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Data World: Represents A Real World Which Is Changing Continuously

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Data World

- Database represents a real world which is changing continuously - Data model is the procedure for representing a real world

3 Data Worlds

object properties values

infornation modeling
entity set attributes values

data modeling
record type field values

real world(reality)

conceptual world(concept) computer world(data)


2. Data Models for Database Systems

Data World (cont'd)

Database and Real World
information modeling

database design
conceptual world

real world

consistency stored database

data structuring

data modeling

logical data structure


2. Data Models for Database Systems

Data Model Concepts

Data model - conceptual tools for describing data and data relationship - specify the overall logical structure of database Data models fall into three different group : conceptual data model, logical data model and physical data model. Conceptual data model (High-level) - relationship between entity sets, not considering physical storage device - human oriented data model - facilitate database design - Entity-Relationship (E-R) model - OO data model

2. Data Models for Database Systems

Data Model Concepts (cont'd)

Logical data model (Representational, Implementation) - describing relationship between data field (record-based) - overall logical structure of a database - high level description of the implementation - hierachical model collection of trees - network model collection of record types and links, i.e., graphs - relational model collection of tables


2. Data Models for Database Systems

Data Model Concepts (cont'd)

Physical data model (Low-level) - describe how data is stored in the computer - e.g. record format, record orderings, and access paths
data structuring data modeling


stored database physical, low-level model logical, representational model (logical data structure)


2. Data Models for Database Systems

E-R Model
- by Peter Chen, 1976 - based on a perception of real world which consists of a set of basic objects called entities and relationships among these objects - E-R diagram is graphical database structure in E-R model which is consist of entity set, relationship, attribute and link

Entity - an object that exists and is distinguishable from other objects - ex) Yoon S. A. with social security number 700123-1684321 - may be abstract, such as a holiday or a concept

2. Data Models for Database Systems

E-R Model (cont'd)

Entity Set - a set of entites of the same type - ex) customer : set of all persons having an account at a bank account : set of all accounts maintained at a bank - rectangles, which represent entity sets - entity sets need not be disjoint a person entity may be an (bank) employee entity, a customer entity, both, or neither Attribute - entity is represented by a set of attributes - ex) customer entity set's attributes are customer-name, security-number, street, and customer-city

2. Data Models for Database Systems

E-R Model (cont'd)

Domain - a set of permitted values - ex) domain of customer--name : set of all text strings of a certain length Relationship - an association among several entities - ex) Harris(customer) 401(account) Relationship Set - a set of relationships of the same type E1, e2 E2, ... , en En} - {(e1, e2, ... , en) | e1 - ex) CustAcct denote association between customers and accounts - ternary relationship set CAB : Harris, 401, and Redwood

2. Data Models for Database Systems

E-R Model (cont'd)

Attribute of Relationship - relationship set can have attributes - ex) CustAcct's (Harris, 401) has property {(date, 20 Sept 1995)}


2. Data Models for Database Systems


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2. Data Models for Database Systems

Constraints on Relationship Set

Cardinality ratio constraint number of entities to which another entity can be associated - one-to-one : for each entity in either set, there is at most one associated member of the other set Emp Manages
e1 e2 e3 e4 . . d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 . .


. .

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2. Data Models for Database Systems

Constarints on Relationship Set (cont'd)

- many-to-one : each entity in E1(Courses) is associated with at most one entity in E2(Teachers), but each entity in E2 can be associated any number of entities in E1
Courses taught-by


- many-to-many : no restriction



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2. Data Models for Database Systems

Constarints on Relationship Set (cont'd)

Participation constraint the existence of an entity depends on the existence of the relationship to another entity - existency dependency this means that if y is deleted, so is x
dominant entity, strong or regular entity subordinate entity, weak entity

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2. Data Models for Database Systems

Constarints on Relationship Set (cont'd)

account# Balance transaction# date amount

dominant, strong 462-21-23 262-45-20 645-44-09 ... 3,000 6,000 5,000


subordinate, weak 1 4 7 11 Oct 1996 12 Oct 1996 12 Oct 1996 ... +50 +350 - 150

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2. Data Models for Database Systems

it is important to be able to discriminate how entities and relationships Superkey - a set of one or more attribute wich allow us to identify uniquely an entity in the entity set - may have unnecessary attributes to distinct Candidate Key - minimal superkey Primary Key - a candidate key chosen by the DB designer

