Higher Education in India
Higher Education in India
Higher Education in India
System: Impact on
Indian Economy
BY :
With a median age of 25 years, India has over 550 million people below the age of 25
years. According to Census figures, over 32 per cent of the 1.1 billion population is
between the age group 0-14.
This means that the number of people in India needing primary and secondary
education alone exceeds the entire population of the USA. Since these students will be
seeking higher education in India over the next decade it illustrates the sheer size of
the Indian education market.
Presently about 11 million students are in the Higher Education system. This
represents just 11% of the of the 17-23 year old population. The government hopes to
increase this to at least 21% by 2017- a target which still falls short of the world
With the emergence of India as a knowledge-based economy, human capital has now
its major strength.
only 1 out of approximately 150 applicants gets admission into the
elite Indian Institute of Management (IIMs) compared with the ratio
of 1:10 for MIT.
It is therefore not surprising that an industry chamber has recently
reported that 450,000 Indian students spend over USD 13 billion
each year in acquiring higher education overseas.
To reduce the demand supply gap in school education, it has been
proposed in the 12th FYP (2012-17) to set up 6,000 schools at block
level as model schools to benchmark excellence. Of these, 2500 will
be set up under Public Private Partnership. Further, easy availability
of education loans to students it has been proposed in Budget
2012-13 to set up a Credit Guarantee Fund for this purpose.
100% FDI in education allowed through automatic route.
A high-powered advisory body - National Knowledge Commission
(NKC) set up
NKC recommendations tremendously successful in increasing
Governments focus and plan outlay on education.
NKC has recommended that the number of universities increase
from the present 370 to 1500 by 2015, considered a highly
ambitious target, but inadequate to meet demand for quality
For higher education, an expenditure of USD 37.13 billion has
been projected to achieve the proposed objectives during the
12th Five Year Plan (2012-17)
December 2010, AICTE notified regulations for grant of
India is a global leader in terms of GDP spent by public and private
sources on higher education. India devotes a very high proportion of
its national wealth on higher education. At 3 per cent of the GDP (1.2
per cent from public and 1.8 per cent from private sources), India
spends more than what the United States (1 per cent public and 1.6
per cent private) or Korea (0.7 per cent public and 1.9 per cent
private) spends on higher education.
The gross enrolment rate the proportion of the age group
accessing higher education of 18 per cent is among the highest for
countries at Indias level of development. This is particularly
impressive given Indias size and complexity. The recently approved
12th Five-Year Plan aims at raising the gross enrolment rate to 25 per
cent by 2017, which is both desirable and achievable.
Upgrading the higher education sector especially in terms of patents filed
and cutting edge research output is essential in improving Indias global
ranking. Our sustainable economic development depends on human
A quality higher education base is essential to reap full benefits of our
demographic dividend. In its mission to redress inefficiencies in higher
education, the strategies of the 12th plan focus on technical education,
distance learning, quality research, infrastructure, faculty and curriculum
The 12th Plan provides a good framework for change. It seeks to align
Central government investment with that of the State governments align
new capacity with demand. It also seeks to create a performance culture
through deepening of competitive grants and creation of related institutional
arrangements. However, success depends on effective implementation.