Lube Refinery
Lube Refinery
Lube Refinery
Marine lubricants – 5%
The crude oil from which the base stock for this lube has to
posses basic properties like,
the specific gravity of crudes should range between 0.80 and
0.97 grams/milliliter.
The viscosity should be as high, so that it meets the
specifications to meet the global scenario.
Heat Resistance
Solvent Extraction
Solvent Dewaxing
Hydro Finishing
In this process the long residue is split into various heavy waxy
distillates like:
Spindle oil
Light oil
Heavy oil cuts
Short residue
Product yield(wt%):
Deasphalted oil 33%
Asphlat + loss 67%
This method is mainly used to remove the aromatics and other
undesirable constituents from the lube oil fractions.
The most common solvents used today in this process are
Operating condition
Reactor pressure(kg/cm2) 30-50
Reactor Temp. ºC 280-340
Keep moving parts apart
Reduce friction
Transfer heat
Transmit power
Prevent corrosion
Prevent rust.
The design and operation of a lube refinery has a
marked influence on the economy of a country, as the demand
for them increases day by day.
India is lacking behind in the global lube market,
though it is the third largest consumer of lubes as our
reservoirs give us crudes that are not much suited for the
manufacture of lubes.
1. Petroleum refining technology by Dr. Ram Prasad.
3. Wikipedia