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Power Electronics - Chapter 3

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BEE4223 Power Electronics &

Drives Systems


• Upon completion of the
chapter the student should
be able to:
– State the operation and
characteristics of diode rectifier.
– Discuss the performance
parameters and use different
technique for analyzing and design
of diode rectifier circuits.
– Simulate different arrangement of
diode rectifiers by using PSpice.

• Single-phase, full wave

• Single-phase, half rectifier
wave rectifier – R load
– Uncontrolled – R-L load,
– R load – Controlled R, R-L
– R-L load – continuous and
– R-C load discontinuous current
– Controlled mode
– Free wheeling diode
•Three-phase rectifier
– uncontrolled
– controlled

• DEFINITION: Converting AC (from mains or other

AC source) to DC power by using power diodes or
by controlling the firing angles of
thyristors/controllable switches.

• Basic block diagram


• Input can be single or multi-phase (e.g. 3-phase).

• Output can be made fixed or variable

• Applications:
– DC welder, DC motor drive, Battery charger, DC power
supply, HVDC
Root-Mean-Squares (RMS)


2π ∫
. dω t
Root Mean Squares of f

∫ ( f ) dω t
Step 2:
2π 0
Step 1: (f)

∫ ω 2
Step 3: ( f ) d t
2π 0
Concept of RMS

Average of v2
v 2

Square root of the

average of v2 v Average
of v=0
Ideal Rectifier:
Single-Phase, Half-Wave R-Load

• Considering the diode is Given Voltage Source, vs (t ) = Vs sin(ωt ),

ideal, the voltage at R- " DC" output voltage,
load during forward
biased is the positive 1
cycle of voltage source,
Vo = Vave = VDC = ∫
2π 0
Vm sin(ωt ) dωt
while for negative biased, Vm
the voltage is zero. Vo = = 0.318Vm
Ideal Rectifier:
Single-Phase, Half-Wave R-Load
• We observe that:
– DC voltage is fixed at 0.318 or
Average power absorbed by resistor,
31.8% of V the peak value
P = I 2 rms R = rms


" DC" output current , – RMS

where, V voltage
2π ∫
o , rms is
[V sin(ωreduced
t )] d (ωt ) =
from 2 m

0.707 (normal V V sinusoidal
o , rms
I = = m

Vo  Vm  1  Vm RMS) to 0.5
o , rms
R 2or
R 50% of peak
Io = =    = value.
R  π  R  πR
– Half wave is not practical
of high , distortion
supply current.
V I The supply

dc dc

rms rms

current contains DC
component that may saturate
the input transformer
Example 1

• Consider the half-wave rectifier circuit with a

resistive load of 25Ω and a 60 Hz ac source of
– Calculate the average values of Vo and Io. Justify the
significant value of Vo and Io.
– Calculate the rms values of Vo and Io.
– Calculate the average power delivered to the load.
Example 1 (Cont)

• Solution
• (i) The average values Vm 2 (110)
Vo = = = 49.52V
π π
of Vo and Io are given
and ,
Vo 49.52
Io = = = 1.98 A
R 25

In this case, for the particular circuit, possible dc output

voltage obtained from the circuit is 49.52V and dc output
current is 1.98A. That means, for any dc application within
this value, this circuit can be used.
Example 1 (Cont)
(iii) average power delivered
• (ii) The rms value of to the load over one cycle
the of Vo and Io
Vo2 ,rms (77.78) 2
Po = = = 242W
Vm 2 (110) R 25
Vrms = = = 77.78V
2 2 OR
and ,
Vo ,rms 77.78
Po = I rms
R = (3.11) 2 25 = 242W
I o ,rms = = = 3.11A
R 25
Example 2

• For the half-wave rectifier, the source is a

sinusoid of 120Vrms at a frequency of 60Hz.
The load resistor is 5Ω. Determine
(i) the average load current,
(ii) the average power absorbed by the load,
(iii) the power factor of the circuit.
Example 2 (Cont)

