Destigmatization of Psychiatric Patients
Destigmatization of Psychiatric Patients
Destigmatization of Psychiatric Patients
of psychiatric patients
• Understand the notion (stigma) & appraise
its consequences
• Define the role of culture & religion in
promoting/combating mental illness
• Refute myths about psychiatric illness,
patients, & treatments
• Discuss scientific basis of diagnosis and
treatment of mental illness
What is Stigma?
• Stigma represents a complex interaction
between social science, politics, history,
psychology, medicine and anthropology.
• The key step in the generation of stigma
is the perception of difference. For
stigmatization to occur, such difference
must be linked to undesirable traits.
Psychiatry History
• Psychotic disorders were thought to be
supernatural in origin.
• In 4th century BC, Hippocrates theorized their
physiological basis
• Religious leaders used exorcism to treat mental
disorders which often used cruel, harsh, and
other barbarous methods
• First psychiatric hospital built in Baghdad in 705
• Psychiatric disorders classified in 20th century
Why psychiatric
• Chronically ill or less treatable
• One type of treatment for all
• Behaviour unpredictable
• Loss of social skills
• Safety concerns.
• ? Drug addiction (iatrogenic).
• Probably all of the above, and
Psychiatry and religion
• Like all Arab communities, Kuwaitis too believe in
spiritual (jinni) possession, envy by others’ evil
eyes, and sorcery; which not uncommonly are
invoked to explain changes in human behavior