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2. Data Models for Database Systems

E-R Diagram
graphical database structure in E-R model - rectangle : (strong) entity set - double rectangle : weak entity set - ellipse : attribute - diamond : relationship set - line : (1) link attribute to entity set (2) link entity set to relationship set

see Slide 2-11

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2. Data Models for Database Systems

Reducing E-R diagrams to Tables

(1) Representation of strong entity sets D1 X D2 X ..... Dn see Fig. 2-14, Fig. 2-15 Korth Book (2) Representation of weak entity sets {attributes of weak entity set} U {primary key of strong entity set) see Fig. 2-16 (3) Representation of relationship sets {primary key set} U {attribute of relationship set R) see Fig. 2-17, Fig 2-18

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2. Data Models for Database Systems

Reducing E-R diagrams to Tables (Ex)

account# Balance date transaction# date amount







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2. Data Models for Database Systems

There are similarities between the checking-account entity set and the saving-account entity set in the sense that they have several attribute in common. This commonality can be expressed by generalization.

- Creation method : create a high-level entity set from two or more lower level entity set's common attributes - Usage : is used to emphasize the similarities among lower level entity type and to hide their differences - Inheritance : lower level entity set (saving-account and checking account) inherit the attributes of higher level entity set (account)

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2. Data Models for Database Systems

Generalization (cont'd)
account number account balance

saving-account is an account

ISA account number balance



account number




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2. Data Models for Database Systems

Generalization (cont'd)
Transforming E-R diagram including generalization to

tabular form

(1) Primary key of high-level entity set plus lower level entity sets account + savings-account, checking-account
(2) Only lower level entity sets savings-account, checking-account (including higher-level attributes)

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2. Data Models for Database Systems

One limitation of the E-R model is that is not possible to express relationship among relationships - Aggregation is an abstraction through which relationships are treated as high-level entities hospital


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2. Data Models for Database Systems


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2. Data Models for Database Systems

Hierarchical Data Model

Basic Concepts and Structure - Hierarchical database consists of a collection of records which are connected to one another records through links - record : collection of fields (attributes) link : inary relstionship (parent-child relationship) * restriction : only one-to-many
subject prerequisite subject lecture student Hierarchical Definition Tree (subject database schema)


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2. Data Models for Database Systems

Hierarchical Data Model (cont'd)


C100 Database 3
prerequisite subject C99

ordered tree one-to-many

lecture (record type)

L1 Tue-Thu 2-204 L2 Mon-Wed 3-403 student

lecturer P94 Kim C. S. Computer

S93002 Lee S. H. 85 S93002 Hur S. 92 S93001 Park E. Y. 90

subject Database Tree (record occurrence)

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2. Data Models for Database Systems

Hierarchical Data Model (cont'd)

Characteristics - parent-child relationship is one-to-many relationship - ordered tree (left to right) - n:m relationship can be represented by two 1:n representations Restrictions - all record occurrences except root record, must be connected to parent record * need to connect its parent for record insertion * have to delete all its child record for record deletion - one-to-many relationship : to associate with two its parent, make another tree (m:n => two 1:n relationship)
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2. Data Models for Database Systems

Network Data Model

Basic Concepts and Structure - Network database consists of a collection of records which are connected to one another records through links but, Data Structure Diagram (DSD) which represent logical structure of network database, is network form - extension of hierarchical data model - CODASYL(Conference on Data Systems Language) DBTG (Data Base Task Group) proposed the network data model formally many-to many link is not allowed (implementation problem) - Network Database System : IDMS (Computer Associates) TOTAL (Cincom Systems) IDS II (Honeywell Information Systems)
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2. Data Models for Database Systems

Network Data Model (cont'd)

Data Structure Diagram (DSD)
customer name street city CustAcct number balance account branch name assets city


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2. Data Models for Database Systems

Network Data Model (cont'd)

Set Occurrence (database value)
305 500 Kim Daesin Pusan 226 336 177 205 Chung Choongmu Seoul Uam 5,000,000 Pusan 1: n relationship graph

