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Topic 2 The Structure of The Atom: 2.1 Matter

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Topic 2 The Structure

Of The Atom

2.1 Matter

ITeach – Chemistry Form 4

Topic 2 The Structure Of The Atom

Introduction To Matter

• Matter is all around us.

• Anything that occupies space and has mass is called


• Matter exist in three states that is solid, liquid and


Solid Liquid Gas

ITeach – Chemistry Form 4

Topik 2 Struktur Atom

Pengenalan Kepada Jirim

• Jirim berada di sekeliling kita.

• Semua yang memenuhi ruang dan mempunyai jisim

dipanggil jirim.

• Jirim wujud dalam tiga keadaan iaitu pepejal, cecair

dan gas.

Pepejal Cecair Gas

ITeach – Kimia Tingkatan 4

Topic 2 The Structure Of The Atom

Atom, Molecule And Ion

Particles Forming Matter

Atom Molecule Ion

A combination of two or
The smallest particle of more atoms that
A charged particles
Definition an element chemically bonded
Formation Element Element or compound Compound
of matter
Graphite Water Salt or sodium chloride

ITeach – Chemistry Form 4

Topik 2 Struktur Atom

Atom, Molekul Dan Ion

Zarah-zarah Yang Membentuk Jirim

Atom Molekul Ion

Gabungan dua atau lebih

atom yang terikat Zarah bercas
Definisi zarah terkecil
bersama secara kimia.

Pembentukan Unsur Unsur atau sebatian Sebatian

Grafit Air Garam atau natrium
Contoh klorida

ITeach – Kimia Tingkatan 4

Topic 2 The Structure Of The Atom


 Particles in matter are always moving, vibrating and colliding with

each other.

 The motion of particles is proved in diffusion process.

 Diffusion is a process in which particles of a substances move and

mix with particles of another substance.

 Gas particle diffuse most rapidly, liquid particle diffuse slower and
solid particles diffuse the slowest.

ITeach – Chemistry Form 4

Topik 2 Struktur Atom


 Zarah-zarah di dalam jirim sentiasa bergerak, bergetar dan

berlanggar antara satu sama lain.

 Pergerakan zarah dibuktikan di dalam proses resapan.

 Resapan merupakan suatu proses di mana zarah bahan bergerak

dan bercampur dengan zarah bahan lain.

 Zarah gas meresap paling cepat, zarah cecair pula meresap

secara perlahan dan zarah pepejal meresap sangat perlahan.

ITeach – Kimia Tingkatan 4

Topic 2 The Structure Of The Atom

Example: The Diffusion Of Bromine Gas

Reddish-brown bromine vapour spread Bromine particles move in between air

throughout gas jar after sometime. particles.

ITeach – Chemistry Form 4

Topik 2 Struktur Atom

Contoh: Resapan Gas Bromin

Wap perang kemerah-merahan Zarah bromin bergerak diantara zarah

tersebar ke seluruh balang gas selepas udara.
beberapa ketika.

ITeach – Kimia Tingkatan 4

Topic 2 The Structure Of The Atom

Is used to describe the characteristics of

particles in solids, liquids and gases.

The Kinetic
Theory Of
Matter States that:
– Matter is made up of tiny and
discrete particles.
– Particles in matter are in motion and
often move randomly.
– There are forces of attraction
between particles of matter.

ITeach – Chemistry Form 4

Topik 2 Struktur Atom

Digunakan untuk menerangkan sifat-sifat

zarah pepejal, cecair dan gas.

Teori Kinetik
Menyatakan bahawa:
– Jirim terdiri daripada zarah-zarah
halus dan diskrit.
– Zarah-zarah di dalam jirim sentiasa
dalam keadaan bergerak secara
– Terdapat daya tarikan antara zarah-
zarah jirim.

ITeach – Kimia Tingkatan 4

Topic 2 The Structure Of The Atom
Characteristics Of Matters In Solid, Liquid And Gas

Solid Liquid Gas

Arranged closely,
Arrangement of Arranged closely but not Separated very far apart
packed in an orderly
particles in orderly position from each other
and fixed position

Only vibrate and Move randomly and Move very random and
Movement of
rotate at fixed slowly and sometimes rapidly collide with each
position collide with each other other
Force of
Very strong Strong Very week
Ability to be Cannot be Cannot be compressed
Can be compressed
compressed compressed easily

