CH-1 Indian Contarct Act
CH-1 Indian Contarct Act
CH-1 Indian Contarct Act
• Unenforceable Contract
• It is that contract which is not enforceable in the
court of law, due to some legal or technical defect.
• Eg. Absence of writing, lack of stamp etc.
• Express Contract
• An express contract is a contract made by the use of
words spoken or written.
• Implied Contract
• An implied contract is a contract which is made
otherwise than by the words spoken or written. It
came into existence on account of an act or conduct
of the parties.
• Quasi-contract
• It means a contract which does not arise from any
formal agreement but is imposed by law. It is based
upon the principle of equity means “ no one should
grow rich out of another person’s cost.” It is similar
to a contract in which a legal obligation is imposed
on a party who is required to perform it.
The aggrieved party can ask for a specific performance. The aggrieved
party can sue for damage, if he has suffered a loss.