acceptance must be communicated by the acceptor • Acceptance must be given within reasonable time and before the offer lapses and/or is revoked • Acceptance must succeed the offer • Rejected offers can be accepted only, if renewed Communication of Offer, Acceptance and Revocation • Communication of an offer In terms of Section 4 of the Act, “the communication of offer is complete when it comes to the knowledge of the person to whom it is made”. Therefore, knowledge of communication is of relevance. Knowledge of the offer would materialize when the offer is given in writing or made by word of mouth or by some other conduct. • Communication of acceptance Section 3 of the Act prescribes in general terms two modes of communication namely, (a) by any act and (b) by omission, intending thereby to, to communicate to the other or which has the effect of communicating it to the other. Communication by act would include any expression of words whether written or oral. Written words will include letters, telegrams, faxes, emails and even advertisements. Oral words will include telephone messages. Again communication would include any conduct intended to communicate like positive acts or signs so that the other person understands what the person ‘acting ‘ or ‘making signs’ means to say or convey. • Communication can also be by ‘omission’ to do any or something. Such omission is conveyed by a conduct or by forbearance on the part of one person to convey his willingness or assent. However silence would not be treated as communication by ‘omission’. Communication of acceptance is also done by conduct. For instance, delivery of goods at a price by a seller to a willing buyer will be understood as a communication by conduct to convey acceptance. Similarly one need not explain why one boards a public bus or drop a coin in a weighing machine. The first act is a conduct of acceptance and its communication to the offer by the public transport authority to carry any passenger. The second act is again a conduct conveying acceptance to use the weighing machine kept by the vending company as an offer to render that service for a consideration. Communication of a Revocation • The communication of a revocation is complete, • (a) As against the person who makes it, when it is put into a course of transmission to the person to whom it is made, so as to be out of the power of the person revoking, i.e., when the letter of revocation is posted; and • (b) As against the person to whom it is made, when it comes to his knowledge, i.e., when the letter