Shape Fixed Not fixed Not fixed

Volume Fixed Fixed Not fixed

ITeach – Chemistry Form 4

Topik 2 Struktur Atom
Sifat Jirim Dalam Keadaan Pepejal, Cecair Dan Gas

Pepejal Cecair Gas

Disusun secara rapat,

Disusun secara rapat,
dipadatkan dalam Terpisah jauh antara satu
Susunan zarah tetapi tidak dalam
kedudukan teratur sama lain
keadaan teratur
dan tetap
Bergerak secara rawak,
Hanya bergetar dan Bergerak secara rawak
perlahan dan kadang
Pergerakan zarah berpusing pada dan kerap berlanggar
kala berlanggar antara
kedudukan tetap antara satu sama lain
satu sama lain
Daya tarikan Sangat kuat Kuat Sangat lemah

Kebolehan Tidak boleh

Sukar dimampatkan Boleh dimampatkan
dimampatkan dimampatkan

Bentuk Tetap Tidak tetap Tidak tetap

Isipadu Tetap Tetap Tidak tetap

ITeach – Kimia Tingkatan 4

Topic 2 The Structure Of The Atom

The Change In The State Of Matter

• Occur through heating and cooling processes.

• Heating is a process in which heat is absorbed.

• Cooling is a process which heat is released.

The inter-conversion of
the states of matter Gas
Heat is absorbed
Heat is released

Solid Liquid

ITeach – Chemistry Form 4

Topik 2 Struktur Atom

Perubahan Keadaan Jirim

• Berlaku melalui proses pemanasan dan penyejukan.

• Pemanasan merupakan proses di mana haba diserap.

• Penyejukan merupakan proses di mana haba dibebaskan.

Penukaran berbalik
keadaan jirim Gas
Haba diserap
Haba dibebaskan

Pepejal Cecair

ITeach – Kimia Tingkatan 4

Topic 2 The Structure Of The Atom

Heating- Heat Is Absorbed

Melting Boiling /

Solid Liquid Gas

When matter is heated, heat is absorbed by particles.

Particles gain kinetic energy.

Particles will move (for liquid) or vibrate (for solid) more vigorously.

As temperature gets higher, particles will continuously gain more energy until it
can overcome the forces of attraction that hold particles together.

State of matter now changes.

ITeach – Chemistry Form 4

Topik 2 Struktur Atom

Pemanasan – Haba diserap

Peleburan Pendidihan /

Pepejal Cecair Gas

Apabila jirim dipanaskan, haba diserap oleh zarah.

Zarah memperolehi tenaga kinetik.

Zarah akan bergerak (bagi cecair) atau bergetar (bagi pepejal) dengan lebih

Apabila suhu meningkat, zarah akan memperolehi lebih tenaga untuk mengatasi
daya tarikan yang memegang zarah bersama.

Keadaan jirim kini berubah.

ITeach – Kimia Tingkatan 4

Topic 2 The Structure Of The Atom

Cooling- Heat Is Released

Condensation Freezing

Gas Liquid Solid

When matter is cooled, heat energy is released.

Particles lose energy and move slower.

Forces of attraction between particles will pull particles close to each other.

As temperature gets lower, particles do not have enough energy to move.

State of matter now changes.

ITeach – Chemistry Form 4

Topik 2 Struktur Atom

Penyejukan- Haba dibebaskan

Kondensasi Pembekuan

Gas Cecair Pepejal

Apabila jirim disejukkan, haba dibebaskan.

Zarah akan kehilangan tenaga dan bergerak perlahan.

Daya tarikan antara zarah akan menarik zarah mendekati satu sama lain.

Apabila suhu menurun, zarah tidak mempunyai tenaga yang cukup untuk

Keadaan jirim kini berubah.

ITeach – Kimia Tingkatan 4

Topic 2 The Structure Of The Atom

The Heating Curve Of Naphthalene

At point A : Particles absorb heat. Particles

vibrate faster as kinetic energy increases.

At point B : Naphthalene starts to melt.

Temperature (°C )
Temperature will not increase because heat
energy absorbed by particles is used to
overcome forces of attraction between

*This constant temperature is the melting point Solid
of naphthalene. and liquid

At point C : Naphthalene melts completely. Solid

At point C to ∆ : Particles continue to absorb
heat. Kinetic energy increases and particles
move faster.

ITeach – Chemistry Form 4

Topik 2 Struktur Atom

Lengkung Pemanasan Naftalena

Pada titik A : Zarah menyerap haba. Zarah

bergetar lebih cepat disebabkan tenaga
kinetik bertambah.

