Geo Pipes
Geo Pipes
Geo Pipes
These are the Construction Methods
used in Geopipes:
1. Subgrade Preparation
2. Connections
3. Placement
4. Backfilling Operations
Plastic Pipe is usually placed in a prepared
trench or within other prepared subgrade materials. If
soil is the subgrade, as it usually is, the compaction
should be 95% of Standard Proctor compaction so as to
minimize the deformation of the pipe in service.
Pipe trenches are often overexcavated so that bedding
soil of cohesionless nature can bring the grade up to
the plan elevation. Sufficient trench length should be
available such that pipe laying can continue in a
uniform manner. Decisions related to such factors
(stability and sloughing) will depend greatly on:
1. soil type
2. depth of trench
If the pipe is to be placed directly on a
geomembrane ( as in the leachate system), the
full depth drainage stone should be placed
before pipe installation. Small excavations of at
least the diameter of the pipe are then made,
and then the pipe is placed in these shallow
Underground Installation Methods for Plastic
Pipes by various organizations:
1. ASTM D2774 Underground Installation of
Thermoplastic Pressure Piping
2. ASTM F481 Standard Practice for
Installation of Thermoplastic Pipe and Fittings
3. AWWA M23 PVC Pipe Design and
4. PPI TR8 Installation Procedures for
Polyethelyne Plastic Pipe
5. PPI TR31 Underground Installation of
Polyolefin Piping
These are the 4 methods in Geopipe
End Connections