(ii) The average power

absorbed by the load
• (i) The average load
Vm 2 (120)
Vrms = = = 84.9V
2 2
Vm = 2 (120) = 169.7V
and , 2
Vrms 84.9 2
Vs 169.7 P= = = 1440W
Io = = = 10.8 A R 5
πR π (5)
Example 2 (Cont)
(iii) Power Factor
pf = = =
S Vm , rms I m , rms  Vm 
Vm , rms  
 2R 
= = 0.707
 2 (120) 
 2(5) 

 

Note: The power factor at the input of the rectifier circuit is poor even for resistive
load and decreases as triggering angle for controlled rectifier is delayed.
Half-wave with R-L load

• Industrial load typically

contain inductance as well
as resistance.
• By adding an inductor in
series with the load
resistance causes an di
Vm = Ri + L
increase in the conduction dt
period of the load current,
hence resulting the half- • That means, the load current
wave rectifier circuit flows not only during Vs > 0,
but also for a portion of Vs < 0.
working under an inductive
This is due to
Half-wave with R-L load
• Until certain time (<π), Vs>VR (hence VL= Vs-
VR is positive), the current builds up and
inductor stored energy increases.
• At maximum of VR, Vs=VR hence, VL =0V.
• Beyond this point, VL becomes negative
(means releasing stored energy), and current
begins to decrease.

•After T=π, the input, Vs becomes negative but

current still positive and diode is still conducts
due to inductor stored energy.
energy The load
current is present at certain period, but never VL = L
for the entire period, regardless of the inductor

•This will results on reducing the average

output voltage due to the negative segment.
Mohd Rusllim Mohamed
The larger the Inductance, the larger negative
Half-wave with R-L load
• The point when the current The average power absorbed by load ,
reaches zero, is when the 1

diode turns off, given by P=

2π ∫ p(ωt ) d (ωt )
 β  2π
−  1
sin( β − θ ) + sin(θ )e  ωτ 
=0 =
2π ∫ v(ωt )i (ωt ) d (ωt )

V V
 −ωt 
  P = I rms
R ; Since the average power
 m sin( wt − 0) + m sin(θ )e  ωτ  for 0 ≤ ωt ≤ β
i ( wt ) =  Z Z absorbed by inductor is zero (0).
0 for β ≤ ωt ≤ 2π
 rms current ,
 ωL  L
and Z = R 2 + (ωL) 2 , θ = tan −1  , τ = 1

1 2
= ∫0 ω ω =
2π ∫0
i (ωt ) d (ωt )
 R  R I rms i ( t ) d ( t )

and , average current ,
Io = ∫
2π 0
i (ωt ) d (ωt )
Example 3

• For half-wave rectifier with R-L load, R=100Ω,

L=0.1H, ω=377rad/s, and Vs=100V. Determine
• An expression for the current in this circuit
• The point where diode turns off
• The average current
• The rms current
• The power absorbed by the R-L load, and
• The power factor
Example 3 (cont)
For parameter given (ii) β (diode stop)
Z = R 2 + (ω L) 2 = (100) 2 + [(377)(0.1)]2 = 106.9Ω  β 
− 
 ωL   (377)(0.1) 
θ = tan −1   = tan −1 
sin( β − 0.361) + sin(0.361)e =0
 0.377 
 = 20.7 = 0.361 rad

 R   100 
Using numerical root finding, β
L  0.1  is found to be 3.50 rads or 201o
ωτ = ω = (377)  = 0.377 rad
R  100 

(i) Current Equation


i (ωt ) = 0.936 sin(ωt − 0.361) + 0.331e 0.377
for 0 ≤ ωt ≤ β
Example 3 (cont)
iii) Average current v) Power absorbed by
1 2
2π ∫0
Io = i (ωt ) d (ωt ) P = I rms

= [0.474]2 (100)
2π ∫ [0.936 sin(ωt − 0.361) + 0.331e 0.377 2
] d (ωt )
= 22.4W
= 0.308 A

iv) rms current vi) Power factor

3.50 ωt
1 − P P
I rms =
2π ∫ [0.936 sin(ωt − 0.361) + 0.331e
] d (ωt )
0.377 2
pf = =
S Vm ,rms I m , rms
= 0.474 A 22.4
100 
 0.474
 2
= 0.67
Half-wave with R-C load