Pada titik B : Naftalena mula melebur. Suhu

tidak akan bertambah kerana tenaga haba Suhu (°C )
yang diserap digunakan untuk mengatasi
daya tarikan antara zarah.

*Suhu yang malar ini merupakan takat Pepejal
peleburan bagi naftalena. dan cecair

Pada titik C : Naftalena melebur sepenuhnya. Pepejal

Pada titik C ke ∆ : Zarah terus menyerap
haba. Tenaga kinetik bertambah dan zarah
bergerak lebih cepat.

ITeach – Kimia Tingkatan 4

Topic 2 The Structure Of The Atom

The Cooling Curve Of Naphthalene

At point E : Particles lose kinetic energy.

Particles move slower as temperature

At point F : Liquid naphthalene starts to Temperature (°C )

change into solid. The temperature will not
decrease because heat released is balanced
to heat lost.
point F G

H Time
At point G to H : As temperature decreases, (min)
particles vibrate slower at fixed position.

ITeach – Chemistry Form 4

Topik 2 Struktur Atom

Lengkung Penyejukan Naftalena

Pada titik E : Zarah kehilangan tenaga kinetik.

Pergerakan zarah semakin perlahan apabila
suhu menurun.

Pada titik F : Cecair naftalena mula membeku. Suhu (°C )

Suhu tidak akan menurun kerana haba yang
dibebaskan diseimbangkan dengan haba yang
beku F G

H Masa
Pada titik G ke H :Apabila suhu menurun,
zarah bergetar semakin perlahan pada
kedudukan tetap.

ITeach – Kimia Tingkatan 4

Topic 2 The Structure
Of The Atom

2.2 The Atomic Structure

ITeach – Chemistry Form 4

Topic 2 The Structure Of The Atom
The Atomic Structure

The Historical Development of Atomic Models-

John Dalton

John Dalton Dalton’s Atomic Model

• Begins with John Dalton’s discovery on 1808.

• He discovered that atom is a small, indivisible ball.

ITeach – Chemistry Form 4

Topik 2 Struktur Atom
Struktur Atom

Sejarah Perkembangan Model Atom-

John Dalton

John Dalton Model Atom Dalton

• Bermula dengan penemuan John Dalton pada tahun 1808.

• Beliau mendapati bahawa atom merupakan bola kecil yang tidak boleh dibahagi.

ITeach – Kimia Tingkatan 4

Topic 2 The Structure Of The Atom
The Atomic Structure

The Historical Development of Atomic Models

J.J. Thomson


J.J. Thomson Thomson’s Atomic Model

• 1897, J.J. Thompson discovered electron.

• He imagined that atom is a sphere of positive charge which contains a few

negatively charged particles called electron.

ITeach – Chemistry Form 4

Topik 2 Struktur Atom
Struktur Atom

Sejarah Perkembangan Model Atom-

J.J. Thomson


J.J. Thomson Model Atom Thomson

• Pada 1897, J.J. Thompson menjumpai elektron.

• Beliau membayangkan atom merupakan sfera bercas negatif yang mengandungi

beberapa zarah bercas negatif dipanggil elektron.

ITeach – Kimia Tingkatan 4

Topic 2 The Structure Of The Atom
The Atomic Structure

The Historical Development of Atomic Models

Ernest Rutherford

Nucleus that Electron moves

contains outside the nucleus

Ernest Rutherford Rutherford’s Atomic Model

• 1911, Ernest Rutherford discovered proton.

• He described that the positive charge and most of the mass of atom are
concentrated in a tiny, central region known as nucleus.
• Electrons are located outside in a space.

ITeach – Chemistry Form 4

Topik 2 Struktur Atom
Struktur Atom

Sejarah Perkembangan Model Atom-

Ernest Rutherford

Nukleus Elektron bergerak

mengandungi di luar nukleus

Ernest Rutherford Model Atom Rutherford

• Pada 1911, Ernest Rutherford menemui proton.

• Beliau menggambarkan bahawa cas positif dan kebanyakan jisim atom tertumpu
di kawasan tengah yang sangat kecil dikenali sebagai nukleus.
• Elektron terletak di luar kawasan ini dalam suatu ruang.

ITeach – Kimia Tingkatan 4

Topic 2 The Structure Of The Atom
The Atomic Structure

The Historical Development of Atomic Models

Neils Bohr

Nucleus that contains



Bohr’s Atomic Model
Neils Bohr

• 1913- Neils Bohr improved on Rutherford’s atomic model.

• Neils Bohr proposed that electrons move around the nucleus in shells.

