Human Condition
Human Condition
Human Condition
A Christian is a person who adheres to
Christianity, an Abrahamic, monotheistic
religion based on
the life and
teachings of Jesus
of Nazareth as
recorded in the
Canonical gospels
and the letters of
the New
Central to the Christian
faith is the gospel, the
teaching that humans have
hope for salvation through
the message and work of
Jesus, and particularly,
his atoning death on the
cross. Christians also believe
Jesus is the Messiah
prophesied in the Hebrew
Most Christians believe in the doctrine of the
Trinity, a description of God as Father, Son
and Holy Spirit.
Evil because it is
contrary to the will of
Moral evil
is the result of
any morally
negative event
caused by the
action or inaction
of an agent, such
as a person.
When Adam and Eve first
sinned in the garden
(Gen. 3:6), they could
hardly have imagined all
the tragic consequences
that would follow this
single act of disobedience.
Through this act, sin and
death entered the world
and the human condition
was radically altered
(Rom. 5:12-19).
William Lane Craig
has noted, “The terrible
human evils in the
world are testimony to
man’s depravity in his
state of spiritual
alienation from God.”
Natural Evil
described death as
an “enemy” (1 Cor.
15:26). People fear
death for any
number of reasons.
Some fear that the process of dying will be
painful. Others dread the thought of leaving
behind the ones they love.
Some may fear that death is
simply the end, that whatever
joys and pleasures this life holds,
death takes them away forever.