• In some applications in which a constant output is

desirable, a series inductor is replaced by a
• parallel capacitor.
The purpose of capacitor is
to reduce the variation in the
output voltage,
voltage making it
more like dc.
• The resistance may
represent an external load,
while the capacitor is a filter
of rectifier circuit.
Mohd Rusllim Mohamed
Half-wave with R-C load

• Assume the capacitor is uncharged, and as

source positively increased, diode is forward
• As diode is on,
on the output
voltage is the same as
source voltage,
voltage and
capacitor charges.
• Capacitor is charged to Vm as input voltage reaches its
positive peak at ωt = π/2.
• As source decreases after ωt = π/2, /2 the capacitor discharges
into load resistor.
resistor As diode is reversed biased,
biased the load is
isolated from source,
source and the output voltage (capacitive
charge) decaying exponentially with time constant RC.
Mohd Rusllim Mohamed RC
Half-wave with R-C load
• The angle ωt = θ is the
point when diode turns Vm sin ω t 2π + α ≤ ω t ≤ 2π + θ
off. Vo (ω t ) =  − (ω t − θ ) / ω RC
• The diode will stay off Vθ e θ ≤ ω t ≤ 2π + α
until the capacitor and where, Vθ = Vs sin θ
input voltages become
equal again.

• The effectiveness of capacitor filter is determined by the

variation in output voltage, or expressed as maximum and
minimum output voltage, which is peak-to-peak ripple
Half-wave with R-C load (Ripple
∆Vo = Vmax − Vmin
• The ripple: = Vm − Vm sin α
= Vm (1 − sin α )

• if Vθ≈Vm and θ≈π/2, then ripple can be approximated as

 2π   Vm 
∆Vo = Vm   =  
 ωRC   fRC 
• The output voltage ripple is reduced by increasing the filter capacitor, C.
Anyhow, this results in a larger peak diode current.

Vm sin α
I D , peak = ωCVm cos α +
 sin α 
= Vm ωC cos α + 
 R 
Example 4

• The half-wave rectifier has 120Vrms source at

60Hz, R=500Ω, C=100µF and delay when diode
turns on is given 48o. Determine
– The expression of output voltage
– Ripple voltage
– Peak diode current
– Sketch and label the output waveform
– Value of C as ripple voltage is 1% of Vm, and hence
find new α under this condition.
Example 4 (cont)
For parameter given (ii) Ripple Voltage
Vm = 120 2 = 169.7V
∆Vo = Vm (1 − sin α )
ωRC = 2π (60)(500)(1×10 ) = 18.85 rad −6

= 169.7[1 − sin(0.843)]
Angle θ = − tan −1 (−18.85) + π = 1.62 rad
Angle α = 48o = 0.843 rad
= 43V
Vm sin θ = (169.7) sin 1.62 = 169.5V (iii) Peak diode current

(i) Output Voltage  sin(0.843) 

I D , peak = 169.7 377(10 −4 ) cos(0.843) + 
 500 
169.7 sin ωt 2π + α ≤ ωt ≤ 2π + θ = 4.50 A
Vo (ωt ) =  − (ωt −1.62 ) / 18.85
169.5 e θ ≤ ωt ≤ 2π + α
Example 4 (cont)
(iv) Waveform must be properly labeled according to data

(v) Capacitor value

For ∆Vo =0.01Vm
 Vm   Vm 
C = fR∆V   =3333µF
 (60)(500)(0.01V ) 
 o   m 
 ∆Vo 
α =sin −1

1 − 

 Vm 
 1 
=sin −1 
1 − 

 fRC 
 1 
=sin −1 
1 − 

 (60)(500)(3333 ×10 −6 
=81.9 o
RL Source Load

• To supply a dc source
from an ac source Vm sin α = Vdc
V 
α = sin −1  dc 
 Vm 

• The diode will remain

off as long as the
voltage of ac source is
less than dc voltage.