ITeach – Chemistry Form 4

Topik 2 Struktur Atom
Struktur Atom

Sejarah Perkembangan Model Atom-

Neils Bohr

Nukleus mengandungi


Model Atom Bohr
Neils Bohr

• 1913- Neils Bohr memperbaiki model atom Rutherford.

• Neils Bohr mencadangkan bahawa elektron bergerak mengelilingi nukleus dalam

suatu petala.

ITeach – Kimia Tingkatan 4

Topic 2 The Structure Of The Atom
The Atomic Structure

The Historical Development of Atomic Models

James Chadwick

Nucleus that
contains protons and



James Chadwick Chadwick’s Atomic Model

• 1932- James Chadwick discovered the existence of neutrons.

• Neutron is the neutral particles in the nucleus.

ITeach – Chemistry Form 4

Topik 2 Struktur Atom
Struktur Atom

Sejarah Perkembangan Model Atom-

James Chadwick

mengandungi proton
dan neutron


James Chadwick Model Atom Chadwick

• 1932- James Chadwick menjumpai neutron.

• Neutron merupakan zarah yang bersifat neutral.

ITeach – Kimia Tingkatan 4

Topic 2 The Structure Of The Atom
The Atomic Structure
Subatomic Particles Of An Atom

The Main Subatomic Particles of an Atom

Proton Neutron Electron

Symbol: e
Symbol: p Symbol: n
Relative electric charge:-1
Relative electric charge:+1 Relative electric charge:0
Relative mass:
Relative mass: 1 Relative mass: 1
Approximately 0.0005

Nucleus, consist
of proton and

The properties of subatomic particles

ITeach – Chemistry Form 4
Topik 2 Struktur Atom
Struktur Atom
Zarah Subatom Bagi Atom

Zarah Subatom Utama Atom

Proton Neutron Elektron

Simbol: p Simbol: n Simbol: e

Cas elektrik relatif: +1 Cas elektrik relatif: 0 Cas elektrik relatif: -1
Jisim relatif: 1 Jisim relatif: 1 Jisim relatif: Hampir 0.0005

proton dan

Ciri-ciri zarah subatom

ITeach – Kimia Tingkatan 4
Topic 2 The Structure Of The Atom
The Atomic Structure
Proton Number And Nucleon Number

Element is differ from one another because of different number of proton.

Proton number is the number of protons in an atom.

Nucleon number is the total number of proton and neutrons in an atom.

Nucleon number = Number of protons + number of neutrons
= Protons number + number of neutrons

For a neutral atom,

Proton number = Number of protons
= Number of electrons

To calculate the number of neutrons,

Number of neutrons = Nucleon number-proton number

= Nucleon number-number of protons

ITeach – Chemistry Form 4

Topik 2 Struktur Atom
Struktur Atom
Nombor Proton Dan Nombor Nukleon

Unsur berbeza antara satu sama lain kerana mempunyai nombor proton yang

Nombor proton adalah bilangan proton yang terdapat di dalam atom.

Nombor nukleon adalah jumlah bilangan proton dan neutron dalam sesuatu
Nombor nukleon = Bilangan proton + bilangan neutron
= Nombor proton + nombor neutron

Untuk atom bersifat neutral,

Nombor proton = Bilangan proton
= Bilangan elektron

Untuk mengira bilangan neutron,

Bilangan neutron =Nombor nukleon – nombor proton

= Nombor nukleon – bilangan proton

ITeach – Kimia Tingkatan 4

Topic 2 The Structure Of The Atom
The Atomic Structure
Symbol Of Elements

• Each element that exist is given a name and a symbol.

• Examples of elements and their symbol:

Element Symbol Element Symbol

Hydrogen H Carbon C

Helium He Nitrogen N

Lithium Li Fluorine F

Beryllium Be Sodium Na

• Symbol that represents proton number and nucleon number of element is

shown below:
Nucleon number A Nucleon number 23
Proton number Z
X Symbol of element
Proton number 11 Na of sodium

• Sometimes, an element is represented by its nucleon number.

For example, 19F is presented by fluorine-19.

ITeach – Chemistry Form 4

Topik 2 Struktur Atom
Struktur Atom
Simbol Unsur

• Setiap unsur mempunyai nama dan simbol tersendiri.