155 62
Lee Hanbat Taejon 402 100 408 300 Namsan 2,000,000 Ulsan

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2. Data Models for Database Systems

Relational Data Model

Background - Proposed by E. F. Codd (1970, ACM TODS) - Non-procedual database language (easy to use) - Standard database language : SQL * ISO, ANSI, X/Open * SQL, SQL89, SQL2, SQL3, .... - Theoretical background (mathematics-based) - Relational DBMSs : Oracle - 2nd largest S/W maker in the world Informix - UNIX RDBMS special group Sybase - Client/Server DBMS Ingres - ?
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2. Data Models for Database Systems

Relational Data Model (cont'd)

Overview Relational model = structure + constraints + operation Structure - Domain : set of atomic values - Relational scheme : set of attribute names - Relation : any subset of the Cartesian product of domains of attributes int relation scheme Set of Tuples
Employee E# Ename City 10 Smith 20 James LA NY Workfor Ename Dname Smith James Physics Mathematics

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2. Data Models for Database Systems

Relational Data Model (cont'd)

- Terminologies table : relation row : tuple column : attribute - Arity(degree) number of attribute in the relation - Tuple ordered list of values from domain D1, D2, ... , Dn mapping from attribute names to values in the domains ex) (10, Smith, LA) m(E#) = 10, m(Ename) = Smith, m(City) = LA

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2. Data Models for Database Systems

Relational Data Model (cont'd)

Integrity Constraints - Entity integrity constraint no primary key can be null - Referential integrity constraints (foreign key constraints) foreign key : set of attributes which is the primary key of another relation foregin key (ex) Dept = (Dname, Manager, Budget) Employee = (Ename, Bdate, Salary, Dname) Every value of the foreign key must exist in the set of the corresponding primary key values of another relation(Dept)

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2. Data Models for Database Systems

Relational Data Model (cont'd)

Operation - Operation to manipulate a relation is needed - There are two types of operation, Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus Relational Algebra (How) query is expressed by applying specialized algebraic operators operators => SQL Relational Calculus (What) query is describes a desired set of tuples by specifying a predicate the tuples must satisfy => QUEL, QBE

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2. Data Models for Database Systems

Object-Oriented Data Model

Shortcomings of the Conventional Database Technology - Too simple for modeling complex nested entities - A limited set of atomic data types - No frequently useful semantic concepts - Impedance mismatch between programming language and database language - Inappropriate for long-duration transactions necessary in interactive, cooperative design environments (CAD) - Unacceptable for various types of computer-intensive applications

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2. Data Models for Database Systems

Object-Oriented Data Model (cont'd)

Additional Features of the Next-Generation Database Systems - Represent and manipulate complex nested objects - Store and retrieve arbitary long data - Define and manipulate arbitary data types - Represent and manipulate various semantic modeling concepts - Specify rules and extented constraints to support inferencing and constraint management - Manage long-duration cooperative transactions

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2. Data Models for Database Systems

Object-Oriented Data Model (cont'd)

Object-Oriented Approach - in Programming language from SIMULA-67 (K. Nygard, Norway) Smalltalk, Eiffel, C++, Java - in Artificial Intelligence from introduction of FRAME KEE, ART - in Database from semantic data model E-R, EE-R, SDM, DAPLEX

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2. Data Models for Database Systems

Object-Oriented Data Model (cont'd)

Core Modeling Concepts
Account object deposit - Object and Object Identifier withdraw 5000 object = data + operation 100 - Attribute and Methods attribute : specified property to represent an object method : an operation of an object ( = code) - Encapsulation and Message passing encapsulation : the data of an object can only be accessed via the methods of the objects message : a request to perform an operation



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2. Data Models for Database Systems

Object-Oriented Data Model

- Class class : a template from which objects with the same representation and the same behavior can be created - Class Hierarchy and Inheritance inheritance : a mechanism which allows a new class to be incrementally defined from an existing class
instantiation class object 1 object 2
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2. Data Models for Database Systems

Object-Oriented Data Model

Object-Oriented Database Concepts
data part Name Lee Age 25 Salary 500,000 Lee is an EMP object

operation part (hire, change Age, change Salary)

Account object : all 6% : $1000 -> 5% $1000 -> 6% pay-interest Balance 5000 A# 100

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2. Data Models for Database Systems

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