• Diode starts to
conduct at ωt=α.
Given by,
RL Source Load

rms current ,

I rms = ∫i 2
(ωt ) d (ωt)
2π α
and , average current ,
Io = ∫i (ωt ) d (ωt)
Power , Pac =PR +Pdc
=I rms
R +IVdc
Example 5

• The RL half-wave rectifier has 120Vrms source at

60Hz, R=2Ω, L=20mH, Vdc =100V with extinction
angle given by 193o. Determine
– The expression of current in the circuit
– Power absorbed by resistor
– Power absorbed by dc source
– Power supplied by ac source
– Power factor
– Draw the waveform
Example 5 (cont)
Solution (i) Current Equation
For parameter given

ii) Power absorbed by resistor

Example 5 (cont)
iii) Power absorbed by dc source
v) Power factor

iv) Power supplied

v) Waveform
- Refer notes
Freewheeling Diode (FWD)

• Note that, previously discussed uncontrolled half-wave RL

load rectifier allows load current to present at certain period
(current decreasing by time since opposing negative cycle of
input), hence reducing the average output voltage due to the
negative segment.

• In other word, for single-phase, half wave rectifier with R-L

load, the load (output) current is NOT CONTINUOUS.

• A FWD (sometimes known as commutation diode) can be

placed in parallel to RL load to make the load (output)
current continuous.
Freewheeling Diode (FWD)
• Note that both D1and D2 cannot be
turned on at the same time.
• For a positive cycle voltage source,
– D1 is on,
on D2 is off
– The voltage across the R-L load is
the same as the source voltage.

• For a negative cycle voltage source,

– D1 is off,
off D2 is on
– The voltage across the
R-L load is zero.
– However, the inductor
contains energy from
positive cycle.
cycle The load
current still circulates
Mohd Rusllim Mohamed through the R-L path.
Freewheeling Diode (FWD)
• negative cycle voltage source (cont),
– But in contrast with the normal half
wave rectifier, negative cycle of
FWD does not consist of supply
voltage in its loop.

– Hence the “negative part” of Vo as

shown in the normal half-wave
Vm Vo
Vo = ; Io = ; Po = I rms
π R

• Irms is determined from Fourier Hence, I rms = I + ∑ I k2, rms
component of current k =1

V 2V 1
In = n ; Vn = 2 m
( ) =
2π ∫0
ω ω =
Zn n −1 π Vrms ,n=1 [Vs sin( t )] d ( t )
Mohd Rusllim Mohamed
Z n = R + jnωo L ; n =2, 4, 6... - same as uncontrolled RLoad Rectifier
Example 6
• Uncontrolled R-L load rectifier, has a problem of discontinuous load
current. Suggest a solution to the problem by justifying your answer
through its principles of operation and waveform.

Operation of FWD and its waveform (refer notes)
Example 7
• Determine the average load voltage and current, and
determine the power absorbed by the resistor in the FWD
circuit, where R=2Ω and L=25mH, Vm=100V; 60Hz.

•The average load voltage and current,

Vm 100
Vo = = = 31.8V
π π

Vo 31.8
Io = = = 15.9 A
R 2
Example 7 (cont)
2(100) Fourier Impedance
Vn = .......(i )
( )
n 2 −1 π
Zn = 2 + jn[( 2π )( 60 ) ( 25 ×10 )] .......(ii )
Z 0 = 2 + j ( 0 )[9.425] = 2Ω
Z1 = 2 + j (1)[9.425] = 9.63Ω
Vn 200
In = = 2
Zn [( ) ]
n −1 π [ 2 + j 9.425n ]
.......(iii )

n = 2,4,6..... Z 2 = 2 + j ( 2 )[9.425] = 18.96Ω

The ac voltage amplitudes, Z 4 = 2 + j ( 4 )[9.425] = 37.75Ω
Z 6 = 2 + j ( 6 )[9.425] = 56.58Ω
V1 = = 50V
2(100) Note: angle note included in calculation
V2 = 2 = 21.2V
( 2 − 1)π
V4 = 2 = 4.24V
( 4 − 1)π
V6 = 2 = 1.82V
( 6 − 1)π
Example 7 (cont)
Resulting Fourier Terms are as follows:
• Power Absorbed
n Vn (V) Zn (Ω) In (A)
0 31.8 2 15.9 Po = I rms
1 50 9.63 5.19
= (16.34 ) (2)