• Contoh unsur dan simbolnya:

Unsur Simbol Unsur Simbol

Hidrogen H Karbon C

Helium He Nitrogen N

Litium Li Fluorin F

Berillium Be Natrium Na

• Simbol yang mewakili nombor proton dan nombor nukleon unsur ditunjukkan
seperti di bawah:
Nombor nukleon A Nombor nukleon 23
Nombor proton Z
X Simbol unsur
Nombor proton 11 Na natrium

• Kadang-kala suatu unsur ditulis menggunakan nombor nukleonnya.

Sebagai contoh,19F ditulis sebagai fluorin-19.

ITeach – Kimia Tingkatan 4

Topic 2 The Structure Of The Atom
The Atomic Structure

Symbol Of Elements- Example

A chlorine atom has 17 protons and 18 neutrons. Calculate the proton number and
the nucleon number of chlorine atom and represent the atom in the form of ZA X


Proton number = Number of proton

= 17

Nucleon number = Number of protons +Number of neutrons

= 17+18
= 35
A symbol that represent a chlorine atom = 17 Cl

ITeach – Chemistry Form 4

Topik 2 Struktur Atom
Struktur Atom

Simbol Unsur - Contoh

Atom klorin mempunyai 17 proton dan 18 neutron. Kirakan nombor proton dan
nombor nukleon atom klorin dan tulis dalam bentuk ZA X


Nombor proton = Bilangan proton

= 17

Nombor nukleon = Bilangan proton + Bilangan neutron

= 17+18
= 35
Simbol yang mewakili atom klorin= 17 Cl

ITeach – Kimia Tingkatan 4

Topic 2 The Structure
Of The Atom

2.3 Isotopes And Their Importance

ITeach – Chemistry Form 4

Topic 2 The Structure Of The Atom
Isotopes And Their Importance


• Some elements could have same number of proton but with

different masses (different number of neutrons).

• Atoms of the same element with different number of neutrons are

called isotopes.

• Isotopes are named by placing its nucleon number behind the


ITeach – Chemistry Form 4

Topik 2 Struktur Atom
Isotop Dan Kepentingannya


• Sesetengah unsur boleh mempunyai bilangan proton yang sama

tetapi dengan jisim yang berbeza (bilangan neutron yang

• Atom-atom unsur yang sama dengan bilangan neutron yang

berbeza dipanggil isotop.

• Isotop dinamakan dengan meletakkan nombor nukleonnya di

belakang suatu unsur.

ITeach – Kimia Tingkatan 4

Topic 2 The Structure Of The Atom
Isotopes And Their Importance

Isotopes Of Hydrogen

 Hydrogen-1  Hydrogen-2  Hydrogen-3

1 2 3
1 H 1 H 1 H
1 proton 1 proton 1 proton
1 electron 1 electron 1 electron
0 neutron 1 neutron 2 neutrons


Proton Proton Proton

Electron Electron Electron

ITeach – Chemistry Form 4

Topik 2 Struktur Atom
Isotop Dan Kepentingannya

Isotop Hidrogen

 Hidrogen-1  Hidrogen-2  Hidrogen-3

1 2 3
1 H 1 H 1 H
1 proton 1 proton 1 proton
1 elektron 1 elektron 1 elektron
0 neutron 1 neutron 2 neutron


Proton Proton Proton

Elektron Elektron Elektron

ITeach – Kimia Tingkatan 4

Topic 2 The Structure Of The Atom
Isotopes And Their Importance

Example Of Isotopes

Oxygen Oxygen-16 Oxygen-17 Oxygen-18

16 17 18
Symbol 8 O 8 O 8 O
Number of proton 8 8 8

Number of electron 8 8 8

Number of neutron 8 9 10

Carbon Carbon-12 Carbon-13 Carbon-14

12 13 14
Symbol 6 C 6 C 6 C
Number of proton 6 6 6

Number of electron 6 6 6

Number of neutron 6 7 8

ITeach – Chemistry Form 4

Topik 2 Struktur Atom
Isotop Dan Kepentingannya

Contoh-contoh Isotop

Oksigen Oksigen-16 Oksigen-17 Oksigen-18

16 17 18
Simbol 8 O 8 O 8 O
Bilangan proton 8 8 8

Bilangan elektron 8 8 8

Bilangan neutron 8 9 10

Karbon Karbon-12 Karbon-13 Karbon-14

12 13 14
Simbol 6 C 6 C 6 C
Bilangan proton 6 6 6

Bilangan elektron 6 6 6

Bilangan neutron 6 7 8

ITeach – Kimia Tingkatan 4

Topic 2 The Structure Of The Atom
Isotopes And Their Importance

The Uses Of Isotopes In Daily Life

• Carbon-14 is used to investigate the passage of carbon in green plants.
• Phosphorus-32 is mixed in phosphate fertilizers to study the absorption of
phosphorus by plants.

