Adverse Possession
Adverse Possession
Adverse Possession
Boulder 2007
A Definition
Just because it was Legal doesn't mean it was Ethical. Therefore the Kirlins -- or ANY interested
parties -- can and perhaps should file a Grievance with the Colorado Supreme Court Disciplinary
Committee regarding Dick McLean's and Edie Steven's unethical behavior.
There have been 100s of attorneys suspended or disbarred for unethical acts which themselves
were perfectly legal.
Colorado Supreme Court Office of Attorney Regulation (303) 866-6410 or 1 (877) 888-1370
The complaints must be in writing, so don't harangue the secretary there when calling. Just ask
that a Grievance Complaint package be mailed to you. Don’t explain the case to the clerk on the
phone, just ask that a complaint package me mailed to you. In the odd chance a clerk there tries
to refuse or dissuade you, get their full name for the record. Every person in Colorado has
standing to bring a request for ethical violations against any attorney they have knowledge of who
may have acted contrary to the rules of professional conduct. You do not have to he a party to the
action in question, you do not have to be directly involved with said unethical attorney.
Acts which tend to place the Legal Profession in a bad public light are frowned upon, whether
legal or not. Deliberately exploiting the arcane Adverse Possession law, by a professional
Lawyer/Jurist, to their own personal financial advantage against lay-person neighbors, in a
modern residential development is, at a minimum, abusive.
Rules of Professional Conduct
Rule 8.4 Misconduct
Points of Fact:
McLean/Stevens KNEW the rightful owners lived next door and took
no effort to directly contact them about their actions and intent.
McLean/Stevens KNEW that their continued trespass of their
neighbor's property would eventually result in conversion of said
property to the sever financial harm and detriment of their neighbors,
and to their own selfish benefit.