Warranties Other Topics in Sales 4
Warranties Other Topics in Sales 4
Warranties Other Topics in Sales 4
Definition(of warranty):
A statement or representation made by the seller contemporaneously and
as part of the contract of sale, having reference to the character, quality, or title
of the goods, and by which he promises or undertakes to ensure that certain
facts are or shall be as he then represents.
For there to be express warranty, the following requisites must concur:
(1) An affirmation of fact or any promise relating to the thing sold;
(2) The natural tendency of such affirmation or promise is to induce the
buyer to buy;
(3) The buyer buys the thing relying thereon. [Art. 1546]
(4) Made before the sale not upon delivery or any other point
An express warranty can be made by and also be binding on the seller even
in the sale of a second hand article. [Moles v. IAC, 1989]
Condition Warranty
Goes into the performance of an
Pertains to and affects the existence obligation and may, in itself, be an
of the obligation obligation
Non-happening does not amount to Non-fulfillment constitutes breach of
breach of contract contract
(1) Seller is no longer liable to the original buyer upon the contract of
sale or for any profit made by the resale
(2) Buyer at resale acquires good title as against the original owner
(3) In case resale is at a loss, seller is entitled to recover the difference
from the original buyer
(4) Seller may recover damages from original buyer for breach of
Breach of Contract
Special right to rescind:
RETURN of the title over the undelivered goods to the seller, and right to
recover DAMAGES for breach of contract [Art. 1534]
Available to unpaid seller who has a right of lien or who has stopped the
goods in transitu
When available:
(1) Seller expressly reserved his right to rescind in case buyer defaults
(2) Buyer has been in default in payment for an unreasonable time
Transfer of title shall not be held to have been rescinded by the unpaid
seller until he manifests by notice to the buyer or some other overt act an
intention to rescind.
RECTO LAW ARTS. 1484 – 1486
Applies in cases of:
(1) Sale of movables in installment
(a) The rule is intended to apply to sales of movables, the price of
which is payable in 2 or more installments, but not to straight-term
sales where the price is payable in full, after making a down
payment because the law aims to protect improvident buyers who
may be tempted to buy beyond their means. [Levy Hermanos vs.
Gervacio, 1939]
(2) Lease of personal property with option to buy
(a) When lessor has deprived the lessee of the possession or
enjoyment of the thing (Ex.: When lessor files a complaint
for replevin against lessee)
(b) Also applies when seller assigns his credit to someone else
RECTO LAW ARTS. 1484 – 1486
(3) Sale by Virtue of Execution and Attachment Art. 1544 does NOT apply to
the sale of unregistered land at an execution sale because a buyer of
unregistered land at an execution sale only steps into the shoes of the judgment
debtor, and merely acquires the latter's interest in the property sold as of the
time the property was levied upon. [Carumba v. CA, 1970]
(3) Rescission by giving the buyer notice of the election to rescind [Art. 1597]
Under this rule, rescission would bar an action on the contract because it means
cancellation of the contractual obligations between the parties. [Baviera]
(4) Special rule for sale of movables by installments – Recto Law [Arts. 1484, 1485]
Applies in cases of:
(a) Sale of movables in installment
1) The rule is intended to apply to sales of movables, the price of which is
payable in two or more installments, but not to straight-term sales where the price
is payable in full, after making a down payment because the law aims to protect
improvident buyers who may be tempted to buy beyond their means. [Levy
Hermanos vs. Gervacio, 1939]
(b) Lease of personal property with option to buy
1) When lessor has deprived the lessee of the possession or enjoyment of
the thing (Ex.: When lessor files a complaint for replevin against lessee)
2) Also applies when seller assigns his credit to someone else
Performance of Contract
(1) SALE OF MOVABLES – ARTS. 1522, 1537, 1480
(a) When Quantity less than expected i. Buyer may reject all ii. Buyer
accepts with knowledge of seller’s inability to deliver the rest – buyer pays at
contract price iii. Buyer has used or disposed prior to knowing seller’s inability to
deliver the rest – buyer pays fair value
(b) Quantity more than expected i. If divisible, buyer may reject excess ii.
