Construction Site Supervision COTM 3231
Construction Site Supervision COTM 3231
Construction Site Supervision COTM 3231
COTM 3231
Table of content
1. General
2. The importance of supervision
3. The project environment
4. The skills and role of inspector
5. Defects in construction
Chapter One: Introduction
Dictionary definition of inspection / supervision
A critical examination of somebody or something aimed at
forming a judgment or evaluation Microsoft Encarta
Construction Inspection/supervision: the process of ensuring
targets(cost, time and quality) which has been set at the planning stage.
Inspection is one of the means of ensuring compliance of design and
The primary objective of inspection is to ensure safety of lives and
durability of structure.
Therefore, the inspector has the responsibility of ensuring that the
structure being built confirms to the acceptable standards and good
workmanship and quality materials.
The inspector has professional as well as ethical responsibility to ensure
that the structure is built correctly. 3
Most of the buildings and other infrastructure fails due to
lack of proper and professional supervision causing loss of
lives and property.
Proper inspection becomes a critical aspect of a work in
order to ensure that the works to be accomplished are done
as intended, confirming to the technical documents
The relationship between the inspector and the contractor
should be partnership rather than advisory and regulatory.
It is common that inspectors takes side and may think that
anything he/she can do to slow down, impede or control the
work is to the advantage of the employer.
The inspector is responsible to control quality of work but if
he/she impede the progress, the employer will incur
additional costs.
Importance of Supervision
Defects in Construction
Defects in construction may appear due to either of the
following reasons
Inadequate strength or stiffness
Structural instability
Settling of foundations
Distressed structural members as evidenced by cracking, movement and
excessive deflection
Weather and moisture intrusion caused by failure of roofing, exterior
wall, floors and openings
Premature depreciation such as abnormal wear, decay, corrosion
Poor Workmanship
Un-adequate Supervision
Usage of poor quality material
Some of this defects will result in buildings or parts of
buildings that are unsuitable or unusable. Others will result
in excessive operating and maintenance costs, premature
replacement costs, or depreciated or unacceptable
appearance and sometimes property damage, personal 16
Defects in structure can occur during the construction
period or during times of use.
The inspector is required to analyze the situation and
arrive at a technically sound explanation as well as
possible practical recommendations.
The inspector is therefore expected to answer the
following key questions for analyzing the defect and
forward the possible recommendations
What is the phenomenon?
How can it be described and explained?
What is the exact cause?
How it can be rectified?
o By removal or replacement?
o By repair? 17
o By coating?
o By strengthening?
o By premature replacement?
o By acceptance of defects and monetary adjustments?
o By some equivalent to the originally specified product or
o By some creative or innovative procedure?
The inspector should also understand the costs of
remedial measures.
o Costs of analysis and recommendation.
o Costs of Redesign works
o Costs of inspection and testing
o Costs of labor, material, equipment coordination
o Costs of consequential damages
o Costs due to loss of use of building
o Costs due to damage of personal injuries.
Identifying the source of responsibilities
Who is responsible for the failure
Design problem?
o Was the construction project properly design?
The architect and the engineers are primarily responsible for the design problems. Who is
responsible for Temporarily structures?
Construction problem?
o Was the project built in accordance with contract requirement? Was it properly
constructed? Does the contractor provide right materials as per the specifications.
Who is responsible?
Maintenance or usage problem?
o Was the project and all its systems been properly cared for? Has the project been
abused or damaged by its user? has the project been used improperly?
Who is responsible?
Unforeseen circumstance [natural disaster, war, etc]
Who is responsible?
Faulty supervision
Who is reponsible?
Accidents are very common in construction sites, hence, it is very
important that healthy and safety issues are addressed properly.
Commonly accidents occur due to the following
oIn-adequately installment of formworks
oImproper construction of temporary structures
oImproper nails
oUn-braced underground excavations
oImproper usage of equipments
oNegligence of the workers
oUn usage of safety equipments