• Carbon-14 is used to determine the age of fossils and artifacts.

• Cobalt-60 is used to kill cancer cells in treatment called radiotherapy.
• Iodine-131 is used to detect malfunction of thyroid glands.

• Gamma rays of cobalt-60 is used to kill bacteria in food.
• Sodium-24 is used to detect any leakage in underground pipes.

ITeach – Chemistry Form 4

Topik 2 Struktur Atom
Isotop Dan Kepentingannya

Kegunaan Isotop Dalam Kehidupan Harian

• Karbon-14 digunakan untuk mengkaji laluan karbon dalam tumbuhan hijau.
• Fosforus-32 dicampur di dalam baja fosfat untuk mengkaji penyerapan
fosforus oleh tumbuhan.

• Karbon-14 digunakan untuk menentukan usia fosil dan artifak.

• Kobalt-60 digunakan untuk membunuh sel kanser di dalam rawatan
• Iodin-131 digunakan untuk mengesan kelenjar tiroid yang gagal berfungsi.

• Sinar gamma daripada kobalt-60 digunakan untuk membunuh bakteria
dalam makanan.
• Natrium-24 digunakan untuk mengesan kebocoran paip bawah tanah.
ITeach – Kimia Tingkatan 4
Topic 2 The Structure
Of The Atom

2.4 The Electronic Structure Of An Atom

ITeach – Chemistry Form 4

Topic 2 The Structure Of The Atom
The Electronic Structure Of An Atom

 An atom is consists of protons, neutrons and


The Electronic  Electrons are arranged in the shells around the

Structure Of nucleus.
An Atom
 The arrangement are according to the rules below:
• Electrons occupy the shells closest to the
nucleus first.
• Electrons start occupying new shell when the
first shell is occupied.

First shell maximum

number of = 2 electrons
Second shell maximum
Third shell maximum number of = 8 electrons
number of = 8 electrons

ITeach – Chemistry Form 4

Topik 2 Struktur Atom
Struktur Elektronik Atom

 Atom terdiri daripada proton, neutron dan elektron.

Struktur  Elektron disusun di dalam petala yang mengelilingi

Elektronik nukleus.
 Susunan elektron ini berdasarkan peraturan di
• Elektron akan menempati petala yang hampir
dengan nukleus dahulu.
• Elektron mula menempati petala baru apabila
petala pertama sudah diisi penuh.

Bilangan maksimum
petala pertama = 2
Nukleus elektron
Bilangan maksimum
Bilangan maksimum petala kedua= 8
petala ketiga= 8 elektron elektron

ITeach – Kimia Tingkatan 4

Topic 2 The Structure Of The Atom
The Electronic Structure Of An Atom

The Electron Arrangement of Magnesium

• Proton number of magnesium, Mg is 12. So, Mg has 12 electrons.

• The electron arrangement of the magnesium atom is written as


occupied shell

• The electrons in the outermost occupied shell are called the valence

• The valence electron of magnesium is 2.

ITeach – Chemistry Form 4

Topik 2 Struktur Atom
Struktur Elektronik Atom

Susunan Elektron Magnesium

• Nombor proton bagi magnesium, Mg adalah 12. Oleh itu, Mg

mempunyai 12 elektron.

• Susunan elektron bagi atom magnesium ditulis sebagai 2.8.2.

Petala terluar

• Elektron yang terdapat pada petala terluar dipanggil elektron valens.

• Elektron valens bagi magnesium adalah 2.

ITeach – Kimia Tingkatan 4

Topic 2 The Structure Of The Atom
The Electronic Structure Of An Atom

The Electron Arrangement Of Nitrogen

• Proton number of nitrogen, N is 7.

• Thus, nitrogen has 7 electrons.

• The electron arrangement of Nitrogen atom: 2.5

occupied shell

• The valence electrons of Nitrogen is 5.

ITeach – Chemistry Form 4

Topik 2 Struktur Atom
Struktur Elektronik Atom

Susunan Elektron Nitrogen

• Nombor proton bagi nitrogen, N adalah 7.

• Oleh itu, nitrogen mempunyai 7 elektron.

• Susunan elektron bagi atom nitrogen: 2.5

Petala terluar

• Elektron valens bagi nitrogen adalah 5.

ITeach – Kimia Tingkatan 4

The End

i - Teach

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