If indivisible, buyer may reject all
(c) Quality different or different goods i. If divisible, buyer may accept the
goods compliant with contract and reject those that are not ii. If indivisible,
buyer may reject all [Art. 1522]
(d) Sale of specific mass of goods i. In the sale of fungibles where the
measure or weight has not been agreed upon nor is there a fixed rate based
upon a measurement, the subject matter of the sale is a determinate object –
the specific mass; seller is merely required to deliver such mass even if actual
quantity falls short of parties’ estimate [Art. 1480]
(e) Delivery by installments i. By default, buyer is not bound to accept
delivery of goods by installments
Performance of Contract
Delivery by installments
1) By default, buyer is not bound to accept delivery of goods by installments
2) In a contract of delivery by installment to be paid by installment as well, delay or
breach may not necessarily mean breach of the entire contract; depending on the
circumstances, breach may be severable and the aggrieved party is entitled to
damages and not rescission. [Art. 1583]
(2) SALE OF IMMOVABLES – ARTS. 1539, 1543
(a) Sale at a fixed rate per unit of measure
1) Seller bound to deliver entire land
2) If the area is less than that stated, buyer may rescind or demand a
proportionate reduction in price
3) If a part of the land is not of the quality stated in the contract, buyer may
rescind or demand a proportionate reduction in price
4) Buyer may only avail of rescission if the area deficiency is 10% or more of
total area or if the inferior value of the part of the land exceeds 10% of the price
agreed upon. [Art. 1539] v. If the area turns out to be greater than that stated, buyer
may accept area included and reject the excess or accept all and pay a proportionate
increase in price [Art. 1540]
Performance of Contract
Additional 30 days for Repurchase The last paragraph of Art. 1606 giving the
vendor the right to repurchase within 30 days from the time of the rendition of
final judgment applies only where the nature and the character of the
transaction, whether as a pacto de retro or an equitable mortgage, was put in
issue before the court [Gonzales v. De Leon, 4 SCRA 33
The seller can avail himself of the right of repurchase by returning to the buyer:
(a) the price of the sale
(b) the expenses of the contract and any other legitimate payments made by reason of
the sale
(c) the necessary and useful expenses made on the thing sold [Art.1616].
How redemption is exercised
(a) The vendor de retro must complete the repurchase before the expiration of the
redemption period [Panganiban v. Cuevas, 7 Phil 477].
(b) A sincere or genuine tender of payment is enough. The deposit of the amount of the
repurchase money with the Clerk of Court was simply and additional security [Legazpi v. Court
of Appeals, 1986]
(c) When tender of payment cannot be validly made because the buyer cannot be located,
it becomes imperative for the seller a retro to file a suit for consignation with the courts of the
redemption price [Catangcatang v. Legayada, 1978].
(d) If the offer or tender of payment for repurchase is refused, it is not necessary for the
vendor a retro to consign in court or make judicial deposit of the repurchase price [Rosales v.
Reyes, 25 Phil 495].
(1) Right to be subrogated:
(a) upon the same terms and conditions stipulated in the contract,
(b) in the place of one who acquires a thing by purchase or dation in payment,
or by any other transaction whereby ownership is transmitted by onerous title [Art
1619, CC]
(2) Applies to transfers of ownership by onerous title where subrogation is
possible. Hence, it cannot apply to barter or to transfer by gratuitous title or
hereditary succession.
(3) Applies to sales with pacto de retro [Baviera citing MANRESA]
(1) a formal offer to redeem or
(2) filing of an action in court together with the consignation of the redemption
price within the reglementary period
In execution sales
(a) Judgment debtor
(b) Successor in interest
(c) Creditor having a lien on the property sold by attachment, judgment or
mortgage on the property subsequent to the judgment Period