2 21.2 18.96 1.12

4 4.24 37.75 0.11
= 534W
6 1.82 56.58 0.03
• rms current

I rms = I o2 + ∑ I k2,rms
k =1

2 2 2
 5.19   1.12   0.11 
= 15.9 2 +   +  + 
 2   2   2 
= 16.34 A
The Controlled Half-wave Rectifier

• Previously discussed are classified as uncontrolled

• Once the source and load parameters are established, the
dc level of the output and power transferred to the load are
fixed quantities.
• A way to control the output is to use SCR instead of diode.
Two condition must be met before SCR can conduct:
– The SCR must be forward biased (VSCR>0)
– Current must be applied to the gate of SCR
Controlled, Half-wave R load
• A gate signal is
applied at ωt = α,
where α is the
delay/firing angle.
Average " DC" output voltage,
Vo = Vave = VDC = ∫
2π α
Vm sin(ωt ) dωt Average power absorbed by resistor,
V 2 rms
[1 + cos α ] P = I rms R =

2π R
= ∫ ω d (ωt )
Vo , rms where, Vo , rms [V sin( t )]
Vs 2π 0
I o , rms = =
R 2R Vm α sin(2α )
= 1− +
2 π 2π
Example 8

• Design a circuit to produce an average voltage of 40V

across 100Ω load resistor from a 120Vrms 60 Hz ac source.
Determine the power absorbed by the resistor and the
power factor.

Briefly describe what happen if the circuit is replaced by

diode to produce the same average output.
Example 8 (Cont)
• Solution V 2 rms 75.6 2
P= = = 57.1W
R 100
In such that to achieved 40V
average voltage, the delay angle pf = = 0.63
 75.6 
(120) 
must be  100 
Vs • If an uncontrolled diode is used,
Vo = [1 + cos α ] the average voltage would be

120 2 Vs 2 (120)
40 = [1 + cos α ] Vo = = = 54V
2π π π
α = 61.2 o = 1.07 rad • That means, some reducing
average resistor to the design must
Vm α sin( 2α ) be made. A series resistor or
Vo , rms = 1− +
2 π 2π inductor could be added to an
120 2 1.07 sin[ 2(1.07)] uncontrolled rectifier,
rectifier while
= 1− + controlled rectifier has advantage
2 π 2π of not altering the load or
= 75.6V introducing the losses
Controlled, Half-wave R-L load
• The analysis of the circuit is very
much similar to that of uncontrolled
 V   α −ωt 
 
 [sin( wt − θ ) − sin(α − θ )e  ωτ  for α ≤ ωt ≤ β
i ( wt ) =  Z 
0 otherwise

 ωL  L
and Z = R 2 + (ωL) 2 , θ = tan −1  , τ =
 R  R

rms current ,
2π β
1 1 2
= ∫α ω ω = ∫ i (ωt ) d (ωt )
I rms i ( t ) d ( t )
2π 2π α
and , average current ,
Io = ∫
2π α
i (ωt ) d (ωt )
Controlled, Half-wave R-L load
The average output voltage,
β Vm
1 Vm sin(ωt )dωt = [cos α − cos β ]
Vo = ∫
2π α

The average power absorbed by load ,

P = I rms
R ;
Example 9
• For controlled RL rectifier, the source is 120Vrms
at 60Hz, R=20Ω, L=0.04H, delay angle is 45o
and extinction angle is 217o. Determine
i. An expression for i(ωt)
ii. Average current and voltage
iii. Power absorbed by load
iv. Power factor
Example 9 (cont)
For parameter given

(i) Current Equation

Example 9 (cont)
ii) Average current and voltage iv) Power absorbed by resistor

v) Power factor

iii) rms current

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